Hundreds march in peaceful Doha rally

Hundreds of people marched in a peaceful rally from the Omar bin Khattab mosque to the American embassy in Doha yesterday afternoon soon after the Friday prayer to protest against a film denigrating the Prophet of Islam.
Expressing their resentment over the attempt to malign Islam by tarnishing the image of the Prophet, the protesters called for revenge against those who made the movie.
“No Muslim will tolerate such a cowardly and lewd form of depicting the Prophet’s personal life. It is unfortunate that America and Europe have become the breeding ground for hatred against Islam and Islamic values and Islamic way of life” said one of the protesters, Abdullah al-Mutawwa.
Prior to the rally, Islamic scholar and chairman of the International Union of Ulema, Dr Sheikh Yousuf al-Qaradawi, strongly criticised the film in his Friday sermon at the Omar bin Khattab mosque.
“The movie seeks to destroy the image of the Prophet of Islam in a very mean way,” he said. “It reflects racialism and ignorance. It cannot be described as a work of art permissible under the pretext freedom of expression,” he added.
“We have been used to such acts of maligning from the West oft and on. Some people in America and Europe are bent on hurting the sentiments of 1.6bn Muslims all over the world.”
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sorry for bashing !but there is a limit to tolerance!
actually any body whose least educated about QURAN and the tradition of prophet MUHAMMED will always try to insult him ,once u read QURAN and the piousness u will melt ,..its not for jest people in west are reverting to is the most logical n scientific religion on earth..check google for more illustrations.
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if we respect others, they will respect us back....
Either they themselves were ignorant OR it just sounded better to blame good o'l Uncle Sam alone rather than digging into the culprit's roots! Either ways it doesn't say much about the intelligence of their followers.
As a Muslimah I often fear these situations.
Because according to our faith when the Anti Christ, Dajjal appears we are warned that many Muslims will also be among his followers because they to will fall for him and be convinced of his divinity. Which is why Our Prophet warned us time and again to be wary of following anyone without knowledge and not to deviate from His path. Muslims should therefore fear being easily lead even by what appears to be a majority!
Dajjal is by far such a great trial as compared to this movie yet how many have deviated from Islam by this alone and committed acts against the Quran and Prophet's teachings already!
Fathimah, that is certainly so. Still...did the people who instigated those demonstrations not know who this man really was?
If nothing else this whole furor has proved some disturbing realities. Namely that generalization holds true everywhere,and that many people can be easily lead and in their emotional frenzy often abandon logical thinking!
So, are people now going to demonstrate at the Egyptian embassies? Apparently the man who made this movie was Egyptian American, a Copt from what I read in Gulf Times today.
This is EXACTLY what I was talking about in another thread. That we Muslims are commanded by God Himself to not make distinction between our Prophets.
Yet whilst so many caricatures,jokes etc are often published about Prophets like Naoh, Moses, and Jesus(May Allah's peace be upon them all) and Muslims around the world do nothing by means of open condemning and protesting,silent or otherwise,(some even,may God guide them, join in the sick jokes!) They would only do so if Muhammad(Peace be upon Him) is insulted or Muslims are subjected to ridicule. Why? Why the distinction?
Faith shouldn't be so fragile that a really s*it movie affects it so badly and it is a s*it movie, he didn't even bother to make an effort.
Too late Arien!
All rooms are already partitioned and rented.
Advance payment done too...500 years X 12 cheques.
Bloody regards
Dracy , Take me too..
There are also numerous carricatures about Noah and the ark. Where were you, abeer, when they were published?
abeer, and I did not see you protest when the "Da Vinci Code" depicted Jesus and his relation with Maria Magdalene. Where were you?
abeer, I did not see you protest when "The Life of Brian", depicting Jesus, was published. Where were you?
To ridicule & make fun of someone's faith & God is bad & condemnable, but to misuse & misguide someone's faith & God is worse & should be punishable.
these prophets were send by GOD(WE CALL ALLAH),to send the message of monotheism,but after they were taken back by GOD,people have made them as demi-gods,open ur brain n understand the logic of monotheism and U MAKE FUN OF A PROPHET BECAUSE HE TAUGHT U THE RIGHT PATH!
