Illegal taxi operators pestering passengers

People operating illegal taxis are pestering and annoying arriving passengers at the Doha International Airport.
The situation is worse in the evenings when there are apparently less police men around.
Travelers are having to negotiate a gauntlet of illegal operators who often scream at passengers who turn them down.
The two regulated Karwa franchisees, Al Million and Al Ijaara, are barred from taking customers from the airport even though they are allowed to drop passengers there. But apparently no such rules apply to the illegal operators inside the airport.
After being alerted by some visitors who have come for COP18/CMP8 and who had a difficult time with such illegal operators at the airport, the organisers of the 11-day conclave have advised visitors to be cautious and avoid boarding such `taxis’. There have been complaints of such operators asking for $50 from the airport to hotels in the neighbourhood.
These tricky taxi operators are more active late in the evenings and also early in the day when taxis are in great demand at the airport.
WTF? I didnt know Karwa taxi's were not allowed to pick up passengers from the airport? Which other country in the WORLD follows such a ridiculous system? I've never heard of any. Is this true or the reporter got his facts wrong? Also whats up with the pay parking..even if you stay for 5 mins you still pay 2 riyals or whatever at the arrival terminal where as for departure if you are out in 15mins you dont pay anything? Who makes these rules? Seriously!!!
Actually, Al Million and Karwa are the same company...from what
i have read.
"The two regulated Karwa franchisees, Al Million and Al Ijaara, " from the article.
Didn't I see you wearing a Ghutra with your Tuk-Tuk at the airport last week ?
from airport to my apartment it is less than 10 rial in karwa taxi if I hire outside the airport. the private taxi guys always charge 25 rial to the same ride and when we enter their car 2 or 3 other passengers already inside. more of those private taxis own by karala people and they do not have any issues there with karwa.
Lols then u would have paid him 10 more....:)
Yes he slipped me his phone number to give to Khanan :P
BUT why hav u paid him tat much of amount when the distance was not tat far and the meter was OFF ?
any hidden services ?
Shaddap you two! It was Qrs 100 :P
naah not dollars, KAt is not tat rich ! :)
lol rizks, it was dollars :D
smoke, morning... why to be v rough with illegal taxis? its v difficult in qatar to find a legal taxi and even if u find they will never stop, so i find this illegal taxis really helpfull, unfortunately today I was near crazy round about and no hell taxi stoped for me after waiting almost 45 min, and then I decided to come with an illigal taxi, having car doesnt mean all people have car and even if u have car something must happen for u to use such transportation.
its easy if u have ur car then ignore them, they wont harm u, and u will know how important they r when u face such situation, :(
100 bucks ?
Was is in Riyals or RUpees ? :)
emybond if you read my comments i'm not totally against illegal taxis. I have mentioned that having them ON THE ROADS is a blessing for many. My issue with them is their behaviour at the Airports and Malls where they surround you asking for taxi's openly without fear of getting caught.
That being said i'd like to mention a nice incident i had with a nice filipino taxi guys. I got this sudden urge to grab a snack at 2 am. I get out to hop in my car and i see that its been blocked by some moron so i cant move it. But i'm really hungry so i decide to wait for a taxi. 15 mins i decide to walk, the nearest grocery store is next to Hotshots for me and walking thats a good 30 mins. As i was like half way to the shop i see a karwa taxi and wave it down. He stops and when he came to know i have to go so close by he is like Ok i wont start the meter. I said no i have to be dropped back home as well, he was like No its ok no when i get to the shop i buy my stuff and i get him some thing to munch on as well. he dropped me home while we had a pleasant chat on the way and I actually tipped him 100 bucks out of the goodness of my Royal Heart. :P
i remember when my 1976 Model Nissan 180B had breakdown near Doha Jadeed area, i started shivering not coz my car had breakdown but coz of the surrouding area....:(
My next stop is 3 days :D
My next holiday destination Goa..:)
Ukeng thats how it is back home in India too, atleast in Goa, its safe and reliable, in fact they even tell you which taxi number to catch so that if you ever forget something in the taxi they know who it is.
some of them even get their relatives here to do illegal taxi services, have more than 3 cars operating. Pick up and drop services are also illegal btw.
Best Taxi Service that I have encountered is at KL Airport and other Malaysian Airports, you go to a counter and tell them where you want to go, you pay there and they give you a receipt you take that to the stand and get a taxi.
These taxi drivers make more month a month than I do! :( its true I asked :P
BritExpat - wonder how you have never come across a illegal taxi in doha...
anyways there aren't any locals driving these so called "Illegal taxis".
I'm all FOR illegal taxis...on the roads not at the malls or airports where they stand there like vultures and surround you when you get out.
minaisi as the title reads they are harassing passengers. And they want to charge you the same rates as taxi's with Day and night charges. One they do illegal work, two they want legal rates!
There aren't enough taxis on the road. The minimum fare is another obstacle for all passengers.
Although they do have dedicated taxis in the airport, it's insufficient. While Qatar is planning on expanding to the new airport, there would be more passengers. So there should be more taxi's available at the arrival gate.
And the idea of paying a minimum of QAR 25 for hailing a taxi from the airport is absurd.
If the rates of airport taxi operators are at least as same as on the road, then there won’t be a need for “Illegal Taxi” at the airport.
happygolucky, in India the pick up is controlled by the Aiport Authorities for security reasons of the passengers. There are numbered taxis which you can get and your name and the number of the taxi will be noted down. If you are using an illegal one there will not be any trace of that car which you used to travel if something happens to you on the way. This system was introduced in many Airports due to complaints from passengers that they were looted on the way by the taxi driver and company.
