I am worried about Denmark

I saw on CNN last night that Denmark claims to have uncovered a terrorist plot to assassinate some cartoonists. I really distrust Denmark and think everyone should be wary of Danish people. Some of the women are alright but the men really suck.
I am not totally sure exactly where Denmark is. I can't find it on my map but I think it is near or north of Europe. Denmark is a very small communist country with a big chip on its shoulder. I think that communism is un-Islamic. It is certainly unAmerican.
Something should be done about Denmark and their communist trouble making people. I hope that Team America will invade Denmark and stop their troublemaking.
Please write your Congressman to support an invasion of Denmark. Remember peace has a price!
They were tired of their Neutral status during the world wars
So this time around they want to be responsible for starting one simple!
Every nation should have an equal chance of making mayhem in the world
And the same goes for every Qler too - Right guys?
lol @ tigasin
It's nice to know that people care enough to post a comment on an old thread, even if they've somewhat missed the point.
I am a man of very limited intelligence. I do not mean to offend but when you are as incredibly stupid as i am sometimes it just happens.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
I think its not nice for people to judge a whole country based on someone stupid act. i mean i lived in Denmark for 20 years and i know how danes behave and im possitive that there are danish people against the cartoons that came out.
dont misunderstand me im TOTALLY 100% against the cartoons, but yet again i feel like we should do something possitive instead of swearing at the whole country.
anyway thats my opinion
really I should be attempting to do some work but you guys have me in hysterics! You guys are sooo funny!
Richard123: you're funny :)
Just an interesting piece of research that is sort of connected.
'In 1999, Islamic art expert Wijdan Ali wrote a scholarly overview of the Muslim tradition of depicting Mohammed. In that essay, Ali demonstrates that the prohibition against depicting Mohammed did not arise until as late as the 16th or 17th century, despite the media's recent false claims that it has always been forbidden for Muslims to draw Mohammed. Until comparatively recently in Islamic history, it was perfectly common to show Mohammed, either in full, or with his face hidden. Even after the 17th century, up to modern times, Islamic depictions of Mohammed (especially in Shi'ite areas) continued to be produced.'
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
1- International Landmark: Denmark has a famous landmark, They called it "the mermaid". Yes! that old prostitute, always naked and is always welcoming sailors to the port. 2- Richard invasion of DenmarkWe can't invade Denmark, they are part of NATO. Unless you want to go back to WW-2 and share the Nazi Invasion of Denmark. 3- Super race They consider themselves descendants from the Vikings.I would mind be conquered by some wealthy and healthy woman from Denmark. As long she don't thinks she still a Viking then I'm in troubled. 4- Are they really Communist?I must agree with you my dear Grass Hoper! 5- Got to love their Danish "Communism" in their pure foundation and principle. The Red Pope of Qatar LivingBut as Muhammad Ali once said, 'It's not bragging, if you can back it up'."
richard 123,
this is fun! Beseeching your knowledge, o wise one...is there any others we should be boycotting??
I may be blonde but I am wise
smile lots laugh more
They even have the audacity to have their own pastry! I say boycott all patessiries (with their nice outside cafe areas with waiters in crisp white linen; in fact lets boycott all things white while we're at it!)
I hate them so much!!!!!
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Go and pollute some other thread with your beer and your bacon.
The time has come to substitute caution for courage. Martin Luther King, Birmingham, Alabama 1963
"Ops we did it again - Brtney Spears" comes into mind these days - and again I'm proud of my "communist" country and our liberal interpretation of freedom of speech!
Yes a couple of wannabe terrorists (when did achieving great knowledge become uncool - is terrorisme for muslims the same as bling bling for americans, which are not the shapest tools in the tootbox???) had designs on a 70 something year old cartoonit who made a drawing (not of Mohammed - PBHN) showing a bomb in the scull - binding terrorism and islam (due to the context it was published)! WAUW I hope these guys are considered true heroes - they are really daring heroes...
After the plot was revealed even the most left wing newspaper that had not published the cartoons previously did show the support by publishing them - I SAY - GREAT
The more they are shown the more the concept of killing for a religion is rediculed - and so it should be!
Short answer - but I have Beer and Bacon to consume...
I can't believe some people are even questioning whether richard123 is serious or not. Perhaps we need a dedicated sarcasm forum for things like this just so people can be certain.
I also got it mr. paul. Gypsy and Oryx also got it. That's why I am laughing to my heart's content :)
Richard 123, I seriously hope you having a laugh!
If not get a life!!!!! and get out of Qatar see other countries such as Denmark before you making a fool of yourself with your stupid comments!
richard123 _ Ha Ha Ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha
I don't hate the women. Some of them are alright especially the shameless hussy ones.
You are right though I do hate the rest. The Danes are a barbaric communist race of cartoonists and should not be tolerated.
