It just gets more sad!

By LostInSpace •
Have a look at this story and give opinion on what you think the sentence should have been if you were a judge? I often post such threads because it really is beyond belief to me that judges (especially in the UK) are so pathetic at handing out sensible sentences. I wonder what the sentence would have been if it were his father?
ooops double post.
My heart sheds teats of blood seeing such brutality.
has had 10 death threats.... hmmmm.... pity they are only threatening....
criminal, thats all i can say!
I am sure he will get it in no time, someone like this deserves to be kicked the sh*T out of..
Recorder Peter Digney told Kent he had decided by the ‘slightest margin’ not to send him to jail.
I can't see ANYTHING in favour of the defendent which can support this statement.
last time, some sicko got away with nothing but community service and curfew for beating up an autistic child.. and now this... :/
What's going on here? Is being violent and causing mayhem which results in grievous bodily harm but not death now acceptable and understood by some judges? Is it that these judges themselves had such demonic desires as youths that makes them sympathize with such psychos? Rightfully this douche bag deserves a good long sentence in prison so that he may then taste a part of the pain he caused a poor dieing man!Reading this article truly is so saddening and despairing in the legal system. Ah well..what goes around comes around and I hope this man gets his comeuppance soon..Aameen!
And WHY did he get a suspended sentence? I can't see any explanation for this in the article?
Was the judge on drugs or something?????
How can this happen? Im absolutely disgusted! and the recorder should be shot!
5 years for such an assault on an elderly person. Effing yobs are out of control. And uour courts are either too busy being politically correct or bleeding hearts to remember what justice even smells like.
I was sickened by this and responded to the Daily Mail yesterday. In my opinion, they should have got 5 years. What really pissed me off was the comment from the recorder justifying his decision..