Importing stuff to qatar for sale
Now I want to import some stuff (general items) for sale in qatar. I found the law governing this.
"The import of goods into Qatar is regulated by the Qatar Customs Law No. 5 of 1988. In general, a person wishing to import goods into Qatar for sale, must be registered in an importers register and be approved by the Qatar Chamber of Commerce.
Individual importers must have Qatari nationality."
So it means that if you are not a qatari national you cant import anything? sounds a bit retarded to me.
Someone tell me how to go about this.
For import license application... 55894076
so if im employed with a firm, i cant open a different company with a qatari to import goods and do business?
might help.
If u are employeed with a firm (not private bussiness) in Qatar and want to import goods for selling then yes that is against Qatari Laws. But if u are a bussiness man(i.e u own a company) then you have to get a license for import/export license registered in the name of your company. Also it depends on the kind of stuff you are planning to import.
I don't know much about importing for personal use though.
If you can mention what in general u want to if its electronic or some spareparts or something like that....then could give u a more clear idea.