You can have unity only when you have a common ideology. Political ambitions are always bound to clash with each other. Countries like Egypt & Pak need to be clear with their people about'where they are actually heading for' (or to be more precise 'if they actually intend to head for anywhere'). It's my personal belief that how can they talk about support & sympathy for people of Kashmir or Palestine when there is so much more sensitivity & empathy desired at their own home front? (And remember, I am not even talking about the oppressors. I am talking about only those whose hearts bleed for the people who suffer in Palestine & Kashmir)
I wonder why the Christians did not invade the British Embassy? Are they peaceful by any means?
Monty Phyton's the "Life of Brian" is way better than this movie.
i still prefer what Qatar did by holding a silent protest. no innocent lives infrastructure damaged.. every one has a right to voice in opinions but i still pray that it was done in a harmless possible way..
ingeriero--IMO Muslim unity is a pipe dream. If the last few decades have taught us anything it's that nationalism is still more powerful than Islam with the majority in the Arab world.
And the irony is that it is exactly the States Freedom of Expression laws that allows this internal dissent - this examination of internao politics just doesn't happen in the MENA region.
BritExpat, Agree with you, they are doing it wrong up to some extent, but How long Muslims will stay silent and be nice with them? May be until we all become united!
I never do favor of any person who damage public or government property during the protest! But I am kinda Okay with American embassies and their diplomats!
Elite Class, Influential people, maximum Muslim leader, Armies and Media are always silent, the one who protest is a common man, who never think deeply about there things...
Muslims need to control their emotions and use their brains. In all these instances they are not only showing the wrong image of Islam, but also damaging their own countries and infrastructure.
Adey--You need to look beyond Mein Kampf to the period over a decade later when he was in power. It's better representation of who he was.
Film can't harm Islam, they are just playing with Muslims emotions!
exactly tcom..
These rioters did more harm to Islam than the film itself.
Adey, thanks for correction, It's Warriors (spell mistake) :)
I'm sure you didn't mean 'Worriers'
or maybe you did!
"we muslims will even die for the respect of our beloved prophet"
Well that's your choice, but that is a whole lot different from what's going on.......or is your above statement coded to really mean this?:
we muslims will even kill for the respect of our beloved prophet.
There's a world of difference between the two attitudes.
We stand against these things, we become hypocrites, we are silent to show the world that we are modest and peaceful people, they do it more. and then they start killing us! But we should stay silent and do peaceful protest against States in our countries under the supervision of Armed forces and police who are trained by same Americans and record our protest with United Nations so that they decide and take some action!
This is what happening in Kashmir/Palestine, every year Kashmir/Palestine are reminding the beloved UN that Give us our right!
We say something and it suddenly become bashing, racism and stupidity with zero tolerance and generalization! Because unfortunately some non Muslims spent some time here in Gulf and now they feel that they know Islam, and they are judging us! and according to them it's better to be silent or do protest in front of Masjid.
for me I completely support what Egypt, Libya and other countries did, Attack on their embassies, Just don't harm any ordinary American, they deserve respect and protection from anyone who try to harm them, only if they are not supporting the act of those three!
Because of one OBL America bombed entire Afghanistan and doing the same in Pakistan's tribal areas, they killed youngsters, 2/3 year old kids!
and We are Peaceful people, but read our history, We are Worriers also! and Great Worriers!
I'm a bit late, but Hitler was a believer and certainly used his catholic roots as one(amongst manner) reason to target the jews. An occult like paganesque element crept in through some 'cult of personality' fantasy....but he was never anywhere close to being an atheist or agnostic.
“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by only a few followers, recognized these jews for what they were and summoned men to the fight against then and who, God’s Truth! Was greatest not as sufferer but as fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and of adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before – the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a man I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilization of the ancient world some two thousand years ago - a civilization which was driven to its ruin through this same Jewish people.”
Adolf Hitler, speech of 12 April 1922, Munich (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942
we muslims will even die for the respect of our beloved prophet MUHAMMED,MAY ALLAH'S peace be on him!The anger with U.S. is that they can stop this shameful actions against ISLAM and hurting MUSLIMS.
it is zionist scheme to have world war between muslim countries and the U.S.,its the work of free masonry n illuminati...check out urself on youtube n google..
