Indian humiliated at airport

Indian humiliated at airport in porter spat - ‘We can deport you now’ - Arab Times – 14 July 2008
KUWAIT CITY : “We can deport you now. This is not your country and you are not an American citizen who can argue with us,” Eng Mohammed Banyan, an Indian, quoted the Customs officers’ statements when they questioned him over a disagreement with an Asian laborer at the arrival area in Kuwait International Airport on Friday.
Banyan went to Alam Al-Yawm daily to narrate his experience with the Customs officers who, he claimed, insulted him in front of his family.
According to Banyan, he asked the Asian laborer to be careful with his luggage as there are medicines inside, however, the bag fell on the ground, resulting in a heated argument between him and the laborer who allegedly pushed and threatened him. One of the Customs officers approached them and tried to intervene until the other officers came over, uttering harsh words to Banyan and pushed him on the ground to the surprise of his children who witnessed the incident.
Banyan revealed the officers took him to a nearby room where they reportedly ordered him to stand in a corner, then they insulted, slapped and kicked him. The officers also forced him to sign a pledge without understanding the conditions as it was written in Arabic. He said the incident, which took place at 9:30 am Friday, were recorded by the security cameras at the airport.
Face the reality ma' men...even in your country there are " untouchable rather well-praised human beings.
Not just in Qatar.... and not just a Qatari guy who is the son of the Qatari Tycoon.
Simple.... I think the asian bagger didn't do it intentionally. Does the bagger apologized after? why they didn't mention? If it's not intentionally, and there's an apology... I think no need to argue.
This indian just explained what does the officers did to him/them... but he neclected to explain how he acted after the bag fell...Maybe he act in a bad-mannered way or vice versa or whatever ek ek...
Think...think....think, who's fault is that?
Many jokes and comments have been made about this incident, I really think that courtesy and consideration for other sentient beings it is all that we need.
To realize that our knowledge is ignorance,this is a noble insight.To regard our ignorance as knowledge, this is mental sickness.Only when we are sick of our sickness,shall we cease to be sick,The Sage is not sick,being sick of sickness;this is the secret
To realize that our knowledge is ignorance,this is a noble insight.To regard our ignorance as knowledge, this is mental sickness.Only when we are sick of our sickness,shall we cease to be sick,The Sage is not sick,being sick of sickness;this is the secret
All we need is communicate with a smile.
A boy from Kampung
Dumb Indian guy deserved what he got... What a moron to yell at the porter for roughly handling his luggage...
I wonder if he would have opened his gob if he was at some western airport and saw the way that the bag throwers load and unload luggage onto and into aircraft... as well as the conveyor belts that bring your luggage to you in the arrival hall....???
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
well, if some stores/chains help u with carryin ur bags if u bought lots of items, isnt that jus good customer service...
also, what is wrong in hiring someone if u got more than you can handle urself? (Provided u treat him with the respect due to any fellow being and pay adequately)Are we tryin to be politically correct or what?
I am not indian and yet my grocery bags are carried every time I spend more than 150 bucks! Service or servilism!? In this part of the world I call it servilism!!
To realize that our knowledge is ignorance, this is a noble insight- To regard our ignorance as knowledge, this is mental sickness.
Only when we are sick of our sickness, shall we cease to be sick- The Sage is not sick, being sick of sickness; this is th
How is the chip on your shoulder today? You quote "the current Prime Minister (most highly qualified prime minister in the world)"
What are the qualifications for being Prime Minister? I didn't know there was an academic level that qualified someone for PM.
I agree that Mr Singh is a smart guy and he appears to be an honorable man, untainted by the corruption scandals that have so tainted many other Indian politicians. As far as his qualifications are concerned, I believe that he was educated at one of the best universities in the evil, racist west. Didn't he go to Oxford University in England? Or am I wrong on this too?
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Had a similar experience with aKuwaiti on board a plane many years ago. He started smoking hilst we were on the ground.. Apparently it is dangerous because of fuel fumes etc.
The steward asked him to ut it out without success. Finaly a ouple of burly guys threatened him with violence, before he saw sense..
This is justice... they got what they deserved...
