Ideal Indian School

Who is looking after Ideal Indian School Doha Qatar? Mandub?
previously degraded vice principal?Where is President?
It was published in the Peninsula thatSupreme Education Council did not permit any school to raise the fees. Then how did Ideal increaded the fees? Who is responsible for this misery to the parents? SEC or Indian Embassy?
Now a days school's serene educational environment is being spoilt by the impolite tone of pricipal and vice principal.
Some one commented 'one mad[Arun Khan]is replaced by two half mads.'
I think there is a Council of school, superior to the Managing Committee. The Council should redefine the policy of the institution.
hahahaha..... No medicine for baldness and envy!!!In malabari language we say ''Asooyakkum kashandikkum marunnillaa''.....
People like you can comment like anything.. that's your culture.. but we keralites.. very very sorry... we can't reply back in the same standard... since we are not brought up like the same.. Poor chaps...
On what basis.. you do say about this school...btw???School campus???school students??? school syllabus???school results????school culture?????school fees???IDEAL INDIAN SCHOOL MEETS VERY HIGH GRADE FOR ALL THE ABOVE CRITERIAS COMPARED TO ANY OF THE OTHER INDIAN SCHOOLSSS... I AM DAMN SURE ABOUT THAT LIKE ALL OTHER BRILLIANT MINDS!!!!!!
Please dont use a public portal to washout your dirt, also dont try to reveal your characteristics to others , it if it smell bad to the public
lol.. you can beat them only like this boys. pity you
he he he he..well said...these kerala kutties are very cheap..they spoiled indians reputation in entire gulf region...for money they are ready lick ass.....shit..they are pathetic
Most of the Indian schools are run by you keralites are you all "Mandubs or Gandus" what do you mean by Ideal increded? is it a Kerala Curry? What do you mean by school's serene? are you going on a picnic. Before you accuse any body any institution make sure what you are saying. The schools run by many malarbaris never comment their flaws in this forum. You mean all Khans and Shieks and Syed are mads, and you kuttis, unnis,gandus are all perfect.