Inhuman Policy of Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways is the only company in Qatar which do not provide a confirmed annual ticket to your home.The policy is that you could avail tickets in any airlines to any location by paying 10% or 50% of the fare. Also you cud travel free once in a year.
Sounds very tempting????But hear abt the other face.. You cud travel only if there are seats available just before departure.
You need to wait in the airport (maybe with your family and luggage) till you get a confirmation from the airline staff that there are vacant seats available. Else, you need to check for the next day...or the next day... or the next day....Imagine yourself undergoing this process with your family.....Could you travel in peace to your home??? Dont you think this as an Inhuman action.
Colt45 is right never bite the hand that feeds you. No company is perfect.. My brother has a 5 year contract with QA and he never seems to complain.. My aunt is been working with QA for the past 12 years no problems either.. Yes regarding the tickets i guess everbody knows that well before signing the contract. Staff in QA are just chance passengers.. Thats their rule.. I know so many people just wanting to get into QA you think by posting this they wouldnt guess again
yr, trust me colt45 is working for QA more then you did....
wat do u knw??
totally agree with yr and jjj75
If a staff member loses a bag while travelling, they are entitled to compensation???
who said so????
i lost my bag, and got nothing! nothing!! even the airport duty officer in my country lost his n he got nothing!!!!
u think i will keep my mouth shut if i'm entitled for compensation?? huh??
excuse me pls...
who are u to say i'm not sure of wat i'm talking????
i worked for that company for more than 3 yrs. i speak the truth. i worked at the airport and i knw wat i'm talking ok!
i know abt the medicals and all that rubbish!
probably ur just being fed bones by the CEO of qatar airways...
get a grip yall
Don't blurt out stuff you're not sure about. If a staff member loses a bag while travelling, they are entitled to compensation.Regarding the medical facilities, emergency medical facilities are available at the airport for all staff working within there. At all other times, depending on their grade of employment, they may be required to visit HMC for any other sickness.And if you don't know about all this while signing your terms of employment, you should learn to open your mouth and ask the concerned HR person about your entitlements before you sign it.
There is a legal requirement for companies who hire overseas workers to pay for them to go home - it is either once a year or once every 2 years.
which law?
perhaps the policy was in the fine print and only available when the person actually started with QA
either way, it is an abominable policy - I work in recruitment and I know of no other company that treats its employees this way in regard to their legal entitlement (ie they are actualy obliged by law to pay for a ticket home)
since you already know the policy, why didnt you in the first place pay for a confirmed ticket?
and Qatari pink lady - how would you feel if you had looked forward to your holiday all year got to departures with your family to be told
'No, sorry you are not travelling today maybe tomorrow and perhaps not even then' I doubt you would be happy with that state of affairs!
I think that you have missed the point here - ok, so they get reduced cost flights but his real gripe was about the fact that he has booked the time off, 'booked the flight' possibly booked accommodation at the other end and he has to sit in departures with his fingers crossed as to whether he will get bumped off the plane or not (and with his family in tow). Reduced cost flights /free flights mean nothing if you cannot actually get on them!
This is not a civilised way to treat an employee - I know of no other company in Qatar that says 'here have your 1 flight home a year,book it if you want but please don't bank on being able to actually take that actual flight, we may or may not allow you on it'
some just love to complain
Oh my God!
Such an inhuman Policy to let you wait for a flight that you have paid 10-50% of its costs!
and to hear that you can fly for free once a year is even a worse policy!!!
Could you even be more ungrateful for the hand that feeds you?
I wonder !!!
Mohd I think that you should be thankful that you have a job, a salary and the fact that you pay sooooo little in return for a short wait ...
Inhuman policy?Sounds to me like basic common sense from QA
Its in Every Airline, ID90, ID50, and Yes QA provides Annual Ticket once a Year, that too is Confirmed Economy Class...Priority is always for the Revenue Passenger, before even leaving your house, why don't you check the Flight load, on some sectors like say Karachi, Islamabad, People at the Staff Counter gave the boarding card in lets say 5 to 10 mins, and on some sectors like say Malaysia, Phils, etc where flights are always full, they need to wait for the No Show Passengers...
Sounds like a cruddy company to work for
yr dancing, no i certainly am far from perfect. But I know what a contract states before I sign it. That's for sure.There are plenty of airline forums if you, indeed, care to look for them. There you will find all the info you need.
i cannot totally agree on ur saying no mercy,
bcoz we didnt even know about qatar living before coming to doha a couple of years ago.
ppl make mistakes u always dont end up doing the right thing all the time, for some reason i wonder if u r perfect!!!
doin a background search abt the company is a different thing, but knowing this kind of facts abt the company is another.
no one bothers to share the bad side of it, everyone wants to boast abt the place they work no matter what they have to go through!
Well, it does help to know what the contract you are signing says. You can find out by reading it thoroughly.I think by now it is somewhat general knowledge that QA, in some aspects and for some of its employees, has somewhat of a reputation.So, researching a company before one applies or signs a contract, should be a given.It is futile to rant and cmplain if one has neglected to do those things.
its not easy as u think to get another job, employees of qatar airways would love to do that if they had the chance.
people join here with many difficulties. its just not jumping from one company to another. if things were right, alot of people would enjoy working instead of going to work thinking "oh what a curse"
i would agree with colt45's saying "You should learn not to bite the hand that feeds you"
however what i think mohd20008 wants to express is, when signing the contract we didn't get a chance of knowing all this happenings in practical life,
being an employee, atleast others who wish to join this company would know the consequences and make up there mind before joining this place, as we didnt know at first what sort of a company this is. everyone gave us only the good side of it.
Well, then get a job with another company, as simple as that.Things are the way they are here, and no ranting and posting on QL will change that.
i would like to remind that there is no insurance coverage for the employees and if by any chance ur bags get stolen or damaged the airline will not compensate, for the simple reason being YOU ARE A STAFF MEMBER!
adding to that when you get sick at work, the airport staff are not allowed to use the airport hamad sick room, plus there is no company health clinic for the employees. whoever it is u have to just go to hamad like any other person.
atleast the other airlines have their own health clinic, sick room, incase u fall sick while on duty.
but here at qatar airways, if u fall sick, just go to hamad, and most of all don't forget to bring sick certificate otherwise disciplinary action will be taken the following day plus, salary will be deducted anyway.
there are worse cases than this which cannot be spoken in open like this, which the employees of qatar airways r suffering with day today.
Better than nothing as said by yrd.
On the flip side, if you plan your travels at the right times and/ or have a back up plan, you will save yourself the trouble of going back from the airport.And why would you think the world needs to know about this and more importantly why would they care?You should learn not to bite the hand that feeds you and be grateful for what you're getting at least. There are lots more who want to be where you're at, but can't.
Sure I knew this when i signed the contract.. But I wanted the world to know about this suffering inflicted on the employees by the company
Well, did you not know this when you signed the contract with them?
This is the truth... that they dont provide CONFIRMED anuual ticket...Maybe you received wrong quotes from your friends in QA.
This is the truth... that they dont provide CONFIRMED anuual ticket...Maybe you received wrong quotes from your friends in QA.
even i got offloaded continuously for 3days day n night i tried, busy season u gotta have a full fare ticket.
even my husband missed the flight n missed my first b'day after we got married.
its worse when u have to travel for special occasions and short visits.
wat to do atleast we r lucky in someway than most others who have to buy fullfare tickets where ever they go.
atleast we get to save some money there. (as if we get a thumping salary at the end of the month Lol.... he he eh....)
I guess annual vacation they provide CONFIRMED tickets to employee and family .However for your other trips , you use ID 50 / ID 90 etc .This was true and what my frnds who are QA staff have been quoting .Best is look for a job where the company provides you a lumpsum amount for your annual tickets like QP does .
Tapout, looks like u misunderstood my comment.God knows what made u realise that I work for them for ur information I dont work for them.Take it easy man.
same policy with all other airlines
Whatever it is i'm tellin you abt the seems like you work for them huh
certain glitches. So enjoy and have fun.
Suggest HR to provide atleast once a year confirmed RETURN tickets and cancel all other privileges of 10%........
So if they start providing confirmed and free tickets they will lose a huge amount too.They do have restrictions and that is why they know the loopholes of other airlines where they lose money..So they prevent that by keeping themself safe...
Tapout, he is not talking abt the services of Qatar Airways.He is talking abt the company policy. He seems to be an employee of Qatar Airways
KARWA TAXI is much better than a Qatar airways
Stop using Qatar Airways and use Emirates or Etihad instead!
Qatar Airways is just a waste of time &'s almost sounds like KARWA....the worst!!!
Just switch to EMIRATES, I bet you feel better!