Kuwaitis end up in Kerala prison
Two Kuwaiti brothers, who embarked on a journey to Kerala, India, ended up in jail for four days, according to Arab Times.
The tourists’ brother said both men lit cigarettes onboard a ship. When the authorities asked them to stop smoking, heated arguments ensued. When the Kuwaitis reached their destination, the Indian security, who were waiting for them, confiscated their passports.
The Kuwaitis went on a hunger strike during their detention and the authorities referred them to a hospital from where they called their relatives in Kuwait.
The brother contacted the Indian consulate in Kuwait and signed a pledge that the family would shoulder the costs to repatriate the Kuwaitis.
He said his father left for Bombay and paid a bail of KD2,000. The Kuwaiti Embassy in India asked the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue orders to allow the detainees to leave and told Kuwaitis to wait to get their passports.
However, travel documents are yet to be issued. MP Dr Ali Al Hajri has taken up the case with the ministry to ascertain the reasons whey the travel documents are being delayed.
Is it really less in the cities?
I've seen the worst of caste in Mumbai. From carrying the bags of GYM members! to the Mall at nariman point that prohibit access to certain Indians!
Yes hashin, there is inequility.
SPecially a lot in villages, where dalits have been murdered for trying to assert their rights.
There might be a caste system in India... so what? Is there inequality? that is the question...
Call the spade a spade.
aste system exists in India and though its less prevalent and less rigorously enforced than in the past, nontheless, it is still very much alive.
I don't blame you, but most people have a distorted view of India... and half expect mystic men climbing ropes and snake charmers on every street corner... nothing could be farther from the truth...
As for your article from the library of congress... as your article itself mentions...
"more in the countryside than in urban settings and more in the realms of kinship and marriage than in less personal interactions."
So there aren't inter-caste marriages... and they have their own social circles, So what? What does it have to do with inequality?
All this fuss about a black candidate being nominated for American Presidency, half black mind you... No black candidate anywhere in sight for any mojor Western State... India is a younger democracy than most Western states and much larger than any other... we've already had a President from one of the so called lowest castes... we've already had a lady prime minister... another lady turned down the post and give it instead to the current Prime Minister (most highly qualified prime minister in the world) and our current President is a lady... our ex-President was a rocket scientist... and it is slightly hush hush but the next prime minister might be one of the so called lower castes as well...
Our social system is incredibly complex... because it is far more evolved than the West, because it is millenias older... it will take a lot of doing for you to understand it... but I hope some of the info I have given you will pique your interest to learn more...
No the Kuwaitis take their frustration on Indians I guess
A friend on mine British National of Iraqi decent was detained and questioned by Airport officers for 2 hours just because his name was an Iraqi name even though he was carrying a British Passport..
"While the Europeans/yanks look on with shock and disgust."
Oh, yeah...all the good guys belong to one side, all the bad guys to the other. Simple Ol' story. Like playing cowboys n Indians.
Too simple.
Britexpat: You dont need to search for some article to prove the existence of caste system in India :-)Its quite obvious in the rural India, less so in the Urban sector. In a land with as maddening a diversity as India, the focus has to be more on ensuring equal justice (and opportunities)to all rather than abolish a system one fine morning and lead to chaos.
All I hope, as an Indian, is that we maintain the cultural diversity that is an integral part of our identity(Unity in Diversity) and at the same time ensure equal opportunities for the progress and growth of the whole population, more than half of which is under the age of 24. n I'm quite hopeful of the future from what I see today.
its no easy a land of 1618 dialects, with 28 different members of the federation, six ethnic groups and 6400 castes, the survival of individual communities is as much dependent on the social strata as on the fairness of the legislature/judiciary.
The factis that class system does exis in India.. The cases you descibe are admirable and have to do more with Philanthropy than class..
An excerpt from a publication at the the library of Congress...
Varna, Caste, and Other Divisions
Although many other nations are characterized by social inequality, perhaps nowhere else in the world has inequality been so elaborately constructed as in the Indian institution of caste. Caste has long existed in India, but in the modern period it has been severely criticized by both Indian and foreign observers. Although some educated Indians tell non-Indians that caste has been abolished or that "no one pays attention to caste anymore," such statements do not reflect reality.
