I thought I'd seen it all

Until today. I turned the corner off TV roundabout heading towards DESS. Coming towards me was a small school bus. Something looked odd about the left hand side of the bus. It took a moment but then I realised that I was looking at the feet of a child tapping the road as the bus moved along. Are the bus drivers so scared of the children or their familes that they won't even do anything to preven a cild losing their feet or, even worse, their life by falling out of an open door whilt the bus is moving? I've seen some crazy antics while driving around this country but this has to be the craziest so far.
I think it was because the brakes weren't working, and they need the kids to stop the bus - Fred Flintsone style!
The aide is worried about the kids beating him to pulp. so why should he intervene?
i wonder what the "Aide" was doing all along.. there's supposed to be another adult onboard a schoolbus aside from the driver to supervise the kids... i wonder if there was any at the time...
u still gotta see more
Always the joker.
I wasn't tapping the road, I was getting ready to jump off.
I don't know what type of bus it was. What I do know is that I saw a bus, kids jumping all over the place and one child sitting on the steps of the bus with his feet dangling out of the open door. I couldn't tell you which school the bus was from. Maybe it was a private hire. Doesn't change the facts though that what was happening was crazy. It wasn't a Karwa bus but could have been the sort that Tri-Logistics use, though I know it wasn't one of their buses.
i dont think that qatar schools using unfit busses as school bus... i have seen old Bus carrying Labours but not school childrens.. and if they do its a serious problem..
You answered the question youself....:
"Are the bus drivers so scared of the children or their familes that they won't even do anything...."