Ice Ice BabY !

Well, as the Mercury is hitting high, and everyone is getting WET...err i mean is something to make urself COOL !!!
Some Fruity Flavored Summer Drinks !
Two recipes for cooling summer drinks that are also healthy:
1. Pomegranate Sangria: It must be a rare foodie who hasn't heard of the sangria. But the famous import from Spain gets a pomegranate twist here. And pomegranate is after all known to be a major source of anti-oxidants.
* 1,000 ml pomegranate juice
* 2 cups papaya or mango juice (substitute apple if necessary)
* 1 orange
* 6-8 strawberries
* 2 kiwis, if available
* 1 mango or papaya
* 1/2 cup sugar
Preparation: Mix juices and sugar until it dissolves. Wash orange and berries and cut into thin slices. Remove mango or papaya skin and cut fruit into chunks. Remove kiwi skin and cut into thick slices. Place all fruit into juice and let flavours blend in fridge for two-three hours or overnight before serving.
2. Pudina Chhaas: This one combines good old yoghurt with that relaxing flavour of mint.
* Yoghurt: 250 gm
* Chilled water: 1 litre
* Cumin seeds: 1 tsp
* Ginger: 1" peeled and chopped fine
* Green chilli: 1 seeded and chopped
* Red chilli powder: 1/2 tsp
* Fresh mint: 2 tbsp, cleaned and chopped
* Crushed ice
* Salt: to taste
Preparation: Put the yoghurt in a food processor. Add ginger, salt, green chillies, chilled water and mix at high speed for about two minutes. Now, pour this mixture into individual glasses along with crushed ice. Serve it immediately, garnished with chopped mint, red chilli powder and freshly ground cumin powder.
I'm enjoying your offer and my sweat both :D
As the business development manager for Rizk-u Enterprises WLL (Middle East,South Asia), i can promise you that we are working hard to ensure that online delivery services will begin operations at the earliest. In the meanwhile, please enjoy our offerings.
Rizks can I add Vodka in that? to give it a kick?
Rizks, is home delivery of readymade juice possible?
you started your juice stall online come on after doing chai garam this is another business .................?
brit, This lad is lucky! I could never break the ice with any of my sultry female friends.
"Baby" is the term Rizks uses for all his sultry female friends :o)
Where is the baby?
yumm yumm yummmmmy :)
i likd the sangria... sure will try it out.. thnks rizkssssssssssssssssssssss
Rizks, What is the relation with your username and food?
Just go to any store like FFC, Safeer, Indian Super Market and search in the aisle where they keep squash, juice, drinks, Tang etc.. There you will see a glass or sometimes a plastic bottle with thick red syrup.. That is Rooh Afza.. The label says that with a picture of a fruit basket..
My Bad. Thnaks.
have you seen that indian movie 'stars on earth'
a lil kid used to re-arrange the words on his own, so you are doing:(
thats faza'a not afza!
DP.. Must be the heat :o(
isn't Afza the security force her in Qatar who drive around in black/white landcruisers ?
RS no its something related to Body ! :)
what is rooh afza, something related to souls!!
Kareena, cant it be served in dwarf glasses ? :(
I dont have tall dark and handsome glasses...:(
One liter chilled milk, half a watermelon cut deseeded, few tablespoons of Naurus or Rooh Afza, few cubes of ice.. Put everything into the blender and blend.. Serve in tall glasses.. So refershing.. So delicious..
Excellent idea. It will save on the glass aswell.. Thanks :o)
You are the food processor, brit. Don't worry. Just shuffle the stuff in your mouth.
what brit :O, you dont have intestines!!
I don't have a food processor - what do I do ?
Yup MB !
it will some whatgive the same taste. Try it !
If not, pour it on ur head...u will have some healthier hairs (If u have ? )....:)
No Sugar for me..:) only use low Calorie Sweetner! will it give the same taste?
MB u can use brown sugar instead ! :)
Rizks the fruit Juices are fine.. but 1/2 cup of Sugar..NO!
how about CURRY JUICE this hot summer.... chillaxx!!
hey rizks thanks alot for the recipe :)
will you start serving us with those juices.
do get me mango shake.
rizks actually was drunked too much while posted the thread, so he didnt know about the consequences what reaction he will get from the readers!
'Chilled Beer' sounds better...
britey NO....:(
i am the same Rizks, the same well wishers of all the QLERS....:)
Are you TLS in disguise ?
you forgot the vodka!
This sound delicious.. Thanks for sharing the recipes especially for those of us who are hot and wet.. Hopefully it will cool them down.
wow.. thanx for sharing rizks.. would definitely try the pomegranate sangria one of this day. cheers..