Caste has undergone significant change since independence, but it still involves hundreds of millions of people. In its preamble, India's constitution forbids negative public discrimination on the basis of caste. However, caste ranking and caste-based interaction have occurred for centuries and will continue to do so well into the foreseeable future, more in the countryside than in urban settings and more in the realms of kinship and marriage than in less personal interactions.
Castes are ranked, named, endogamous (in-marrying) groups, membership in which is achieved by birth. There are thousands of castes and subcastes in India, and these large kinship-based groups are fundamental to South Asian social structure. Each caste is part of a locally based system of interde-pendence with other groups, involving occupational specialization, and is linked in complex ways with networks that stretch across regions and throughout the nation.
The word caste derives from the Portuguese casta , meaning breed, race, or kind. Among the Indian terms that are sometimes translated as caste are varna (see Glossary), jati (see Glossary), jat , biradri , and samaj . All of these terms refer to ranked groups of various sizes and breadth. Varna , or color, actually refers to large divisions that include various castes; the other terms include castes and subdivisions of castes sometimes called subcastes.
"It is everyone's basic right to be treated as a human being and with respect what ever your nationality or job"
maybe you should remember this HASHIN the next time you feel the need to abuse someone less well off than you.
CHIP...CHIP...CHIP = 2-0
"Like I said, I see this situation day in day out. Well off Indians treating porters/ labourers like sh*t and Arabs treating the well off Indians like sh*t. While the Europeans/yanks look on with shock and disgust."
Such innocence... these Europeans and Yanks have that they should be moved to 'shock' and 'disgust'... as if they are alien to all these kind of practises... goodlookin, did you really think you could absolve your klan[sic] with statements such as these?
ok ok the Indian was wrong, the Kuwaiti was wrong and the labourer was wrong!
Goaaaaallllllll.....1-0 to the west.
Like I said, I see this situation day in day out. Well off Indians treating porters/ labourers like sh*t and Arabs treating the well off Indians like sh*t. While the Europeans/yanks look on with shock and disgust.
Many people treat me differently because of my nationality and assume when I ask to be treated with respect from my seniors again assume because of my nationality. It is everyone's basic right to be treated as a human being and with respect what ever your nationality or job.
In the west this is the case, but here and the subcontinent it is not.
Really very bad impression to be taken about some kuwaiti behaviours, I cann't commence more.
I like you critical dissection of the situation. I think you would have make a great lawyer... But mostly because I agree with you most of the way...
I always carry my own luggage, rather many a times one has to push off these porters coz they try to take the trolly or luggage from you.
If teh porter does not like carrying the bags or cannot handle them properly then he shud not be working as a porter. He shud find another job.
But...thats not the point, the point is high handedness of police. "if" the accusations are true, then this guy shud go to court, its inappropriate for police to kick and push the guy just coz he had a heated argument with the porter.
There is a common perception that India is a class ridden society where untouchability is a fact of life... Hello people... Get real, Wake up!
Once when I was in my village back home in India.. I saw a person take off the shirt he was wearing... right off his back... and give it to a poor man
I know someone who has just flown to India last night, she is a housewife, but she is pooling most of her savings including her inheritance to build an orphanage...
Most well off Indian families I know have an entire ecosystem of poor families (neighbours, friends) back home who depend on their generosity for education, marriage, housing etc...
Why do you assume that all Indians insist on their luggage being carried for them?
I never allow anyone to carry my luggage... airport, hotel, office... whatever...
But do I assume that all Indians behave the same way I do... I don't...
You think Westerners don't like using cheap labour vis-a-vis Indians... Lets have a quick survey... percentage of Indian families in Qatar who have maids and percentage of British or Western families who have maids...???
India is a land of one billion... anyone can dip a stick and bring out a bad example...
Your argument of your people treat you bad so you deserved to be treated badly by all falls on its face for two reasons...
Firstly, Indian police like any other police may treat people inappropriately but when brought to light, we make sure that they get a hard time for it, just as a few of us have on this particular issue...
