I think its the Caaaaar, not Qatari

Hello Mates,
Good morning. It was really a nice morning today.
Well. Normally we blame Qataris for flashing lights but today when I was driving to my work it was really funny situation. Signal was green. There was a Toyota Pick going very slow in the first lane nearby souq and a Qatari guy with Old Toyota Camri. He was flashing the lights but the pick up guy did not change his lane or increase the speed.
It was really funny as I was looking at the Qatari's face with a little bit of anger.
Its the mistake of the pick up driver as may be he was driving in 50 and signal was green with no car in front or in the second lane.
SO i think its the caaaaarrr not Qatari.
you are a Jerk!
Should I say that all Altima Drivers are MFs!!!!!
I own a Tiida. What's wrong with it??
I think this guy read your comment and started to sell his car...
We cannot change the fact that some people like to drive fast, like their "bottom" are on fire (or they need to go to the Bathroom quickly).
If other drivers are hogging on the fast and middle lane, fast drivers will start weaving from left to right. This is dangerous and will have a higher chance of accidents.
I drive reasonably and will only go to the fast lane when I am going to go left or u-turn. Otherwise, allow those fast drivers to go as fast as they want.
OYeee Smoke I drive a Tiida too and its a great car . Dont swear at my car i know where you live. I will shove a que stick up your fatoot.
Some they like to flash you for no reason- Pick ups like to do it. I was in the slow lane doing 70km or less- This Toyota pick up ( Benghazi rebel type pick up) would tail gate you very close( In fact the fast lane is free.) You can see how these pick up like to bully other drivers.
Nissan Tida & suny & lancer drivers mostly are maniacs...
What to do when one or two lanes are blocked by Ashgals Auth and just one lane offers a way to go?
True, we should blame the powerful car and its drivers!
Espcially in the morning, people moving for offices, we expect all FI champions are on roads, keeping their BP under control :D
FathimaH people need to use the correct lanes and stop hogging the middle and fast lanes!
People just need to be considerate and patient with one another, truly a solution for many of life's dilemmas on and off the roads!
May be his girlfriend was sitting next to him and she was so short you could not see her!
Its the driver not the Car LLR. The pickup drivers are the worse!
It was not the Qatari's mistake. Even I might have done the same. Its peak time and signal was green and the dog damn pick up driver was driving like he is all alone in a beach road with his girl friend sitting next to him.
1. (noun) A ugly and forgettable experience, started on the assumption that it feels good.
I presume Smoke contributed this definition for Tiida......
Lols saala
To all Tiida Owners: If you are a tiida car owner send me your details i will hunt you down and drive you off the road :P
Why does everybody have this need to rush? Slow down... we rush, rush, rush to save minutes, to do what? Sit in front of the telly? Enjoy the journey... relax
would be hilarious if somehow all the tiida drivers knew your identity lol..your driving life in doha would then be one endless saga of screeching tires, flashing lights, swearing, honking, being cut off, tail gated and what not..actually, i think that would make a pretty funny movie sub-plot too lol
lol at ruchita/rizks:-)
Well under any circumstances all tiida drivers should get my foot up their arse!
lol i would be very annoyed with your comment if i really had a tiida haha..actually, i need my car to have at least 6 cylinders..which means i will probably never set foot in a tiida under normal circumstances:-)
thanks ruchi, i thought it was "Marinated Fish" ! :)
Maqbool Fida.........put why all Tiida drivers are maqbool fida?
lol funny how you put it haha..but actually, i feel its most left lane drivers who flash their lights..because most slower cars in the fast lane simply refuse to move over..what does one do then?..in other countries, people generally make every effort to safely move over..not the case here
I suppose you are one of those Tiida drivers and you felt bad LOL
PS: You are welcome dont mention it :P
wat is "MF's" ?
But one thing still got established though...be it a flashy new LC or a rust bucket Camry, Qataris love to flash their headlights for their unchallenged hold on the left lane.
not at all..i thanked you, didn't i?..besides, its obvious which side of the bed you woke up on today and by which car you got cut off as well lol..so best to just let you be:-)
You have a problem with that?
thank you for gracing yet another thread with your eloquent pearls of wisdom
but all Tiida drivers are MFs!!!
yes, its never one thing or the other..each situation warrants it's own separate evaluation:-)..land cruisers are not always bad and corollas are not always innocent victims:-)