I blame the QL'ers

After all the hoo Ha regarding Cold stone Creamery, I ventured off to Villagio to try it..
Ordered the choco, caramel, nutty, etc etc
The guy started to prepare and said, sorry, we don't have almonds, will you take walnuts..
We don't have caramel, will you take chocolate chips instead.
When asked why, he said, that all deliveries come from Dubai and the stock hadn't arrived yet..
Who do I contact in QL for a refund??
poor you ... i got exactly the same story with that coffee shop next door to virgin... *sigh*
I tried one week ago. My gf is chocoholic so we asked for the chocolate with dark chocolate and chocolate cookies...
"Sorry, we dont have dark chocolate, we can solve it with caramel if you dont mind..."
We went to Haagen Dazs...
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
Lol, coffee finished.
One day I decided I had to go to BK and get a cheeseburger. Not a hamburger, a CHEESEburger because, well, why bother if there's no cheese.
Now mind you this was HUGE because not only do I avoid fast food, but I almost never eat beef. Probably hadn't had a burger in a couple of years. It was just something I HAD to have that day, for some reason.
So I went to BK and ordered a cheeseburger, only to be told..."Sorry ma'am, we don't have cheese".
Huh??? I felt like saying, "Hey MegaMart is just down the street, you want me to go get you some real quick?"
no cheese...sheesh.....
Britexpat, I feel your pain! How many weeks was it that I went to Starbucks only to be told, "No, Madam, coffee finished." My query, "And you don't consider this a critical issue?" was of course met by a blank stare.
its good to be back but am at work and have to keep turning this off!!!! :)
At least felines like cream...
As Chichi said.. I'll chalk it up to experience..
charge it as experience...
Haha Brit, welcome to Doha!
Brandy, welcome baaaack!
Brandylady!!! How are you??? Where were you??? Loooooong time!!!!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
.mint cookies and cream, lol,,,,,,,,. so funny..
I went there a few weeks ago (still during Ramadan) and ordered the mint milkshake. They then started putting a white ice cream and cookies. I asked them: but that doesn't look like mint, what is it? And they said: we don't have mint ice cream, so we're making cookies and cream.
Same thing, mint, cookies and cream...
I eventually got a vanilla milkshake. It was delicious.
though can feel the calories already!!!!
Don't be put off by my experience.
Just make sure the guy has all the ingredients before he starts preparing the concoction you order..
but by the sound of your experience, wont bother looking
.good that i didn;t go there yet...
.maybe ill just wait for the deliveries from Dubai to arrive...