Secondly, Indian police like in this case, do not give a preferential treatment to any nationality. Probably because our country since independence has had the grit and courage in the corridors of power to stand up to any world power and say to its face when it is WRONG.
I am sure some would. However, the majorit wouldn't.. I travelled to India and Pakistana few years ago and always carried my own luggage etc.
The issue in my humble opinion is that in these contries and many others, it is seen as a class issue..The well off do't want to be seen to be doing thir own work...
Seen so many people from the West saying... You won't see this happening in the West, people carry their own luggage... and I say thats a load of bull. If you had cheap labour available in that part of the world, you'd have people handling your luggage at the airport as well. Just cos you guys can't find people to do your dirty jobs anymore doesn't mean you are alleviated of all blames... Don't believe me? Why don't you ask some of the blacks who slaved to death so that the American Dream could be built on their backs?
May be you dont mind how you are treated in your own home,that does not mean anyone from outside can treat us like that,after all we are invited quests in these countries to work for them .....hope this clarifies...?
Why do you guys so offensive about this? Aren’t you people being treated the same way in India by the Indian police man? if thats how it goes in your own Country what are you expecting the other countries to treat you like?
you are so correct!!! hip hip last we all got the solution for all the problems in life !!
Acording to the local customs the fault lies with the indian who arrived in Kuwait , for the mere fact that if he didn't get to Kuwait all that wouldn't have happened!
Again guys, where in this article is it said that the 'Asian laborer' was a porter?
Way I see it, looks like the 'laborer' was one of the guys manning the baggage screening area n working as a handler pushing the stuff off the conveyor belt tht moves thru the scanner.
Where in this article is it said that the traveller mistreated the laborer? Of course, they had a heated argument and the laborer 'allegedly pushed n threatened' the guy.
Ofcourse if you are looking for the 'chip' you can read that into the article. Talkin abt the 'chip', I wont deny that Indians have it, but tehn, am yet to find a squeaky clean people wen it comes to the 'chip'.
Peace ...Peace ...Peace
I repeat this will not reach anywhere unless you hear the version of the porter. so leave it guys..
Renee.. in US and europe you dont get people to help.. whther its househelp..or porters. you are forced to carry the bag and clean the bathrooms yourself.
but when you come here.. first thing you look for is a houes
In all Arab countries ... AMERICANS are supported and treated nice because of the sticky relationship between this country and US government by its embassy.. So other nationalities other then EUROPEEN and AUSTRALIAN can be treated differently as being from the third level of people. Probably they think not white skin and is from the third level so he must be treated like he needed the job, money and can accept anything to have the opportunity to live better. The situation is like old days were slavery exists and still to nowadays.
RAB is Alive
You never see this sort of behaviour in western airports...why? Because people carry their OWN luggage.
What is with this part of the world, where people can’t even carry their own luggage, have maids wheel their blo*dy trolleys around etc. Lazy slobs, do it yourselves!!!!
For the people with so much envy and hate for the west, why not go there and see for yourself the humane way people are treated and a thing called “equal rights” – such a thing can happen anywhere some of you will say but why does it always occur more in so called "holier than thou" ISLAMIC countries?? – Biggest hypocrites on earth....
It seems to me successful Indians seem to have a HUGE chip on there shoulder and love to show off there power by treating porters/laborers like animals.
You can bet that this guy set out to humiliate this porter for making a simple mistake. Everyday I see Indians/arabs treat maids, porters, laborers as they were slaves but I am yet to see anyone from the west act the same.
'treat others as you would like to be treated'
I agree with winn here, what appears from the story, the guy has every right to complain, pushing a person to ground on airport in frnt of his family by a security official, well, the msulims really shudn't be complaining about the treatment meted out to them in US.
How about Glue sniffing ? A good alternative to alcohol..
What I am curious about is that an Indian is having disagreement with an "Asian Labourer"....
So was he an Indian also ?
Did the bag fall, or was it pushed? This could have been a conspiracy right from the start.
Presumably, the bags were on a trolley, where they should have been properly loaded (Health & Safety) in order to avoid accidents.
