Iran attacking other Arab Countries

By MikaylasMom

I just read an article in the Peninsula that mentions if Iran is attacked by Israel or the US, then Iran will attack US Bases in neighboring countries like Qatar and Bahrain. I am wondering, is there anyone out there from these two countries who is telling the Iranian president to slow down and think about what he is saying. I am sure that Qatar and Bahrain do not want to get dragged into a war they had nothing to do with. I fear for the civilians here who have nothing to do with Israel or US decisions and will suffer anyway. What if the Iranian president sees Education City here in Qatar as a US interest? Sure it has American Universities, but it is here for the Arab Nations. These Universities were invited here by Qatar to help educate their youth. Will Qatar be wiped off the map because of all this? I am getting really worried, aren't you all??

By KellysHeroes• 16 Jul 2008 13:15



By anonymous• 16 Jul 2008 13:10



By Gypsy• 16 Jul 2008 13:02

I really can't see anyone being foolish enough to use nukes, not after what happened in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, we know the power of them now, and whoever used them would have the entire world gang up against them.


By anonymous• 16 Jul 2008 12:54

Bush,Blair,Amedinnerjacket. Before, there was Saddam.Now it may be Mcain,another war monger.



By Withnail• 16 Jul 2008 12:47

but nothings suggests the US or her allies will go nuclear.

i'm no fan of Bush or foreign policy, but in general the americans are very good at making war. they are crap at keeping the peace, but going in fast and making the most of their air superiority is something they are quite good at.

that's what they'll do in iran.

the world economy would go belly up in the US used nuclear weapons. at the end of day, money talks for US politicians too.


"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I

By anonymous• 16 Jul 2008 12:43



By Withnail• 16 Jul 2008 12:32

saddam did in the first gulf war - no one went went nuclear then.

they'll go in with conventional weapons and within a short time have the nuclear sites and a good deal of the missile sites destroyed. shortly after they'll get the sites they missed (the ones that manage to shoot off some missiles into Qatar or Bahrain or wherever).

i'm more worried about the backlash that comes after, as such an attack would certainly help terrorist groups in their recruiting.


"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I

By anonymous• 16 Jul 2008 12:29

u dont worry, Iran shall wipe them including u :)

By anonymous• 16 Jul 2008 12:07

cop a shyt load of incoming in return.

And lets not forget, USA has around 22,500 Nukes at its disposal, yer think Bush really gives a rats @ss about Iran.And Mcain aint much better !



By Withnail• 16 Jul 2008 12:04

they'll bomb the facilities from the air and go home. they won't invade or try to remove the leadership. and in 5-10 years when they rebuild everything they'll bomb it again.


"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I

By anonymous• 16 Jul 2008 11:58

And then we are all F***** !!!

Except Cockroaches.....



By Kanu08• 16 Jul 2008 11:57

and make the world open their eyes whether it ends like the history of Vietnam or Iraq.

For sure once started there is no turning back....

By pj_asual• 16 Jul 2008 11:46

Iran has no greater force than her mouth. She is like a dog barking his lungs out to scare a monster. It is obvious from their missile test last week that they are way too inferior. One of their missile did not fire and covered it up using photoshop. And mind you most of it are old 1980's vintage.

By pj_asual• 16 Jul 2008 11:44

Yes we are grateful to the yanks. Our forefathers fought with them against a common enemy. But it doesn't mean we are indebted to them all our lives. America has also vested interests in our country at the time and as of the present and I can't hold them at fault if they protect such interest.

By pj_asual• 16 Jul 2008 11:41

After reading comments here,I can't help but shake my head in disgust. Most of the comment are emotion-based with no supporting facts at all.

By hashimozotoyama• 16 Jul 2008 09:24
Rating: 4/5

But coming back to the issue of the thread, if the US chooses to attack Iran for whatever reason, it will do so most probably from the Air bases in the arab neighboring countries. So common sense says it will try to strike at those bases to reduce the American striking capability. So any country that has US air bases, well what do they expect?

