Imagine you passed away...

I was going through an article about souls wandering around after death and a thought passed me.I thought I would share it with my fellow QLers (just for fun) and view your opinions.
Imagine you passed away and your soul is dawdling around your home premises watching your dear and near ones living their life (no matter how).As the days pass by or months ,you find that your spouse or your lover whom you loved more than your life and on whom you are damn possessive about marries again or decides to marry.What will your feelings be? Or If you have the powers to do anything what will you do about it.I know its a stupid post but still for funsake i would like to know your reaction>>>!!!
Death is a reality and will come. Each person's life is pre destined; it can not be lengthened or shortened. When the time for death arrives, the angel of death comes and removes the person's soul and takes it away. However the soul does not die when it leaves the body, rather it lives in there are different places where the souls stay depending on faith and actions during one's life on the earth. The souls will stay there until the Day of Judgment. Wherever the soul is, it still has some kind of connection with the body and difficulties incurred by the body are felt by the soul. Peace for the body also results in peace for the soul. It recognises those that come to the grave and listens to their speech as well. soul is set free once the person dies, and the soul can go where it pleases. No place is too far or near for the souls, it is all the same.
Life will continue FOREVER..........Ladybird
Wait for my next POST on this...........
I wish my husband could marry soon if i die, I think the pain hurts so much that a human being can suffer...
And mean while, i think i will try to find my soul mate there lol..both happy..
i would kill the new lover! *evil laughs* just kidding!
of course if she's happy then i'd be happy for her!
... go on with their lives. i dnt want my family to be attached too much of my death.
"Ask the Lord to bless your plans and you will be successful in carrying them out." - Proverbs 16:3
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I would feel sorry for the new guy and would enjoying watching him suffer..
but George Carlin said when you die, why would you keep looking at the life you left behind when there's a whole Universe out there
--I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
Hi Arien! How are you?
Time Doesn't Go.Time Stays - We Go.
Time Is The Rider Which Breaks In Youth.
I Have Wasted Tim - Now Time Has Wasted Me
pieman did you mean life after death???
Time Doesn't Go.Time Stays - We Go.
Time Is The Rider Which Breaks In Youth.
I Have Wasted Tim - Now Time Has Wasted Me
Is there really death after life................
just eat another pie
It depends when he re marries, if he did it fairly soon, i might be dissapointed, but if after a year he found the chnace to be happy again, i would welcome it, i wouldnt feel like he loved me less, life goes on.
and betamax is no longer playing...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
thanks for the info heero...
all i can remember is that we watch that on BLACK N WHITE SCREEN thru BETAMAX TAPE... while VHS was not yet on during that time... hehehhe... that's why Ghost is a pretty good movie.
And Vivo, it's 1990.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
rpecisely Arien... also until today.. the original track in that of "UNCHAINED MELODY" still lingers on my ear...:D
Vivo .. its a very nice movie.. loved Demy moor in that.
You'll see what I'm talking about. I think I saw a DVD available in Virgin or Saqr Music Store before...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
hi Arien.... that movie was made popular i think way back 1987... :D
Ladybird..whats up gal?? Looks like you watched the movie GHOST today...
say if am a ghost... definitely ill find first the answer one how to move things physically... the power that i can hold and move objects, though still remain have the power to traverse on walls or even to cross on streets without hitted by cars...
What's in that movie heero? Never heard of..
Time Doesn't Go.Time Stays - We Go.
Time Is The Rider Which Breaks In Youth.
I Have Wasted Tim - Now Time Has Wasted Me
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
And Charan,Where will your wedding be held with your GHOSTMATE? - In hell or heaven?
Time Doesn't Go.Time Stays - We Go.
Time Is The Rider Which Breaks In Youth.
I Have Wasted Tim - Now Time Has Wasted Me
Right tess Even I would do such a thing..pulling my husband's big toe..ha ha...It would be very funny.And I will pull tha new wife out of the bed and slam her to the floor.I can't imagine my hub marrying again.I know i am being selfish but still .Its unimagimable.
Time Doesn't Go.Time Stays - We Go.
Time Is The Rider Which Breaks In Youth.
I Have Wasted Tim - Now Time Has Wasted Me
Partner is a human who deserved be with a human companion and as Ii am a goust i will look for my soulmate guost companion. ;)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
will just let it be.. a bit selfish if i would "do something" to prevent them from being happy again..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
.when i pass away from this world, i don't have prob with my love ones to go on with their lives, i 'll just have to let them go.....