Or ...... did the Indian have a few of those massive plastic checkered nylon bag doo-da's full of things he bought in India to sell as a little sideline to his engineering work?
So many questions, so few answers ....... and obviously bugger all to do with my time except ponder the intricacies of this little tale of woe.
Sometimes I wish I hadn't given up alcohol
"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places". - Henny Youngman
Need to differentiate between journalism n sensationalism here. Wud defenitely say the article has been written keeping the latter in focus.
A traveller had a fight with a porter and the airport official misbehaved with the traveller.Fullstop.
Guilty party 1: Airport official for the 'treatment'.
Guilty party 2: Laborer who allegedly pushed and threatened the traveller
Traveller: "disagreement with an Asian laborer" and "heated argument" are the only things that 'appear' to have been contributed by him to the situation. How guilty does that make him? Nowhere does it say that he insulted the laborer or mistreated him.
(wudnt like to depend on this article for any illumination from the way its written, but due to lack of any other resource, I'll stick to the words given here)
Last of all, was the 'Asian laborer hired by the traveller or was he working for the airport as one of the guys who stand near the scanner and push the baggage thru or off the scanner? coz nowhere is it said that this guy was a porter. Maybe he was just a baggage handler at the airport? Maybe the traveller asked the laborer not to throw the stuff off from the scanner coz it contains stuff that cud break?? The article, I wud say, is vague at its best.
It's also a story of a man who insulted another human being in front of his children. From where I come from this is also an insult and a bad example to his children.
Its tit for tat.....but Kuwaitis are full of egoistic behaviour....
what a load of bull... I can't believe the comments I am reading here... people are more concerned about how medicines are packed and porters being called than a person being humiliated in front of the family and blatantly racist comments being made by government officials... I gotta say, lotta people here are just loony or jus hate certain nationalities...
The point is... what ever said and done,who is right or worng the labourer or the indian traveller,,does the officer has no right to slap the person or kick him under law...?,in front of his family with children ... I think that is humiliating atleast in this part of the world where women are respected...
I agree birtexpat.. Kuwaities has got a swollen head
I recall a few years ago, our company sent a team to Kuwait for a project. One guy was a British guy of Pakistani parentage..
He was told at the aiport by an oficial that he wasn't a "real Britih" , since he wasn't white and shouldn't expect "preferential treatmnent"..
he should have known how to pack fragile stuff. Was he
is recuperating? or plain lazy
heyyyyyyy friends calm down what is thissss?????? why u guys are becoming racisttt. Goddddd!!!!!!!!
this is just an incident where an nationality person had a fight with an nationality.......who knows who is more responsible? may be the indian or may be the labor or may be both!!!
some times it starts from something small and ends up with something really big and onlyyyyyyy one thing i find bad is why this officer mentioned "YOU ARE NOT AMERICAN" he is a govt officer and he is not suppose to mention any nationality(even if he is giving them privelege, it's his choice) and top of it we don't know the real scene every person is thinking himself/herself right when fights happen. am i right????
and this way we are not making a good example for anyone. sooooooo guysssss plsssss stop this .......
The indian starts the humiliation, so he deserved to be humiliated also.
attracted the attention of the Airport police.
If he was that worried about the medicine, maybe he should have carried the bag, just to be safe.
Not bad. Just lazy.
And they should not be blamed for damaged goods inside a bag if the bag wasn't properly packed.
Have you ever seen how baggage handlers treat luggage when loading and off-loading the aircraft?
If the medicine wasn't packed in a way that it could withstand being 'mistreated' by the labourer, the is simply no way it would have survived the plane journey.
And this is 100% the responsibility of the indian.
I agree that my knowledge of investment banking is limited. However, I think you have very conveniently blurred the line between 'investment bankers' and 'bankers' and over simplified the credit crisis.
But I guess the point you are trying to make is that investment bankers are dumb... so what did you say you do for a living...?
The fact that the passenger asked the porter to carry his luggage seems to have been construed as a big offence...
Okay so news flash... porters carry luggage... thats what they do for a living
Paul, you carry your own luggage, I respect that...
But that doesn't make anyone who avails the services of a porter a bad person...
I wonder what the really smart investment bankers think of the performance of India's stock markets?
I guess down by 35% since January isn't *that* bad.
I think you have extremely limited intelligence and almost unlimited parania which you seem keen to demonstrate at every opportunity. The credit crisis is largely the result of greed by investment bankers increasing the money supply by packaging and securitizing debt. The credit risk of the debt was not accurately gauged or quantified and it eventually imploded. The smart investment banks like Goldman Sachs managed to sell on their securitized portfolios to less smart investment banks like Bear Stearns.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Good point Mr Paul.
Whenever I'm at the airport, guess which is the only skin colour who NEVER commands the poor labourers to heave and haul around their precious bags.
That's right - the white people.
Through some magic, they manage to carry their own freaking bags.
Guess why I said investment bankers are 'often' the most intelligent people around... not always the case...
And you blame the credit crisis entirely on investment bankers... such thought provoking insight...
Which 'system' are we discussing here?
Sounds like post-modernist waffle as a way of avoiding simple, direct, English.
And which injustice is gross?
Are we discussing the working conditions of the average labourer in the gulf? Or the labour agents who rip them off?
carried it himself, the lazy git,instead of acting the big man.
I may be white, but im no more privellidged than anyone else, and i always carry my own bags.
And yes, Rami is right, he didnt set a very good example by shouting and chastising the porter loudly in front of everyone.his children may think that is the right way to treat people from now on.
I think your reading comprehension skills are extremely suspect... read the article carefully
“We can deport you now. This is not your country and you are not an American citizen who can argue with us,” Eng Mohammed Banyan, an Indian, quoted the Customs officers’ statements when they questioned him over a disagreement with an Asian laborer at the arrival area in Kuwait International Airport on Friday.
Banyan revealed the officers took him to a nearby room where they reportedly ordered him to stand in a corner, then they insulted, slapped and kicked him. The officers also forced him to sign a pledge without understanding the conditions as it was written in Arabic. He said the incident, which took place at 9:30 am Friday, were recorded by the security cameras at the airport.
"Lets see what the future holds, although most of the world investment bankers (who are often the smartest people around) tend to think India's future is in good hands..."
Guess who is an investment banker? That's right, me. There are plenty of people who visit this site who know me and can verify this. I don't know why you think investment bankers are so smart though. Who do you think is responsible for the credit crisis in the United States that is threatening the world economy (including India)? You got it, investment bankers.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
What has this "gross" injustice got to do with me? What system priveleges me?
This "gross" injustice had nothing to do with you until you decided to buy the speculation by rami-leb that the passenger mistreated the labourer.
Where does Red Pope say that I can't comprehend the language of my mother tongue?
Red Pope has a habit of erasing his comment so this is tricky business...
But I clearly see an Uncle Sam banner by Red Pope addressed to you asking you to speak in English...
"you feel compelled to justify a system that priveleges you... and you rationalize it by blaming the Indian of mistreating the labourer based merely on speculation and absolutely no facts at all...
You are the accomplice of a corrupt system which makes you as corrupt as the perpetrators of this gross injustice."
Where, may I ask, are the FACTS, that the Kuwaiti MISTREATED the Indian?
Where are the FACTS that the Indian did NOTHING wrong?
note to self... ignorance is not intended to be a crime...
Was the father honestly setting a good example by yelling at the labourer?
Pure speculation
Is it good to teach children that poor, hard working labourers don't deserve any respect and can be treated the same way you treat a farm yard animal?
False allegation made on pure speculation
Is it good to teach your children that when an officer of the law comes and tells you that you have done something wrong, that you should argue back?
You fight for what is right, irrespective of who says it... even if it is the President... thats what we should teach our children
Is it good to teach children that because you are Indian you must never, ever, under any circumstances, be told that he is wrong?
false allegation made on pure speculation
You are right. Children are the future. And I would hate to think what the future of India will be with fathers who behave like this.
Lets see what the future holds, although most of the world investment bankers (who are often the smartest people around) tend to think India's future is in good hands...
I think we can read very well and we can also use a little common sense.