I think we all know the answer to that now!
One question..
Who is doing more harm to the Image of Islam on the world stage?
1. A stupid film that most people won't watch..
2. People killing innocent people in the name of their Religion?
Very true. The lesser these trouble making fools are given attention the better!
And Xena.. I agree. Sadly people tend to see the negativity in others and often overlook their own. Unfair generalizing is something we all hate when done to us and yet how easy it is to be the perpetrators of such despicable deeds, specially when we feel victimized!
As of now this trial we Muslims are facing is proving to indeed be a great test upon us all. In a bid to get justice for the "harm" caused to our Prophet's name, are we gonna actually oppose His legal ways and teachings, something which would have caused him more pain than some Non Muslims insulting him? This is exactly what many of the protesters the world over are doing. As a wise Muslim said "Protesting in defense of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) and they don't even know who he (really) is"
Again nothing personal, the truth can be somewhere in between and I doubt Hitler ever had any ideology at all even for namesake except hate everybody sans himself,and hope the common ground expand boundless,nice evening to you
It seems we have found common ground. Have a good day.
So far so good!why people have double standard,how could I quote Hitler himself if it was not true from his own book,I am not alone in the world to have said that you cannot blame Christianity for the Nazi Hitler's misdeeds and I was only quoting and was not scripting my invented opinion and scores of biographers and historians agree on this , the term Christian Hitler is a misnomer is my point after all,people use religion for narrow political gains and their actions are not based on the true spirit of any religion,Islam doesnot tell anybody to make mischief in the land but expel the perpetrators from the land and let us take note that out of the billions of Muslims around the world only a miniscule percentage of people are indulging in such arson and attacks!
IMO--In my opinion.
I was responding to your statement: "nobody is blaming the 'Chtistian'Adolf Hitler for the genocide of the Jews but the Nazi Hitler". I was attempting to explain that they don't call him a Christian because he wasn't one. For example, the swastika is not a Christian symbol; and he did not chant Christian prayers to his soldiers before battles. Nor did he consistently state that he was being inspired by his Christian beliefs. It's not that he was a bad Christian, he just simply wasn't one at all. Most slaughter in the West in the modern era has be carried out by men motivated by nationalist and secularist ideologies, not religious ones. Very different, of course, to centuries ago.
The larger truth is quiet clear Batchu and I have no doubt about it ,no where did I say Hitler was a true Christian , you completely missed my point,what I was trying to say was Hitler an Austrian by birth and later founded the Nazi party and became the dictator of Germany and killed so many innocent people, caused so much peril and destruction around the world having a Catholic Christian origin and name and ascribing his deeds on Christianity is absurd and I had be glad if you kindly give the expansion for the acronym IMO and I didn't accuse anybody of being ignorant and it doesnot suit me and thank you there is nothing personal and Hitler came after everybody even his colleagues and the nearest to him
One of the way to protest is to protest economically, KFC, McD, Pepsi, Coke, no new iphone as few examples ban these from your life and also get on path to good healthy diet plus it demonstrate your peaceful protest.
You need to do more than google, salamkaratt. You need to actually know enough about the subject in order to separate selected facts from the larger truth.
Hitler was raised Catholic but left the church in his teens (his father was skeptical of religion generally). Austria's national religion at the time was Catholicism and Germany was quasi-secular (religious patronage of the government was by state, not national government), and the references to God in Mein Kampf are not theological, but cultural. His public statements at other time were to gain favor amongst German Christians. He also had positive things to saw about Islam and Buddhism. He is quoted by his advisor as admiring the Arab military qualities and lamenting the weakness of Christian principles, saying, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
His private statements, however, were highly critical of Christianity and all world religions.
Moreover, the Nazis actively persecuted Christians and Christian churches and Muslims in Germany and the countries they occupied. The Nazis also launched campaigns to reduce the religious meanings of holidays and replace them with secular German ones.
He is probably best describe as being enamored with occultism but IMO he did not believe in the God of Abraham.