By hashimozotoyama• 16 Jul 2008 09:09

I couldn't help laughin at your comment "How about this for a suggestion - how about Muslims stop killing innocent civilians? Do you think that's at all possible?". What the hell are you talking about? How many "innocent civilians" were killed in the invasion of Afghanistan? The Bosnian war? The invasion of Iraq? The occupation of Palestine? But all you can do is point your finger at the few radicals who choose to go "an eye for an eye" albeit in an unorthodox way. Man wake up and smell what you're diggin'. The fact is wherever America sets foot, civilians will die. And don't come back to me with the usual 911 crap that America has used to justify its oil addicted imperialist agenda. Even OBL is not so stupid as to give the US a blank check to invade any country it wishes in retaliation.

By zambo• 15 Jul 2008 18:23

Till when this american regime?....I hope it will end so soon but the que is who will be the next? are they going to be better for the world? but any one will not! unless they upholds the law of God....bec. God already mentioned that unless people will not hold on to the real deen then they will always be given an ignorant leader...(exact wording would vary..but thats the core meaning of the message correct me if im wrong with regards to this)



"swim like a current,stand like a rock"

By zambo• 15 Jul 2008 18:13

no one can stop this war or any war except GOD alone! because no one can control any one forver!

. I believe if america is itself producing anything should also allow any one capable of. but why bias allow other and ban others and thats the problem of double standards if only she is fair and balnce then who will complain, who will defy whom?


"swim like a current,stand like a rock"

By Winn• 15 Jul 2008 17:44

Well, I do belive that the world is best 'managed' in parts n by the people who inhabit those parts.

What I dont understand is what makes anyone the authority to decide who should have N weapons and how much.

Whether its US policies or Iran's policies end of the day only one's who lose out are the civilians of the attacked countries where war has been declared to promote peace!!

Abt 'leading the free world' n stuff, thts jus an adline created by the King Oil n ofcourse the Defense contractors who do not need to write copy for their products as such. The concept that will do the selling for them is domination and war.

n adding to what somebody here said it does look like even the public of US is held hostage by the war-mongerers.

21st century colonialism is here. n its not territorial ambitions this time, its world power n big money. its US this time, not UK or France or Spain.

History repeats, only the players change.

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 17:12

Well who is killing most innocent people in this world today? Muslims or non Muslims? get your calculator.

See Muslims arent all pure people, everyone community has its ups and downs but you are wrong to justy your agenda that Islam teaches killing innocent people.

if you want to approve what Bush said, well Bush has already caused his damage to muslims and other people , but luckily most people dont agree with you and him.

Islam isnt a thread but a solution,

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By zambo• 15 Jul 2008 17:08

paul about that? uhmm i was not involve at that time...but infact we driven them away since that time

till the last u.s base....and still driving them out...their unwanted support...if it would had not been of america! Japan would have been better for us thats if to choose between them. with out them we should have been a different filipinos now! they ruin our lives


"swim like a current,stand like a rock"

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 17:06

Okay, so I take it that what you're saying is that Muslims are peaceful people who condemn in the strongest possible terms the killing of innocent civilians.

But when Muslims kill innocent civilians, well, it's okay because it's a way.

How about this for a suggestion - how about Muslims stop killing innocent civilians? Do you think that's at all possible?

Or are they all, in fact, the muderous individuals they are portrayed to be in the west? Perhaps Bush was right all along, and Islam DOES represent the greatest threat to civilisation.

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 17:01
Rating: 3/5

Well dont just look justification for your hatred, I didnt say Islam allows killing innocent people, if you read my comment i said there will be innocent people killed, either by Iran or its Attackers.

this is normal and everyone agrees with me, there is always be innocent lives lost when there is war, and if you have something else to prove then go ahead.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 16:54

You are such a hypocrite realsome.

You say:

"See any civilians casualties will be the responsibility of Israel and US."