The time has come to substitute caution for courage. Martin Luther King, Birmingham, Alabama 1963
tallg, Did I miss the point ? I only think this is a topic too serious to make jokes about. I don't like jokes about a subject like this, as there are always people not understanding it and takes everything serious - in this case believing that Danes are the scum of the Earth. We have Fundamentalists everywhere and the last Cartoon row was not very pleasant for a lot of innocent Danes in the Middle East.
charansoi11r I feel pity for you - I accept that you think that I write Garbage, but nothing was wrong in what I wrote, I just asked some questions and I stated some facts that no-one can dispute.
This is a too serious topic to make fun of
South African or not !!!
I like Danish Bacon...What will i do if i boycott Denmark ??
The republishing of one of the cartoons in three Danish newspapers is a reaction to the arrest of three suspects in a plot to murder one of the cartoonists.
They published the one drawn by the targeted cartoonist....basically they are saying the more you intimidate the more we will publish.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Thought I would bring this to your attention, seems like the world's 17% of muslims want special treatment when it comes to education.
Feel free to sign the petition, or just get on with your life. Well at least an online petition is peaceful though it will be interesting to see the next step when wikipedia refuse.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Denmark! Denmark!! Wait till I get my hands on it!
Are my hands big enough to throttle it?
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
come on, you shouldn't blame the government or the population nevertheless the religion of a certain country if one of its' citizens done wrong. the individual alone should be punished. it's not fair to hate everyone, you hate even the women? do you happen to know every single dane on earth? it's that way of thinking why war will always be present on this planet. peace!!!
vignale - I believe you may have missed the point somewhat. Either that, or you have taken this 'tongue in cheek' comedy to a new level and I am missing the point.
Then How come Vasques has a Masters Degree in Danish Langauge. May be he is some king of a Spy? Can not trust anybody these days
here we go agaian!
CNN International - 50 minutes ago
(CNN) -- Newspapers in Denmark Wednesday reprinted the controversial cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed that sparked worldwide protests two years ago.
Danish Muhammad cartoon reprinted BBC News
Danish Dailies Reprint Muhammad Cartoon After Arrests (Update1) Life’s……...[img_assist|nid=61048|title=...|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]TRUE BLUE
I agree. I hate the Danes even more than I hate racists.
As a people, their industriousness in drawing cartoons is exceeded only by their thirst for the blood of Christian babies.
In the middle ages the Danes were accused of starting the the bubonic plague, but this is simply not true. It was started by a bunch of filthy rats: the Portuguese. Anyway, if the Danes had wanted to spread the plague, they would have used witchcraft.
Pick N Pay supermarket.... loads of outlets in South Africa...
Vasquez is not Danish - he is a Norwegian doing community service... as a penance he has to pretend he is a Dane whilst here. Sad eh?
May be Al Mulla Dep. Store :)
Where to buy South African Bacon ?
I agree lets boycott Denmark
First boycott Danish bacon - buy south african bacon it has far less fat.
R123 the women are not alright - they are shameless hussies too.
"Richard - Have you ever met a Dane".
Vasques is Richard's Buddy here in Qatar and He is Danish. We 3 get together quite weii in real life.
Find out the actual facts before you come up with this kind of Garbage.
Richard, first get your facts straight before you write silly things like this. Have you ever met a Dane ? Have you been there ? What you obviously dislikes is that the Danes got Freedom of Speech- I do not defend Publishing the infamous cartoons -that was a silly act too, but you have to understand that the Government of Denmark do not control the Media, like in other Countries.You are also calling Denmark a Communist Country It has never been a Communist Country.
The Ban of Danish Products during the Cartoon Row had some effect, no doubt about it - some Danish Companies lost big bucks, but who did suffer ?? only the people working in the Factories ! and some of these factories owned by danish companies taking losses were located in KSA NOT Denmark, think about that before suggesting another boycot.
PS! I am not Danish
The 'country' did not plan. One man drew and one newspaper published.
Most countries have planned something against other religions:
eg chinese in tibet
I have no soft corner in my heart for danish. Any country who planned something against any relegion not able for any favour. Such countires are the really enemy of the humanbeings.
"Keep Smiling"
Never buy any Danish products... like danish blue cheese... you dont' know what drugs have been put in them..
They are godless people... look one of their main is a statue of a woman with no clothes on...
naked for all the world to see and shameless to the heavens
Richard - Beware of Vasques. He is the Danish agent in Qatar. I am going to severe all the ties with him.
I think we should definitely be afraid of Denmark and the Danes. I heard that they've developed a super-race of Great Danes who are all super big and super strong.
You know Richard I really dislike anyone who judges others on the basis of race or religion....oh and I really hate the Dane's too.
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco