Incredible India

By Wild Turkey •
There has been outrage in India after a student was allegedly gang-raped by five men who had also raped her three years ago.
Police are yet to make any arrests although the 21-year-old was attacked last week in Rohtak town in the northern state of Haryana.
She had been pursuing a case in court against the five men, when she was attacked on Wednesday.
The woman said she was forced inside a car and the men tried to strangle her.
She was seriously injured and left for dead in the bushes. A passerby saw her and took her to the hospital. [BBC]
Dear Wild Turkey,
You mean to say when you have to highlight "Honour killing" then you will make the headline "Destination Pakistan" in YOUR thread???
I recall that this was the pet saying of our old buddy UKEngQatar - "Incredible India"
Because that is how India advertises itself! (Even on the BBC!) And, by the way, I choose a title for MY thread.
Dear Wild Turkey,
The heading was "India outrage after gang rape victim assaulted again 'by same men'"
www . bbc. com / news / world-asia-india - 36823572
But why changed it to "Incredible India"?!?!?
Incredible = magnificent, wonderful, marvelous, spectacular, remarkable, phenomenal, prodigious, breathtaking, extraordinary, unbelievable, amazing, stunning, astounding, astonishing, awe-inspiring, staggering, formidable, impressive, supreme, great, awesome
The source is the BBC as indicated. I am not interested in knowing which country has the best rapists. I only quoted the news as they appeared today. Further research is up to you if you want to know more.
Dear Wild Turkey,
You have posted an article therefore the onus lies on you back it up the article with facts & verifications
WT, Go for two big mugs of hot coffee before you look at this page again ............. Good luck & joys my pal ......
Hello Mary ...............
Unfortunately India is fast turning into Rapistan.
Why don't you do that research yourself, dear Mary-vani?
Dear Wild Turkey,
Rape is a very heinous that is committed on female. This is an abhorrent crime that is forbidden in all religions and in the minds of all wise people and those who are possessed of sound human nature.
Can you please tell us which are top country has highest count and which has highest % of rapes in world?
And please do quote from authenticated source only.
Love & regards,
Mary Vani
The student belonged to the lowest caste known as "Dalits" in the caste system prevailing among the Hindus. The most recent official figures show that 36,735 cases were reported across India in 2014, although activists say the true number is likely much higher as many cases don't get reported due to the social stigma attached to sex crimes.
This time it has happened in Haryana, but perhaps Delhi is notorious for such kinds of deadly crimes, where even foreigner women are not spared, unfortunately.
Exemplary punishment is what can counter it.
The govenment has talked a lot, but little in reality has been done to protect the women and punish these morons who carry out such attacks.
I hope she recovers fro this ordeal and that the Police will develop a backbone and arrest the criminals