1. The article is very one sided because it is reported from the Indian's perspective and from no one else's. The article makes it clear that it is an allegation from the "humiliated Indian". No one else has contributed to the article.
2. We all know that laborers/porters etc are not aggressive. They wouldn't last a second if they were, they would be deported if they acted aggressively or stepped out of line.
3. So the guy's medecines were in the baggage and it looks as if the porter accidently dropped the baggage. Nowhere does it say that the porter was deliberately careless with the baggage. The Indian must have shouted at or threatened the porter. Why else would there be a heated argument?
4. If you are transporting fragile goods you know that you have to pack them carefully because luggage at airports is routinely thrown around. If the Indian didn't know this, he is an idiot. If he did know this and did not pack his medecines sufficiently well, he has only himself to blame.
So can we read? Uh yes, I think we can.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
"Face it Tigasin, you feel compelled to justify a system that priveleges you... and you rationalize it by blaming the Indian of mistreating the labourer based merely on speculation and absolutely no facts at all...
You are the accomplice of a corrupt system which makes you as corrupt as the perpetrators of this gross injustice."
What has this "gross" injustice got to do with me? What system priveleges me?
Where does Red Pope say that I can't comprehend the language of my mother tongue?
Poor Hashin, living his paranoid little world of delusion.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
where does it say that the Indian mistreated the labourer... He was upset for his medicines getting damaged... happens a thousand times all over the world... nothing abnormal about it... Whatever transpired is irrelevant really...
But for a custom officer to make this kind of comment is very immature...
As for your inability to understand the second half of my post... sometimes the mind blocks out things that it does not want to comprehend...
I don't understand what you are actually saying in the second half of your post, and from the bits I do understand I fail to see their relevance to someone mistreating a labourer. Are you saying that it was okay for the Indian to mistreat the labourer because he's from India not the west? Something like that??
As for the first half, I agree:
we are supposed to set a good example...
Was the father honestly setting a good example by yelling at the labourer?
Is it good to teach children that poor, hard working labourers don't deserve any respect and can be treated the same way you treat a farm yard animal?
Is it good to teach your children that when an officer of the law comes and tells you that you have done something wrong, that you should argue back?
Is it good to teach children that because you are Indian you must never, ever, under any circumstances, be told that he is wrong?
You are right. Children are the future. And I would hate to think what the future of India will be with fathers who behave like this.
i hate this arrogance and pride.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
I guess you can't expect nothin but more trash from trash...
Rami-leb... the children have everything to do with it because they are our future... we are supposed to set a good example... By a person of the law treat unjustly not just anyone, but your parent would cause the children to lose all sense of security and faith in the system.
I tend to agree with Pope (finally) that Tigasin can't comprehend the language which is supposed to be his mother tongue. Face it Tigasin, you feel compelled to justify a system that priveleges you... and you rationalize it by blaming the Indian of mistreating the labourer based merely on speculation and absolutely no facts at all...
You are the accomplice of a corrupt system which makes you as corrupt as the perpetrators of this gross injustice.
The South's gonna rise agin'. Yeeeeehaaaa
I am going to enrol you and Charan into my classes on how to speak Yankee English (if that's not an oxymoron).
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
What the hell have the children got to do with anything?
Hashin writes:
"Its a story about a man getting insulted in front of his children by a person who is supposed to up hold the law."
Are the two things supposed to be mutually incompatible??
This guy has done a bad thing in front of his children.
Customs officials tell him off for it.
At least now the children know what sort of a man their father really is.
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
Okay, so this is what happened.
Indian man asks labourer to carry bag. (Man is clearly handicapped or phyically incapable of doing anything himself.)
Labourer drops bag.
'A heated argument ensues', but during which time the nice indian man does nothing but, well, argue. Out of nowhere the labourer pushes and threatens him.
The customs officers, seeing that the labourer is pushing and threatening the Indian, comes over and starts arguing with the Indian man. Then another customs officer comes over and starts arguing with the indian man.
So we are supposed to believe that in all this time, a man who shouts and argues at a labourer for dropping a bag, is totally free of any wrong doing and never once touched, threatened or pushed the labourer.
As if...
This guy got what he deserved.
