I lost my friend

By qatarfalcon •
Today I lost my best friend . I totally Shocked and didnot know what to do except asking Allah for his Mercy .He died after he had badly accident in Sudia Arabia . He was active , helpful , embition ... I cannot forget his smile and sound.
What can I say this is life . Alla Yerhamek ........
have mercy on your friend and be pleased with him and grant you courage to bear the tragic loss.
Was it a car accident?
Life is too short and if u r not living on the edge then u r taking up too much space.
اللهم ارحمه وثبته عند السؤال ، اللهم ابدل سيئاته حسنات ، اللهم ابدله دارا خيرا من داره واهلل خيرا من اهله وزوجا خيرا من زوجه ، اللهم وسع عليه في قبره ، اللهم ادخله الجنه بلا سؤال ولا حساب ، وصلي اللهم وسلم وزد وبارك علي سيد الخلق محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم ، واخر دعوانا ان الحمد لله رب العالمين.
البقاء الله اخي \ اختي
My sincere condolences. May ALLAH grant him paradise and give you and his family strength to bear the loss.
You and I know that our brother is now in peace...still riding his HOG but only now in the Kingdom of Heaven.
May Allah have mercy on his soul and raise him up to Jenna.
May Allah give you and his family the strength to bear this loss.
Love is the answer...
close to God's heart and may God give you peace with your loss. Death is never easy to understand. May his family find peace soon and each day the burden to bear be a bit easier...Bless you....
I am very sorry to hear about yuor friend, my heartfelt condolonces and may his soul rest in peace.
My heartfelt condolences ... May the Almighty God have mercy on his soul
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
forgive him and let him in paradise so his soul can rest in peace. My heart is with his family, asking god to give them more patience and help them to move on.
This is life, death comes out of nowhere and in no time to take the souls but the wise is who did work for such a day.
My Deep Condolences
My hearty condolences. May his soul rest in peace.
May God rest his soul in peace
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
inna lillaahi wa inna ileyhi raaji3oon...
sincere condolences to you and ur friends family...
May God Bless his Soul(Ameen)
may he have a palm in heaven.
Inshalla he will be in heaven, god forgive him
./`I don't wanna waste another day-Keepin it inside, it's killing me./`
my prayers for him and his family... my condolences
my deepest condolences to you ...
I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you can be strong and get through this.
tra la la
My dear,
alba2eyah fee hayatak... dont sad we all going to the same say...
Take care
inna lillahi va inna ilahi rajiyoon.
May allah accept his good deeds, forgive his sins and let him enter jannah,inshaalllah.
both to you and your friend's family.
What a terrible shock for you all.
Life can be so cruel :(