Isn't it Bizaare?

By damselindistress •
I've seen this in one of my friend's post in FB, and honestly i was shocked when the first baby was threw out.. (my heart jumped off as
What is this for? Is this really necessary? safe?
For me, this one is really scary. :(
lol..LP, in that case, this could be a good paragliding site.:)
DK, you know that the value of "g" depends on where you are. So, maybe in that place there isn't really much mass below their feet, that's why the babies are swaying gently to the ground.
is that how their cricketers learn to catch? i suppose if it gets them the world cup why change it.
So, these people haven't still found out the exact value of 'g'??
Agreed. This is more cultural and practised by followers of all the religions...
It's nothing to do with religion. it's a tradition which is rooted in superstition. Don't let this topic get into a my god is better than your god mode.
no logic there my friend,, how come dropping a baby will make them prosper? really no sense at all
Yes Marco, as it says, they expect this to bring prosperity to their families.
drsam: Just wanted to make a point, because you mentioned that in your post , and almost every Lebanese I know in real life says the same thing.
Back to the topic: Can anybody explain the logic/reason why these people were shooting babes into the air?
sick! & very clearly child abuse...very sad.
Oh, but it is soo much easier to make those who can't defend themselves suffer.
yeh!!! and see how they feel!! good one !!
Those poor lil babies. Mentally and physically tortured for the sake of some grownups twisted beliefs. Why don't these adults jump off instead and leave the kids alone??
back to topic,
notice the Moro reflex (abduction and crying) of the fallen baby. it MIGHT be a kind of singling out abnormal babies.
"its absence indicates a profound disorder of the motor system. An absent or inadequate Moro response on one side is found in infants with hemiplegia, brachial plexus palsy, or a fractured clavicle. Persistence of the Moro response beyond 4 or 5 months of age is noted only in infants with severe neurological defects."
yes Marco.
who said all lebanese are from phenician origin?
for one i'm probably not (altho i said earlier "my ancestors"). my family came to lebanon from eastern turkey around 700 AD. and that too is not sure.
it was a religious ritual. but it was done when facing extreme hardships, namely famine. it was practically a way to reduce demographic figures and mouthes to feed. the lebanese land being able to sustain only a limited number of population. that's why many phoenicians ventured and emigrated to other countries.
Look at the Faces of Babies........ :(
They Should believe in GOD/ALLAH, rather then Believing in the myths of their Elders...
Indeed lack of Education!
With the way they shook the baby and let them fall afterwards, most likely will not put this children in good health....
Speaking of baby shaken syndrome... I hope none of these children will suffer from that.
Only a tiny minority of about 25% of the whole Lebanese population are actually of true/direct Phoenician ancestry. The rest are a wide mixture of Arabs/ Turks / Armenians / Greeks /Cyprians / Africans and so on.
There are also indigenous Phoenician communities found all over the Mediterranean coast. In Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Syria, Turkey, Malta, Italy, Algeria so on.
So really the concept of all Lebanese coming from Phoenicians bloodline is Scientifically a complete myth.
Not all Lebanese are Phoenician only a small percentage of them are. Lebanon is a mixture of cultures and a land where many empires have left their mark.
Source :………
Can't stand to watch the whole thing :|
Yes..And someone is really working hard to stop this practice in that temple, I read somewhere.
OK fine, it is ancient custom, and people believe it will bring prosperity to their families. Then let us many families have prospered after throwing their baby?
Does anybody know?
Because, this would only make sense ( not that it does to me, but anyway) IF it can be proven that this really brings a definite increase in prosperity to those who practice it.
Otherwise it would be child abuse.
This is NOT a sacrificial ritual. It is an annual event where parents believe that it will bring good health and prosperity for their families.
Ancient custom. Still practised today.
most probably the baby will cry.. OMG!
These are drsam's ancestors:
drsam, is this some kind of sacrificial ritual? (plain and genuine question coming from me).
its a crime , how can they allow such an event...
lol! LP
it's still safer than spiderman being given green light to climb the torch tower with no safety! altho he's doing it willingly, while those babies...
drsam always sees the bright side of life.
these babies are lucky; my ancestors used to give their babies as human sacrifice for the pagan god Baal.
they'll never learn.
No accidents or no mishaps. Parents are happy doing that! So why are you worried about safety. I am sure they have worked the trick properly!
cant see video at office :(
On what basis are these kids thrown?
My heart skipped a bit!
blank stare.. :(
those babies will soon be worshiped