Husband leaves wife drowning...

Does he qualify for the husband of the year award ????
JEDDAH: The floods shocked many, especially a Saudi wife whose husband fled for his life and left her to drown in a car filling up with water. Pakistani truck driver Shahzad (not his real name) witnessed the cowardly act.
“I couldn’t believe my eyes when this man left his wife to die. I couldn’t bear the sight of the drowning woman shouting for help,” he said.
“I got down from the truck and half swam and half waded to her and carried her on my back and brought her to safety.
We were petrified from what we saw happening around us. The woman was crying a lot. We waited till the Civil Defense helicopter came to rescue us.”
Arab News
Expect the un-expected from MANKIND under extreme circumstances.
However, it is kinda expected from Saudis.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
This wont happen if she knows swimming..
"“I got down from the truck and half swam and half waded to her and carried her on my back and brought her to safety. "
I don't want a Signature line to prove that I'm great !!
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Well, world is filled with such persons sadly
wow!amazing guy!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
as you said they are WATER PROOF but not FLOOD PROOF. Nothing can stand in the way of FLOODS RIGHT !!!
May Allah protect us all from any natural disastor
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
After years of living with his wife, he might that thought that this is a good opportunity to (ahem)..get rid of her. No explanations needed.
Or like Atif said, when the make up ran off & her true face was
are selfish....but not to this extent.
When one have many open options available ;)
we should hear husband's story as well.....May be a selfish coward running for his own life?
Inshort, his title 'Husband' should be taken off, who could not protect.....
you can get drenched with Make up on
I'am sure if I was married and had my wife on the same boat,I would have definately given her the life jacket first.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
When that moment comes its own life which is more important to some poeple...
Unfortunately had witnessed a similar situation...
we went for a boat trip few yrs the middle of the sea we saw water in the boat and realized that something went wrong and we were slowly drowning...tried to call coast gaurd...police all possible numbers they all asked to call different numbers...
There were not enough life jackets..some husbands caught hold of the life jacket and wore themselves than giving it to their wife and kids..HOW SELFISH SOME MEN ARE... whereas all the wives were putting life jackets for their kids first...thats the difference..
she must claim DIVORCE from her coward husband and the Saudi Govt must give him atleast 20 lashes on Humanity grounds by leaving his responsibility (wife) unattended in such crucial & most needy time.
From me, he gets nothing. Not even a negative award!
he gets a unanimous vote for AH husband of the year! no doubts about that...
atif, that was really good and true
guys you didn't think of one crucial point that as we all know how ARAB women are fond of MAKEUP.
So when the water was pouring in their car, her makeup washed away and she revealed her true face beauty. That's when her husband saw her and said WTF!!!!!!!!! and ran away
is hea related to the AIDS infection case?
Rules are a guideline for intelligent people, but they must be adhered to by idiots.
lol yes that IS right.. I would like to think so anyway :)
Is that right? ;p
Your girl won't need to sign up for any swimming classes then.
I don't log into Facebook much so don't know..
But Prodigy just wanted to point out that in this world you will meet idiots like this husband and great, nice, sensible, handsome, chivalrous, gentle, incredible men ........ like me too ;)
LOL My bad!
Still He rescued her because he wouldn't have to deal with her in the long run. :o
BTW is he the same fella with the appreciation group on facebook?
Prodigy did you notice the sex of the person who saved her???
That's it,I think I'd rather die a spinster then...
That's men for you, they will run, walk, swim,or crawl away given the opportunity.
and driving around with my wife .. just incase it floods and i have to swim off fast .. hehehehheheh
Rules are a guideline for intelligent people, but they must be adhered to by idiots.
such a caring husband indeed. and if he comes back to his wife apologizing after, if i were her, i would kick his bum back in the flood :/
Brit you should know. You guys taught us during "The Raj"
so shit does really float.
Is it cherry pit spitting or dung spitting ?
no... sorry ...
but i knew that
there is MEN
and there is MALES.
i didn't know that there is pigs.
i have to update my database beside i have a lot of belgam on this kind of pigs.
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it
But it is not a cultural ignorance
and it is not blind following ....
One shot don't spit. Spitting is Indians exclusive right, atleast that's what I was told on QL a few days back. Let us do it
lol one_shot, thats quite a bit of phlegm youve got happening.
kh kh kh kh thfoooooooo
on this kind of husbands
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it
But it is not a cultural ignorance
and it is not blind following ....
lol sand, now thats a worry.
I dont know about that snessy, i wouldve possibly cooked him a nice dinner and maybe added some nice powder to it, why bother with solicitors lol?
lol nadt, now you are thinking like us ;)
Nadt, if that had been me, I don't think we would've had anything to discuss other than through our solicitors :-)
Britexpat, you're probably right, he swam away to get help from somenone else who could swim to help his wife ;-)
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
husband was worst than flood.
or maybe sand, he was runnig to rescue his second wife somewhere close by.
lol eco, we typed the same thing at the same time. I think your right eco, she would stay with him, would be crazy too though.
Oh Brit, typical male behaviour, always making excuses for one another.
instead of both of them getting drowned (and nobody will be left to take care of the children), the husband is just choosing the lesser evil! Lol!!!! And we know that he can get a "replacement" (joke)
"I'm back, simple as that"
true progression, what was i thinking ;-)
Yeah Snessy, he seems very reliable, i would love to know what this couples follow up conversation was after this incident.
i wouldnt be surprised if she is still married to him
You are a cynical lot. Perhaps he couldn't swim or more likely he was going for help.
It's good to know she was able to rely on her husband in her hour of need, LOL :-)
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
I answered it seriously in my first comment. Check out the thread Brit is referring to know what I was talking about.
nadt, sand and brit is around you must refrain from using the word "seriously" because no one will answer you.
so whats new, most men only look out for themselves. seriously though, how low can one be?
good samaritan me??????
I will go back to the car for sure but just to make sure there is no way to escape ;)
no sandy, brit probably is making sure that there will be no good samaritan around. since you are still there, his hesitation mounts.
do you have grudge with brit? lol
Maybe his wife is afraid of getting in his car when he goes out driving in the gulf.
why wait for the rain, the gulf is wide... and waiting. lol
better have beer.
Brit had you stayed back in UK, you could have gotten an opportunity every week ;)
I've been praying for rains in Doha, but nothing yet :O(
i am sure that man who left his wife drowning is QL member. he wants to prove that marriage contract has this expiration, or maybe he wants to know the goodness of being married and then turned single in a blink of an eye.
for that good samaritan, i believed he has this grugde against the man. so to make even, he saved the wife.
as for you brit, i believe you are trying to get rid of your wife also. lol
Guys, for a Saudi it is perfectly normal that an Indian or Pakistani does his job.
Will that pakistani face lashes for touching another man's wife?
The Pakistani spoiled the Husbands plans.
That do gooder Pakistani should be deported then :O)
britex...i think the guy just found a damn good excuse to get rid of his wife. it's an innocent act lol
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
I think he just won that award hands down...