If you had a MILLION riyals::))))

if you have 1 million riyals what would you do(in qatar only)and dont ask i dont have a million.
if i had a million in qatar.id try to open a buisness.first ill build a apartment(coz rents now are skyfly)then by time ill get my million back.at that time ill buy a beautiful car(ferarri)and then a try to get an appartment in qatar pearl and then do what ever i want.
i have a big imagination
hashin yes i am pakistani thanks for the apperication... so does to you qatman
well if you want a really good idea omar92....
i would take all the money and invest it into two or three of the leading LED and CFL light bulb companys...
because as of a day ago... the US has made it a law to ban older style light bulbs in the states...
which means that over the next 5 years while the law is put into effect (which starts in 2010 or 2012) your money will constantly increase...
so in about 10 years... you can retire...
there is also a solar panel company that is making a solar panel that is as thin as aluminium foil and it shipped its first shipment of solar panels this year... they would be a great investment seeing as how green america is going and how those solar panels are 20 percent more effecient...
those are just long term invest ment goals...
if you want a short term goal your going to end up on your bum...
those are very risky...
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
AT thatguy-funny comment..i thought youd havve sometin better
AT mila-vegies egss and other stuff dont make alot of profit..but still godd
AT marcus looks like your a buisness man...:)lol
AT irf77 wow.....you must be damn good in math.
AT hashin and salax:i think 1 million riyals could do lots:))its always better than nothin...unless youll refuse a million
AT qatman:reeaaalllllyy lazy aint you hehe
AT DANDY:yep qatman is right dont go(iphone business will go down)
AT qt:dont steal ideas
AT apple:good idea.....make it 50%off..thats better:)
to all...to whos said to put their money in a bank account:what gets you good to put it.just to say that i have lots of money in my bank account.
I L!ke Mus!c(omarstuff.wordpress.com)
open up my own business, am thinking of ladies salon or beauty center. And i'll give a 30% discount for active QL-ladies only!:) but i will require a 1 yr membership in QL and Qatari(the admin) must authenticate her membership.
So ladies....start logging in now!!!!
I'm with Hashin, I'd buy a warehouse. I've been looking for one for 4 weeks, not only are none available but the prices are ridiculous. When I find one in the morning and make an appointment to see it for the next week, I always get a phone call back the very same afternoon, or the next day to say its gone.
I need to find one quick, otherwise I can't move to Qatar!!!!
Anyone with a cheap warehouse I could have for a reasonable rent please? Or if you know of one that isn't being used, please email me. I would like to move out to Doha soon!
If i get a mil, I'll complete my education, start up my business and put the rest
in the bank deposite. I'll use the comission to support people in lebanon :)
It's always the small things that make big differences.
I will go back to my country EGYPT and i will never come back again here
Dandy, Then who will unlock all those iphones?
ofcourse its time for me to go home in my country and do some business there.
also if you are iphone and ipod touch user :
just PM or SMS me first. :)
take the next flight home.put the money in time deposit. RELAX.. no more tensions.
I know people willing to put big money on the fact they can make 40% per year by investing in heavy equipment
I would hire irf77 as my Business Advisor.
ati moham
I have been there...
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
You can try your luck in Belize, rent is not that high
I haven't checked your profile but I am sure you are Pakistani
No pun intended...
your business plan is really good...
Let's see what I will do....
1000 K qatari riyal, I will use 100 K for charitable cause right away.... couple of options, build mousqe in poor area, not necessary in Qatar but may be in my home country Pakistan and/or get some poor girls married, and/or try to build a small scale non-profit industry give the job to poor and distriubte the profits to poor.
with 900 K, possible in Qatar or Dubai, I would open a heavy equipment company....
250 K boom loader, the machine which lift stuff, it's like a crane - monthly rent 17 K minus 7 K expense 10 K profit per month
250 K a crane - monthly rent 17 K 7 k expense 10 k profit per month
50 K license etc
100 K two bob cats monthly rent 12 K minus expense 5.5 K profit = 6.5 K
keep 70 K in company cash flow account
invest balance in stock exchange
this will start giving me monthly profit 0f around 30 K riyal atleast
after 8 months, I should have 30 * 8 - 270 K. plus 180 K my stock money so I will move into purchasing of equipment from europe and import into tihs part o the world, which would basically mean a heave equipment cost me around 200 K to import, may have to ekep with me for month or so and could sell it for around 240 to 250 K profit of around 40 K per month.....
if I surivie and be profitable first year, rest is history... and yes i will keep the rule to continue to use 10% of my profit towards charitable causes.
Regards, Irf.
I'd buy a warehouse in the industrial area and give it away for rent...
I'd get a cool 60000QAR per month
hmmmm a million riyal
i would put it in the bank and then put it in time deposit
after i get my first interest from the million
i will still put the million on time deposit nd then what i will use is the interest and buy some stocks for investment
and so on, and so on, and so on...just keep on repeating that and you'll never know you now have 2 million going round and round,
let the money work for you
forget an apartment, you'll struggle to find a house for 1 million riyals
and even if you buy a house for 1 million
the best monthly rent you'll get is about 15000 Qar
Hardly enough to get you a ferrari...
A ferrari will cost you atleast 700000
I think you have to set your sights a little higher
maybe gun for 1 million dollars...
If I had a Million Riyals in Qatar I will open up company to import all fruts and vegie, eggs, sugar, flawer and try to do the monopoly system just like the Qatari do.
With the profit I will build shelter for deserted labor with no home to live and give them ticket home.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
well if i had a million riyal...
I would by my copyright and out source my cartoon... then i would sit on the beach drinking crown and coke while my kid plays in the water with the dog...
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
I L!ke Mus!c(omarstuff.wordpress.com)
Cool Guy !!!!!