India & dangerous diseases; AIDS/HIV

In 2006 UNAIDS estimated that there were 5.6 MILLION people living with HIV in India, which indicated that there were more people with HIV in India than in any other country in the world. In 2007, following the first survey of HIV among the general population, UNAIDS and NACO agreed on a new estimate – between 2 MILLION and 3.1 MILLION people living with HIV. In 2008 the figure was estimated to be 2.31 MILLION. In 2009 it was estimated that 2.4 MILLION people were living with HIV in India, which equates to a prevalence of 0.3%. While this may seem low, because India's population is so large, it is third in the world in terms of greatest number of people living with HIV. With a population of around a billion, a mere 0.1% increase in HIV prevalence would increase the estimated number of people living with HIV by over half a MILLION.
Now India can give a lot of Aids to other nations. I think its payback time.
Hey Paki Piss off, other wise All these HiV's Will piss on Himalaya & Their will be Hell Tsunami in Pakistan.
I'm just sayin'
This is exactly what I've been trying to convey, this is all either politics or online crap. In real life we're like a frikkin family at work &/or while chilling out. I got two mixed (Pakistani & Indian) groups, professional & college-mates, we're one hand.
I might have offended some 'online' people here, but I swear that guy & his as-slicker pis-sed me off like nothing. Anyway, I apologize to the rest, I'm nothing like what this event portrayed me as. I'm a very happy & a 'cool' guy!
Well, not on QL either though.
@Guilt, Indians & Pakistanis get along very well on a personal/individual level, it's only the politicians who think by beating the war gong they'll get more votes. But cricket ofcourse is a very different ball game :)
I know an Indian fellow who had worked as Assistant Manager under a Pakistani Manager. This guy told me that they were like father and son and worked 12 years together on one table. The Pakistani Manager left Qatar but this Indian guy still talk about him and the respect they gave each other were really something to be appreciated.
I am honestly surprised at the hate between India and Pakistan. Just today on NDTV i saw this piece on "Evacuation from Libya" and heard Indians tell the anchor how the Pakistanis had saved them. They said they were thankful for having met such warm hearted people like them. They also went on to speak about some Egyptians who had helped them too.
And here all I see is one nationality abuse the other. Sad.
Really interesting. If you want a big bash on India post something about Pakistan.
Anyway "WADI ARTE", being a paki you are not going to get an Indian Visit Visa, so stop scratching your head and think something good for u and ur family.
Many seem to be interested in India on QL and that makes me happy, very happy.....:)
This sentence actually cracked me up!!
"With a population of around a billion, a mere 0.1% increase in HIV prevalence would increase the estimated number of people living with HIV by over half a MILLION."
Percentages inrease because number of people infected increase, but this sentence makes it look like the other way round. They should have actually said that it would need over half a million new infections to raise the percentage by 0.1. But then, that wouldnt make it sound sensational, would it?
Lol! All of this actually is funny, but I really wana know where were all of your morals etc when he put Pakistan's name in the topic when it didn't have ANYthing to do with that?
If you didn't like this then many of us didn't like that. Do you know what it feels like seeing your country's name in a degrading topic? For no apparent reason?
Anyway, I've wrote this before & I'll write it again, Nationalities don't matter to me, politics don't matter to me I just don't care. But his replies on that topic struck a nerve in me. Apparently, you all are ignoring it.
Every nation has different people, some (most) of them at times share the same tactics. Indians are really good at picking something offensive & stretching it to endless bits. Your clearly ignoring what I'm writing, because your made to think like that, you wana jump up & down "OH HE SAID THIS!! OH HE WROTE THAT!!" On the other hand, my people just don't care. Likewise will I.
If you really wana know my piece of mind & the reason behind this, read what I wrote, otherwise keep bickering & taking this seriously.
Btw, yes I will fart if he does.
Give a lollipop to the crying kid.
idiotic role model
They estimated it in 2006 and it took you 5 years to finally read it?
Cricket is a major sport and fans have every right to discuss it.
wadi, you are still a KIDDO..
better request MODs to delete this thread or else it will lead to an un-necessary bashings...
A country with 1.2 billion, ie 1/6th of the worlds total will be on top in numbers on many things dude.
I got Indian friends here & there, pretty good ones too. Even though this is all factual, it does not bother me at all, plus I don't really give a crap about whats happening out of Qatar. But then the cricket thingy shouldn't be bothering some of the members here as well, yet they post such topics.
I wanted to have a feel of what it feels like doing something like this, & theexiledsaint, I swear to god this is pathetic. You can continue posting topics against Pakistan, I guess I'm fine with it from now & onwards.
You can continue feeling glad hiding behind a screen & snickering, meanwhile I'll go out with my mixed breeded friends & talk about how idiotic our countries' politics are, & how they can influence some bigger idiots. Politicians probably get something out of this, what'd you get when you act against us? Wtf do you get, man? Lol.
Have fun, I'm out.
ROFL arien....
Hope HE stops bullying against INDIA and INDIANS...
Sonia he is looking for a bride from India :P, lolwhen will this guys get a life?
Grow up! He had a pop at you over a game of cricket for goodness sake.
This is beyond that.
Get a grip.
This thread might be informative...but not with good intentions.
too much worried about INDIA, in QL...
Oh I'm sorry, I thought we're on sharing-sensitive-news spree. We're not?
flan, if thats so! Exiled is so doomed :)
Thanks for the information..
BTW, is it really bothering you??
Don't be racist against the Indians!
it's because they sleep with Pakistanis?
Why post this?
And we need to know this, why exactly?