Indian Supreme Court upholds death sentences for Delhi gang rape

Four men convicted of a gang rape that shocked India and attracted worldwide attention will be executed.
India's Supreme Court on Friday upheld a lower court's decision to sentence the men to death.
Vinay Sharma, Akshay Thakur, Pawan Gupta and Mukesh Singh were originally sentenced in September 2013, but they appealed the decision in the country's top court.
Another perpetrator was underage at the time and received a lesser sentence, while a sixth attacker died in prison.
The case led to protests across India and intense media coverage around the world, shining a light on India's pervasive problem of sexual violence against women.
Police said the men took turns raping the woman, using an iron rod to violate her as the bus drove around the city for almost an hour. Her male companion was beaten as he tried to fight them off. When they had finished, the men dumped their two victims by the side of the road.
Following the ordeal, Singh's injuries were so severe some internal organs had to be removed. She died two weeks later at a hospital in Singapore.
Finally there can be closure for the family .. Let us hope that there is no other appeal and that the sentence is carried out quickly
@acchabaccha - i feel you bro. try to come back again in a couple of months maybe by that time 3+3 will be solved/answered correctly. hahaha
I was away for several months trying to recover from the stupid comments and the weird logic of one QLer, one followed by another as the "ideas" flowed through his "mind" (?), days after days, months after months. I started to feel better. But then today, I read the same comments. I guess it is better to stay away.
When you ask a stupid person to add 3+3 and he gives the answer as 7, you cannot tell him the answer is wrong as he would then argue and tell you that you forgot to add the carry!
Brit, Suppose you hit your left hand with a hammer while hanging a pic on the wall & get your left thumb injured. Now what should be your neighbour duty ?? Weather he should hit your right thumb with the same hammer ?? The key to this topic lies in the answer ....... .... Would that be a real justice ?? ........ Human lives are not cheap, not available so easily ....... ...... No body has an estimate on how we are awarded this precious gem of a human life ......... We can't even repay the debt on our head as well ........
Loo, Read what Brit has told us. '' No woman deserves to be raped and murdered like this '' ........ .......
I shouldn't be, but i am amazed by your logic. These scum deserve the death penalty. No woman deserves to be raped and murdered like this - what about the families they destroyed
Estimate : Considering these guys have 6 - 10 dependents to feed ........... they will leave behind about 54 - 60 innocent humans .......... remember we are in a fast world where no one cares for the other .... so what will be life like for these poor 60 souls ........ !!
Brit, In your India, Crimes with women is increased by 296% by her own husband. In general crimes with women increased by 216% ............ Can you tell me how many kids die every year in India for some / whatever reason ...... How many millions ? ....... Read today's newspaper ..............
Brit you must look up to the security not the punishment ......... You should know the first lesson that punishment follows the crime .......................... Wake up , my dear pal ......................
We ourselves must lock our doors / windows before we go out even though we have a police station next door. Brit, Wrong for you may be ? ........................
Brit, Please don't be much clever. We read India newspapers. You can not mislead the people here as your plan, Rapes are result of ir-responsible security dept of your city, but these keep happening and editors are printing in the newspapers as a routine.
We can not douse the fire with fire .... we need to sprinkle the water on it ............ ........... Loosing more humans over the lost human is not a right solution ..... ....... it is a rough idea ..... One day there could be none left on this earth ........... we must think from a humanity angle ....... ...... Going for night show with a non related man where it was not allowed to go out after 07:30 PM is really risky & dangerous ......... ......