And I would never blame the majority for the deeds of a few.
Read here:
He was sick, in fact there is research that suggests he took amphetamines for his illness (Parkinson) and this did cause a lot of trouble in his brain.
Bachus.... who could actually take that movie seriously?
It was badly made, the script was comical and anyone who actually believes any of the c r a p spewed, clearly doesnt have much faith in their religion.
And whats more... take a look at the countries actually rioting... do any of those protestors know what they are protesting about, or is it hearsay from others trying to cause trouble and stir up the masses.
I just don't get how one film maker's sick movie idea, suddenly becomes America's view of Islam and muslims....
And here on QL we are always being told that Muslims are a peaceful people and the radicals are condemned by most... And not to judge all muslims by one or two people who blow themselves up in the name of Allah...
Hypocrisy at its best, as always!!!!
Hitler wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country. This text presents selected quotes from the infamous anti-Semite himself.
May I know from where the Hitler the atheist idea is coming from,I didn't say Hitler is a true Christian but he was the Nazi ,the same way the deeds of a few people cannot be blamed on Islam
Thank you for telling me I'm ignorant and it helped me google a bit on Hitler and pop come the above information on Hitler
the peaceful attempt against the makers of this movie will be avoiding watching it rather than making a march
What a wonderful reply to Mr. Levict, I salute you Mr. Shamnad.
Just out of curiosity, for those who sympathize with the rioters, what do you seriously think (or even hope) will come from the violent protests (not the peaceful marches as in Qatar, but the violent ones)?
The ignorance of some QLers never ceases to amaze me:
1. Hitler wasn't a Christian. He was a self-proclaimed atheist who persecuted many Christians (and Jews and some Muslims, gypsies, etc.)--locking up priests and such in concentration camps.
2. The West generally does not care what the Muslim world outside its borders thinks, and it will never alter its freedom of speech laws to cater to it.
3. Jewish holocaust denying in illegal in some countries like Germany, but perfectly legal in the United States, where it is condemned by the main stream in the same language as the mainstream had condemned the recent film. But both other legal.
4. No one knows who produced the movie or why. The guy who funded it was fictitious, and the actors claimed to have been tricked. It's clear from the clip on youtube that much of it has been dubbed over by other actors.
5. There is far more offensive stuff against Islam out there. Just trying to find the film clip on youtube generated a huge list of stuff. The point is that this clip has been circulating since July, but it was only this week that it became a big deal.
6. This West vs Muslim world thing is getting tiresome. There are millions of Muslims living the so-called West who are not rioting. There are also millions of Christians, Jews, atheists, Buddhists, etc. living is the so-called Muslim world. Both are fictions created to provoke division; the reality is that we live in a pluralistic world.
7. No one made anyone else watch this.
IMO the people rioting are being duped and used by others, who take advantage of their religious zeal and ignorance.
No one Muslim can tolerate this!
how soon again will we ever witness peaceful rally or protest against issues in front of our door steps? e.g. press freedom, multiple standard applied to variety of people living n this part of the world, and similar.
“if any one slew a person … it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if any one saved a person, it would be as if he saved the whole humanity” is an excerpt from the Holy Quran
and isn't there a message for the Muslims and for else to understand what the Scripture says about the killing of the innocent,save people not kill them and be saved
I want to apologize to the people who were offended but at the same time if something offends you and it's not physically, emotionally, or mentally harming anybody then simply don't watch it. Thousands of things are against Islam that would be considered offensive such as eating pork, eating/drinking during Ramadan and many westerners take part of these things on a daily basis but you don't see there being mass protests or killings over what types of meat people eat or when people eat, do you? So, why on earth is it okay for people to protest the depiction of Mohammed in a video yet millions of people do things that are against Islam everyday and nobody protests those things. If you really want to make a change start with yourselves and stop worrying about other people and other countries. Who cares if what they think is dumb or ignorant. Do you really care what the west thinks of you that much? Also for the record I think that the United States can eat a big bag of dicks for allowing something so offensive and poorly made to exist in the first place. I believe in freedom of speech but not when that freedom hurts anyone or is so grossly offensive that it makes you question where we're all going as a species. It's not art and it didn't need to be made but since it's here and that video exists then Muslims should be the bigger people and show the rest of the world that something like that is just a small fly buzzing about that won't stop or harm their faith.