In which case you mean that it isn't Iran's fault that the Iranian bombs dropped by Iranian planes onto civilian kill civilians. It's okay, it's America's fault. Sh*t happens.

Then you say:

"Islam made clear that killing innocent people no matter their faith is like killing the whole world".

If the Iranians, and Muslims in general TRULY believed this, and the rest of their so called religion, they wouldn't be bombing Doha and Manama and the rest of the gulf.

Sick people like you are 100% of Islam's problem.

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 16:44

Rami all religions of God are peacefull dont blame the religions for some peoples actions, Islam made clear that killing innocent people no matter their faith is like killing the whole world, therefore come down from your position read the faith and respect those who respect the laws of the religion.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 16:43

"Islam was a religion of peace"

Yes you are right but it is no more. thanks tp Mullahs and extreamists :(

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 16:39

Islam was a religion of peace.

Christianity was too.

Times change.

Religious people will think of any reason to kill civilians. Part of god's plan, or some equally vile crap.

I hate all these religious freaks, but I take comfort in knowing that they will burn in hell for their evil views.

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 16:35

Well LTD the creator has not only created the world but he set guidelines for us to follow and from the most actions America did they were against these rules.

secondly, destiny means everything is got a final destination but God has given has permitted us to do good and bad, but he recommends that we do good and we are accountable for everything we do on this world.

therefore Gods justice will come, if not on this world in the here after.

and hey I dont believe the problem lies in the land of America or its people, the problem lies in the few war mongers.

anyway i thought this wasnt a religious discussion but merely political.

MikaylasMom I wish everyone reads about islam and judges it through its books but not a behaviour of individual human.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By MikaylasMom• 15 Jul 2008 16:28

Living The Dream, I know what you are saying and there is no easy answers. Maybe if these countries requested aid or intervention from the US or other countries. We as a country got involved in something here in the Middle East that has been going on for centuries. It is their right to do what they feel they need to do, as long as it doesn't spill into our backyard. But then it did because we all know that OIL is KING and the world is a greedy place. On another note, I recently bought a book on Islam because I wanted to know more about it and I really don't know anyone here that I trust to tell me about Islam and it's teachings, but from what I gather in the first few chapters on the history of Islam, all of this jihad going on, is not really supported in the way it is being used by the faith. Now remember, I am not a Muslim, I am just in the beginning stages of this book, which I take from it that Islam was supposed to be a peaceful loving brotherhood of faith and worship. I haven't read anything about it is ok to kill someone because they don't believe in what you do.

By LivingTheDream• 15 Jul 2008 16:18

I completely agree with you...I don't think we should be leading the world anymore, but who should take on the responsibility? Should everyone just mind their own business and not get involved?

What about the the typhoon that affected Asia a few years ago? Oh well your problem not ours!

Germany in the 1930's and 1940's? Sorry Poland/France/Britain you'll just have to deal with it on your own!

Sudan? Just glad it's not in my backyard!

You know what I'm trying to say?

By hashimozotoyama• 15 Jul 2008 16:14

The US has been sabre rattling on this issue for ages now. They certainly have lost 'the element of surprise' (Sun Tzu). Has anyone wondered why they haven't attacked yet? Politics is sometimes more complicated than portrayed in the mass media. Alot of deals are being done behind the scenes. We'll only find out in about 20 years from now ;)

By LivingTheDream• 15 Jul 2008 16:12

Sorry about baiting you into this....

So by your statement you're saying that the "creator" is in charge of all on this earth?

Ok, I'll play along with that.

If the creator is in charge then why doesn't it just stop the U.S. from interfering into others business?

A better question would be why did the creator even create this piece of land known as America and it's citizens (including it's politicians) if all they were going to do was create misery on this earth?

Surely the creator would have known all of this in advance don't you think?

Your statement is what I believe is what's truly wrong with this world in a nutshell. Nobody wants to be responsible for themselves. Parents have children without any regard for how they will afford to raise them. People spend more money than they make and then want a free handout on the backs of the people who are responsible and don't live outside their means. People who are religious believe that everything that happens is happening for an unknown reason etc, etc, etc.....