This article has nothing to do with the west or with us westerners being priveleged in this part of the world. There are three characters in this story, an Indian, a Laborer (probably from the sub continent) and a Kuwaiti.
It has nothing to do with the west. The only observation is this kind of treatment is much less likely to happen in the west and that if it had happened, there would be recriminations.
So just grow up and stop being such a pathetic loser.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Its wrong to comment on an incident listening to only one version.
We wouldnt know unless we hear the version of the ''Labourer'' about the incident.
I am surprised the customs response like '' you are not an american to argue''!!!!! wht does that mean???.
Its a story about a man getting insulted in front of his children by a person who is supposed to up hold the law. And instead you turn it around to how everybody should be thankful cos the West treat people better...
Face it... you are from the West and it makes you priveleged in this part of the world. Being told that this arrangement is unjust gets you all touchy and you feel compelled to justify it... How convenient... Its fair if its in my favour...
"According to Banyan, he asked the Asian laborer to be careful with his luggage as there are medicines inside, however, the bag fell on the ground, resulting in a heated argument between him and the laborer who allegedly pushed and threatened him."
Now where did you guys say this Indian went wrong? In asking for his luggage to be handled carefully or having his medicines damaged or getting pushed around by the labourer?
Or did he go wrong in being pushed to the ground by the customs officer in front of his kids?
And about people who comment about the title of the piece... so the reporter gave it the wrong title, how does it have any bearing on this incident?
What would be karma was for him to be deported back to India and not find work and then he can feel what it's like to be poor like labourer he was bossing around.
That would be justice.
but what the hell are you talking about Red Pope? You southern boy, you Georgia redneck, you cracker! You speak with your unintelligable rebel accent and you expect us to understand you?
What y'all saying boy? Tell me in English.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
I always seem to be agreeing with Rami-Leb. Is he my alter ego or something?
This whole episode seems one of superiority and arrogance. The Indian treats the laborer like crap and then the Kuwaitis treat the Indian in much the same way as he treated the laborer. What goes around comes around.
I know everyone here hates the west and that America is the great Satan. But one thing I can say is that having spent the first 23 years of my life in America and the following 14 years in Europe, I have never seen laborers or those with blue collar jobs treated with the disdain and arrogance that I have seen in the Middle East. Also, I hate to say it, but it is often their own countrymen who are the worst offenders.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
Yes Tigasin,
For all its faults and troubles, I would have to say that the west is far more tolerant of others than this part of the world.
It is absolutely appalling how people treat one another here. The poor and unfortunate are totally taken advantage of and exploited.
If anything the Kuwaiti should be commended for standing up to this prat of an Indian who thought it was his right to yell at the labourer.
On balance I think the outcome was right. People like this don't deserve to treat other human beings in this way, and they deserve all the punishment they get.
Kuwaits are famous for such behviour... I heard that they even kick people out of Mosques as to sho goes in which lane and this is the most shameful act by muslim as our Prophet (peace be upon him) said that all Muslims are brothers and equal so if this is ture it is really shame
Yer hit the nail on the head there my son.
The whole post has its own racist overtones:
'Indian' humiliated at airport. So what? What if it had been a Canadian? Or a Pakistani? Is it only a story because someone *dared* to humiliate an Indian.
Are Indians somehow protected from being humiliated?
And how dare they deport an Indian?
Geez... the guy was an ass. Indians should be ashamed at his behaviour, not sticking up for him.
I say he started it.
So in other words the officers treated the precious Indian in much the same way as he treated the laborer who was carrying his bags?
Sucks to be you, you lazy pig. Next time, try carrying your own bags you sod.
They should deport more people like that from Doha too.
Karma is on its way...
Fact file: "The Range Rover that American soldier is driving, was purchased from an Iranian in Qatar."
“We can deport you now. This is not your country and you are not an American citizen who can argue with us”
Imaginative insult... it just about insults everyone... Kuwaitis, Americans, Indians... you name it...
Obviously a guy who has a job due to his age and nationality.
Why bother to turn up at work?... might as well ask him to sit on his couch at home and nourish himself by sucking the oil straight out of the ground with a straw...
thats sad...