But I wont do that; I wont do that...

I'm totally confused. I was listening to one of my favourite sings and the lyrics were:
I would do anything for love!
I would do anything for love,
I would do anything for love,
But I wont do that; I wont do that...
My question:-
What the hell is "that ?
Apparently if you listen to the female singer in the song, it is very clear what 'that' is, she sings:
'soon enough you will be screwing around...'
or something like that, I have not got time to look it up
It's just a prenup (the kind which defines roles). Sort of like I won't lift the toilet seats, won't prepare the morning pot of tea, won't let go the T.V. remote. Men are simple.
Well get back to you Brit..Let me ask he group Take THAT, what is that!
cut,go to BangalaDesh.
ok britey !
then how about u cut ur Peniiiss itself- i guess tat would be a big price to pay for love....:)
Lyrics blunder...?
Good Tip!
But isn't it a small price to pay - for love ?
brite i think its :
I would do anything for love, but i wont do circumcision ? :(
yea you better dont do it its Haram ok
I'm still waiting for the right answer....
I would do anything for love,
Anything you've been dreaming of,
But I just wont do that ...
For that Rizks will risk hair transplant and avoid covering his head with lungi.
LP...dont spoil the thread by giving the actual explanation :P
britey its not that, its 'Tit for Tat'.....:(
It's not 'this', brit. It is used as a pronoun, referring to something mentioned before or well understood. I think he means that, you know what I mean.
That is someone else's thoughts..
What do YOU think is "That"
He must have been an Expat :o)
The girl (he sings to) guesses that he would eventually do things to upset her and their relationship: firstly that he'd forget all of their memories and feelings between them and want to move on, and, secondly, would start having affairs. Both times, he denies it.
"I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)" is a song composed and written by Jim Steinman, and recorded by Meat Loaf. The song was released in 1993 as the first single from the album Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hell. The title of the song confused some listeners, who were curious to know what "that" is. It also became Meat Loaf's signature song.
No wonder, brit is also 'confused'.
You are indeed wise beyond your ears..
Could be a Kama Sutra position and he's afraid of his lungi being caught round his neck.......
But I won't do that!
Yeah I think you got it right Rizks! I can sing with that one...
guess you arent a man then
Da there is only one thing which is done tat way, which i have already mentioned above ? :(
Sorry for the multiple post... my bad :(
how the pak i know from where he came out ? :(
Hmmm...might be from the mouth ?
ok one more guess....
I would do anything for love,
But I wont Marry you; I wont Marry you... ?
might be he wants to keep some illicit relations ? :(
the one that you want to do alone in privacy and not be seen by any one and get full satisfaction.
Guys try waching , then maybe you can figure out what it means?
Guys try waching , then maybe you can figure out what it means?
Morning sweety pie, how u doing this plesant dusty morning ?
I too will do anything for your love but, i will do tat also....:O)
Haha good one rizks, very creative thinking!
You bidee smoking , Karak Chai drinker...
Gays do have sex.. How else do you think Elton John's son came about ...
No! It must be something else..
Good morning Rizk, How r u doing?
I would do anything for your love
but, I won't do it
ok britey, if u really want to know wats tat then here it is :-
I would do anything for love,
But I wont do SEX; I wont do SEX....
might be the singer is a Gay ? :(
Mixed feelings.
well need to ask the songwriter that question.
Brit I think what he meant by "but I won't do that" is to not to do anything that would hurt his one true love, that's a good song by the way...
But, I think it must be something more meaningful..
What is "That" ? :o(
LOL tat is..hmmmm, i think is 'Potty' ?