I don't understand that why the local newspapers publish such reports now and then for the last few years against the 'illegal' taxi operators who are helpful to those waiting for transportation. These taxi operators are available at any time and any place for cheap rates.
Only those who get huge salary or the taxi fare paid by their company would boast to use the Karwa taxis.
Instead, the medias should concentrate on other social problems such as labour or price inflation.
Karwa are allowed in the arrival airport - the statement reads that the new guys, million and whatever, are not allowed - maybe Karwa wishes to retain the revenue from the airport - rates being higher and guaranteed passengers.
wy walk and look arround for a karwa, if the guy at the door of the terminal picks up your bag straight away,.talk about the price for the ride and 30 qar later your where you need to be ..
If they are locals, then obviously the government is going to turn a blind eye .. they don't want to stop them earning a little extra ..
Ahh its possible what bluepanther said is true.
There's a whole line of Karawa taxi's around the side at the official taxi rank so not sure where this news article got its information from!
The problem is that apart from one or two signs, you don't always see the taxi rank, especially if you were new to the place therefore the illegal guys have a free pass at those coming out the door! Hopefully the new airport will have them parked right outside the door that way the illegal guys will have nowhere to go!
Ah exactly what i wanted to the "report" in Gulf times is wrong, which is why i highlighted that paragraph to begin with. TB mentioned that he commented on it on their site but i cant see it, perhaps i need to register but i cant be bothered.
PS: that comment about locals being illegal taxi driver was a joke. FYI :)
@UEQ: Use your engineering mind and figure out yourself. :)
@smoke: I am a frequent traveler and always use airport taxi. They are not there for decoration at all. Last time I faced problem with airport taxi was like 4 years back.
People do not want to use them because the meter starts from 25 Riyal and thats where the private taxis play their role.
I mentioned Red Bull but the topic is on illegal taxi so just wanted to clarify as you had not mentioned in your above post..:)
Happy yes they do have other means, but in Qatar there is just ONE arrival terminal and for that too they are "barring" the only two official taxi service available from picking up passengers is nothing but stupidity if we go by what this report says. I've never had to take a taxi from the airport as i have had friends pick me up or bring my car to the airport but if i'm not mistaken i did see a line of taxi's outside the airport. Perhaps they were there for decoration.
I dont know about the rest of India but still the fact remains they dont stop offical taxi's from picking up passengers do they?
:). What did you prescribe in your last post above? Taxi or Red Bull?
what did you try a Redbull or a illegal taxi Yasir?
I tried it just once in my life. Did not like it.
Having laws and then running a system to promote outlaws!
Ha Smoke is smoking... and Quixote is Quixotic....
Agreed it is a mess but also I am fed up with being 'tooted' every five seconds out on the street (Am I an easy pick up?).
Mind you, Karwa taxis are no better - and their driving is atrocious.
Someone should do something.
Smoke...taxis are not the only mode of transport in India. We do have three wheelers (or auto rickshaws) which are licenced by the govt. They can drop the passengers but cant pick them from the airport (atleast some airports which I know).
Yasir Kh if that don't change anything try a redbull.
Help if you could find a bloody taxi when you need one. I hopped into an illegal taxi outside villagio mall. Like seriously, where the heck are all the taxis?
I am going to morning tea... But that won't change anything :)
Yasir drink your coffee mate ;)
LOL Galloper, I think they should change that to "Qatar, expect Shocking" :P
@Smoke: I have never seen any local (Qatari) who drives illegal taxi.
Thats little too much, I must say.
smoke word Monopoly comes to mind!
just remember
"Qatar, expect amazing"
happygolucky..where in India are taxi's not allowed to pick up passengers from the airport? I'm not talking about illegal taxi's but official ones.
lol HGL..:) Even at Heathrow London Airport we have them and despite announcement on the Public announcement system not to use such taxi drivers!
"Which other country in the WORLD follows such a ridiculous system?" beloved India comes to mind immediately....;) Others who are not allowed (unofficially) to take passengers may even get beaten up though they can drop them to the airport.
Honda Service Center in the Industrial have them in their waiting room, to take customer back to Doha after dropping the car off for service. I think that a good use of these taxi drivers as to get a taxi in the Industrial area is near to impossible.
So there are some good thing about them, I have a regular guy who takes me to the Airport and he is reliable and cheaper than your Karwa taxi!
Obviously they are locals..expatriates would not dare do such things :P
By the way they drive locals I think Brit
Are the illegal drivers locals or expats ?
Yes it really irritates me as well..i go to LuLu they are there, i get out of the airport they are there! I need to get myself one of those Merc/BMW key chains and flash it in their faces or something.
Its ok i suppose if you get an illegal taxi while waiting out on the road, but waiting at malls/airport like this openly doing illegal work and the authorities do nothing about this is absurd!
Come on! How much effort would it take for a manager in the airport to stick someone on the door to identify these dastardly rouge taxi drivers and chase them off? They are not blooming difficult to spot.
I'm impress with Dubai- where there's no illegal taxi operator would stand at Mall entrance or airport.
Well- I agree- As you walk out from the terminal- Many illegal taxi operator would approach you " Taxi sir"- I would just reply them- I walk or I go to my car(Just to shut them off) & I just go to the side of the terminal where there's a proper taxi stand. I usually don't look back as I know these illegal taxi operator would look at me angrily. :lol:
I have installed a XBox in my Pink KIA ready to provide service to airport pasengers
Smoke there you go! good opportunity for you to make some quick bucks..:)
Ha ha ha... spotted and commented on that excellent bit of writing earlier today Smoke.
How is this for a statement from a staff writer:-
"But apparently no such rules apply to the illegal operators inside the airport."
LOL... who edits this paper?
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