If this is all part of destiny then why get upset if it's what the creator wanted all along?

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 16:08

very grateful to the Yanks after they bailed out yer country out during WW2.



By crazyfish• 15 Jul 2008 15:50

Why the hell US/Israel/British governments have to poke their hand in to other countries..

What did united corps find in Iraq??? any nuclear weapons?? Only thing tht US leaving in Iraq is violence??? discrimination??

Israel is the one & only country in the world that was profound by US & UK in PROSTITUTION..

So we welcome the statement of Irani President... atleast he has & iranian community has the backbone to stand up against violence unlike some MUPPET'S in GCC countries.

Allmighty should grant more & more of his faith to Iran

By MikaylasMom• 15 Jul 2008 15:50

Living The Dream, maybe Canada can do a better job at that then the US, you never hear about Canada having the problems with it's government like the US. The US has some great things, but I don't think the country is really in a position to be anyone's leader.

By Vegas• 15 Jul 2008 15:48

You can't teach experience

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 15:48

LOL you make me laugh LTD, the world has already got someone to manage it , its Creator...he didnt appointed the US to do his job.

infact thats little arogant but its OK since you already mention it.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By LivingTheDream• 15 Jul 2008 15:43

I can understand why you feel that way but can you provide me with another option?

I don't believe the world can operate on it's own without guidance from someone/something else. I know it is shi**y to say and might come off as a little arogant but who could lead the world better that the U.S.?

By zambo• 15 Jul 2008 15:41

the worlds is not made better by america....excuse me worsen!

"swim like a current,stand like a rock"

By Vegas• 15 Jul 2008 15:38

or a plane to attack back with...

You can't teach experience

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 15:36

thanks for lighting up that really explains it, I personality dont appreciate people who target people for where they came from.

LTD, i am bitter because i dont stand for injustice, i know America is making mistake again and is interfering every country.

what i am most bitter is wat america did to my own country and people, and doing it right now.

I am not sure a new US president will bring a change, and that is why i dont care who they elect but atleast they might make a little difference by choosing a person who doesnt favor war so much.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By LivingTheDream• 15 Jul 2008 15:28

Why do you sound so bitter?

Sure America has made mistakes and will continue to make mistakes, but can you honestly say that someone would do a better job in leading the free world into a better era?

If you think so please give some examples.

I certainly don't think Somalia would do any better

By MikaylasMom• 15 Jul 2008 15:25

realsomeone, the American people have a poor choice in who to elect, and quite a few don't vote at all for lack of a candidate that they believe in. Some people vote for the lesser of two evils. I don't vote, we know it is not the American people who elect a president, it is the electoral college (remember Bush/Gore) who are all related to the congress and senate. So really if all Americans stopped voting it would be the government itself that elects the president based off of what that president can do for their special interests. I refuse to be blamed for this. We can not control what goes on in the mind of the presidential candidates and we have no idea of knowing what they are discussing behind closed doors. As is any government, there are things that they choose not to let their people know because they know the country as a whole would never stand for it.

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 15:19
Rating: 3/5

They will get the holy land free from Zionists, so they will be happy in there.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 15:19
Rating: 2/5

Its wrong to blame you, but its right to blame for the whole of American people they elected these war mongerers.

and their decision this year will again show whether they are to blame again or not.

remember "bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran" i guess you know who made this statement.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 15:18

Kids all over the world should be banned to play war games once forever. It's nice when politicians and world leaders fighting from very secured caves and we people supporting their idiotic ideas.

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 15:17

realsomeone - I am talking to Lunatic Mullahs like you not to anybody else :)

By MikaylasMom• 15 Jul 2008 15:16

Maybe that was the wrong thing to say,but it pi**es me off that I am an American and I have to be blamed for things that I have no control over what my country does and that I might be killed for as a casualty of war.

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 15:15

Yes True. Then Palestinians can settle down in Iran forever :)

By MikaylasMom• 15 Jul 2008 15:13

pmmali...everyone knows that the US citizens have no control over what their government does. I thought it was a bunch of BS for the US to invade Iraq, but the US government makes the decisions, not the US people as a whole. I wish the US would mind it's own business and let the other nations of the world do what they want in their own lands.

By LivingTheDream• 15 Jul 2008 15:13

I think if Iran gets attacked they will have no one to blame but themselves. Sure they will try to deflect blame on the United States as well as Israel but ultimately it was their decision to make.

If your program is only for peaceful purposes, prove it!

Why should they be made to prove their intent before continuing? Because Iran has already shown they are hiding something. Inspectors have found blueprints, trace amounts of weapons grade uranium, etc. during the limited inspections that were held.

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 15:13
Rating: 3/5

I guess you are talking to the Arabs...not Iranians or Somalis!

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 15:12

I hope they (Israel) will do it and Palestinians wont be refugees anymore..

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 15:11

Don't ever forget the Six Day war :)

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 15:10

I hope Israelis will take care of this sooner than later :)

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 15:08

ah what a good planner you are , do you think everything is going to go so well that they will bomb just a nuclear plant and not cause another damage in Iran?

hey be realistic this is a war, if they start it it wont just end with nuclear plant destroyed or etc, I wont be happy that iran bomb doha manama or tel aviv but they have the right to revenge if they are attacked, and they have the right to destroy American basis and what so ever.

but will you gaurantee. that if america attacks iran, it will just destroy nuclear plant and wont kill single Iranin innocent life??? will you gaurrantee this??

i guess not and at the same time, we cannot guarantee the same wont happen around us and in Israel..

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By Khanan• 15 Jul 2008 15:06

the nuclear facility is only for peaceful purposes...for power generation and enrgy needs as all other developed countries and some developing country have...

They never found WMD in Iraq....


Have Courage To Live.

Anyone Can Die.

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 15:02

No one here is justifying or commending what the US or Israel is trying to do. No one here is saying that it is okay for them to have invaded Iraq or to be planning to invade Iran.

What I take issue with is your statement that if, for instance, the US bomb some nuclear facility in the middle of the desert in deepest, darkest Iran, it will totally acceptable and understandable for the Iranians to respond by bombing parts of Doha and Manama and killing thousands of civilians.

That, you are saying, will be the fault of the Americans, not the Iranians.

Am I understanding you?

By pmmali• 15 Jul 2008 14:59
Rating: 3/5

@ MikaylasMom

(am wondering, is there anyone out there from these two countries who is telling the Iranian president to slow down and think about what he is saying.)

Why Dont you try to say American Govenment to MIND YOU BUSSINESS ONLY.

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 14:57

well rami i am not here to start personal fights with you, vukpop many of my relatives died without doing anything to America or any other country.

What i said is innocent people will always die where there is war, no one can guarantee their safety.

So what i am saying is let us not predict a war and if we do predict, let us also predict the innocent lives that will be lost....

Why the americans killed half million Iraqis to capture Sadam? why did they killed more than 6000 in Somalia to get so called extremists? why are they killed people in wedding and everywhere in afghanistan? common let us be clear.

when America and its allies stop policing this world, the innocent people will be safe.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 14:54

Please do not hesitate to post here when the Israelis beat the shyt out of Iranian Mullahs ;)

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 14:50

"...therefore i cant gaurantee a war without innocent lives lost."

That innocent life could be you and someone close to you, so what, are you going to be a proud.

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 14:46

That's always the way. Any attrocities on the part of insane islamicists is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

Killing civilians in 9/11 was really someone else's fault because they happened to be American.

In fact killing civilians generally is okay, because, you know, they deserve to die.

What utter, total crap, and you know it.

You should be ashamed to call yourself 'Muslim' you sick, evil man.

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 14:41

See any civilians casualties will be the responsibility of Israel and US. Iran needs to sacrifice some people to defend their country from these two evils.

therefore i cant gaurantee a war without innocent lives lost.

You guys have to stop blaming the Iranians there is no war now, tell the war mongers in The white house and In Tel Aviv to stop provacating Iran.. it wont be as easy as Iraq.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 14:23

That's right, MikaylasMom.

It's much more noble, just and proper to knowingly kill civilians, even if they are your own nationals, just to prove a point.

So mature.

No wonder some of these middle east countries are stuck in the dark ages.

By MikaylasMom• 15 Jul 2008 14:22
Rating: 4/5

What if Israel attacks before the new US administration is in place. I have read that they will do it before Bush leaves office. The US is "guilty by association". In other words, even if the US has nothing to do with an Israeli strike against Iran, US Bases and interests are going to be targeted by Iran. I really think that even if there is a high Iranian population in the GCC countries, it won't matter to Ahmedinajad, they will be casualties of war.

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 14:14

How is Iran good for the Gulf Nations? In what way are they doing anything proactively good??

By LivingTheDream• 15 Jul 2008 14:14
Rating: 3/5

I think everyone should start being realistic about the situation. Iran (along with Iraq, Syria, Eqypt, etc) has turned making threats into an art form... Their military would fall within a matter of days. I have no doubt that civilians would be killed but, most of that would be because of Iran's poor military equipment and how they use civilians to get the worlds attention much like Hezbollah did in 2006 against Israel.

They make these threats either before they're about to be attacked or before they are about to go on the offensive. Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, Arab-Israeli War, Yom Kippur War, etc. are great examples of this type of mindset.

There should be no question who has the superior firepower if and when the time comes. Iran would be obliterated if they were to attack a US Installation or if they were to open a full out attack on Israel. Instead they rely on these hit and run attacks while provoking the Great Satan and his little helper then turn around and "look what the west is doing to us poor arab and persian nations now... All we wanted to do was work this out diplomatically"

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 14:06

USA 100 times better but why nothing to say about my reasoning for Israel's might :)

By KellysHeroes• 15 Jul 2008 14:03
Rating: 2/5

They are encouring any group to destabilize the area. Take for example the Huthi rebels in Yemen and the unrest encouraged in Bahrain every now and then. Let aside Hizbulla and the huge troubles they are making in Lebanon.

GCC states are discouraging USA to take any action against Iran and they did object to using the bases for that purpose. Yet Iran is taking advantage of that and is harrasing and threatening everybody.

In my opinion. A quick action needs to be taken if Iran did not stop its craziness. Hope soon and before it is too late they know their exact size and capabilities.



By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 14:03

I will check this with someone close to Omar Al Fradan :)

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 14:02

Who is better for the gulf nations ? Iran or USA?

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By thexonic• 15 Jul 2008 13:58
Rating: 3/5

Charan, nah Al Fardan is Irani and there are a few other big businesses, even Al Ghanem store in City center, the new one on top floor is Iranian.


Fact file: "The Range Rover that American soldier is driving, was purchased from an Iranian in Qatar."


By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 13:57
Rating: 2/5

Arab neighbors. Just by the threat, the two countries is starting to distant themselves to Iran and Iran knows it. He can not go alone against the US and Israel. It will be more damaging to Iran to involved its neighbors if ever.

"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 13:56

"run by Iranians, like Al Fardan for instance."

Thais is news to me. I thought Al Fradan is Lebenese Origin.

Pardon me for my clumsiness :(

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 13:53

Remember the Six Day War. I say leave it to Israelis to sort out Iran without USA intervention. It will be swift and fatal :)

By thexonic• 15 Jul 2008 13:51
Rating: 5/5

Iran wont attack the arab countries, except for one, which is Saudia Araiba. There are alot of Iranians around the gulf, specially in Qatar, Bahrain, UAE and Kuwait and alot of businesses in these countries r run by Iranians, like Al Fardan for instance. Although it might threaten to attack, it wont do it.


"If the enemy is in range, so are you." - Infantry Journal


By DohaSteve• 15 Jul 2008 13:46

Same as underestimating the Taliban? And underestimating the Iraqi army?



"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places". - Henny Youngman

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 13:42

it starts bombing its own people....



By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 13:38
Rating: 2/5

charan it seems you are just dosing yourself with under estimating Iran... man wakeup, i think its better you prepare to map the road to scaping incase things go crazy.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By falcon00111• 15 Jul 2008 13:38

Can any organisation or an individual stop the game of war ?

Y can't peace prevail where innocents and poor civilians live without fear....irrespective of their nationalities.

When will the Oil for blood system be over ?

By Kanu08• 15 Jul 2008 13:38
Rating: 4/5

Qatar and Bahrain are just opposite Iran.

Don't worry the war will not start till the next elected US president(in November).

Obama - war may not happen.

Mc Cain - possible.

Anyway by then my work contract ends! And I will be home.... ;)

All hail to the Iranians. They do proud for the Middle East Nations.

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 13:35

WE know Israel's fire power and planning are far superior to anyone in the region. They don't mearly utter words like "realsomeone" but hit you under the belt when the time comes and you least expected it :)

By koko37• 15 Jul 2008 13:11

We could be under estimating the Iranians? Everyone thinks that Israel will hit them right on target... what do we (civilians) know about where these targets are? Are we sure the targets are for real? Do we know they used all this technology to pin-point exactly where to hit? If it's anything like what they (thought) Iraq had, it's going to turn into WWIII!

Never say Never for fear of Forever!!

By britexpat• 15 Jul 2008 13:07

doing the dry run or the attack and the USA has played along..

Personaly I hope it does't come to this, because I doubt whether the Iranians will be allowed to fire off their missiles...

As we saw in the Gulf War, Iraq threatened and fired off som primitive missiles, which did little or no damage...

By macgyver426• 15 Jul 2008 13:06

let the war games begin...hahaha!

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy....Martin Luther King

By Khanan• 15 Jul 2008 13:04

yeah the US did think so when they attacked Iraq and Afghanistan....."to hit them into a pulp in a blink of any eye"...

Rest is history.....


Have Courage To Live.

Anyone Can Die.

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 13:02

However they won't dare to touch Somalia :)

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 13:01

Why would you put Ahmedinajad and the Abdullahi yusuf? , Yusuf is a criminal and CIA agent.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 13:01

I am not worried at all. USA & Israel will attack Iran 1st and hit them in to a pulp in a blink of an eye :)

By Tigasin321• 15 Jul 2008 12:59

Its too bad the US and Israel don't have reasonable, level heased and sane leaders like Ahmedinajad and Abdullahi YUSUF Ahmed. They are really good guys that everyone should get behind.

Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 12:53
Rating: 4/5

MR PAUL sorry for you, maybe you should prepare a makeshift home for yourself... we cant stop the mad rulers of USA and Israel.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By anonymous• 15 Jul 2008 12:50

mine included.

so yer will definately have "collateral damage" no matter how hard yer try !



By Khanan• 15 Jul 2008 12:45

Iran action will be just a natural reaction to the craziness from US or Isreal..i will be plain self defence..they need to use brain...

the bottom line...civillians and innocents are major vicitims of any war...


Have Courage To Live.

Anyone Can Die.

By realsomeone• 15 Jul 2008 12:44
Rating: 5/5

I think Iran has made clear that it wont attack countries that are not attacked from Iran...

If incase War erupts i think before that Its better Qatar and Bahrain expel US bases otherwise America will attack Iran from these basis either direct or indirect and that will give Iran an excuse.

I am not worried at all, I think atleast they wont target the civilians and the cities but only the basis.

Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!

- Jalaluddin al-Rumi

By stealth• 15 Jul 2008 12:42
Rating: 4/5

if you are worried then might as well you quit the place.

Once Americans and Israelis stop interfering in other countries problems everything will be solved.

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