End rant!
Almost nobody in this world has seen this movie. It is released in July and suddenly exploded in the middle east on 9/11? I think now it is a good chance for America to enter Libya.
Killing innocent people can never be Islamic I believe then why killed innocent people?
Do they deserve to die just because the film maker is from US?
In another thread on QL people were seeing parable in the act of the mob involved in the mayhem in Egypt and Lybia with what is said to be depicted in the movie in question to be a true characterization of Muslims,hope better sense prevail on all and desist from branding Islam based on stray incidents,Islam doesnot promote Fitnah of any kind on the contrary it warns against anything that can lead to chaos and promotes virtues and peace not terror,violence or suicide that some people are bent on alleging on Islam rather than on politics of the people involved
Who do condemn this film and those that made it. I saw that it was made and immediately condemned it for being so blasphemous towards Islam and Muslims. This is the second Muslim country I've worked/lived in and I have been warmly treated and received in both places. Most Western Citizens denounce this film like our Arab brothers and sisters do and are doing. We are all one family with different sects but we are family. I just don't understand why the idiot that made this ignorant piece of filth (fanning the prejudices of certain Westerners who vote and live predominantly conservative and who also NEVER travel to other countries to experience their cultures) is being protected instead of being handed over to face the people for justice (which is hypocritical as the West asks for Arab countries to hand over those who have committed crimes against our citizens, but doesn't do the same when the roles are reversed). I'd LOVE to see him have to face the people he so disrespected and whose religion he insulted so they can pass judgement on him. Unfortunately those now protecting and shielding him from Arab justice are the same ones who have the most narrow-minded views on Islam and Muslims and it is those elements the rest of the West is trying to isolate and remove with little to no success.
After 9/11 G bush the beast and murderer took responsibility to show the world true Muslims, sometime i wondered that is he going to teach us Islam and figure out true Muslims, there are pros and cons in every society ,region and community but after all Muslim leaders are responsible ,who are either hypnotized or sleeping in the joy of their regime so much that they are merged with USA and ignoring that how USA supported one of the biggest conspiracy against Islam and Muslims, and now this is the reward and big blast in shape of Movie.
Thank you ashammad...noted.
Dear Levict
I strongly defend your phrases "
Moslems should accept the dark side of Islam and its founder and not just go with their prejudice..". It would have been better if you said "Moslems should accept the dark side of actions of so called Muslims and not just go with their prejudice". But i invite you to make a neutral study of Islam, the Prophet (S), Holy Quraan and its teachings. You or any one else can find even a single phrase which is against humanity, but will see instructions and teachings all for the well being of humanity. But i urge not to approach the above with biased mind. Not only Quraan, but all the devine texts before and all teh previous prophets say the truth and guidlines for preserving humanity. But whenever human 'reforms' attack the originality of these texts, it starts to spoil itself.
If you are willing, please go to teh fundamentals of Islam and think of the origin, developement and sustainance of world and its creations.
A brotherly instinctive.
Threads about religion should be posted only in the Religious Teachings group, where all are welcome to further others understanding and have discussions. Religious topics need to be handled with respect. Please respect the religious beliefs and sentiments of other members involved in the discussion with you and readers as well. Any religious topic posted in section other than the Religious Teachings Group will be locked or deleted.]
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The issue is not only about the film, that negatively depicts the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), but how it may leave an indelible mark to the minds of impressionable human beings.
There are a lot of susceptible people out there in the world (they are even here in QL - see those who've been duped by bogus advertisements) and when seeing these kind of movies, might be mistaken and believe that its true...
well said salam
There is no dark side to Islam levict ,it is either you believe in toto or reject and Allah is the Arabic word for God Almighty and it is similar to the word Alaha used to refer to the God almighty in Aramaic the mother tongue of Jesus(PBUH)and nobody is blaming the 'Chtistian'Adolf Hitler for the genocide of the Jews but the Nazi Hitler,so the acts of some people should not be ascribed to Islam and Muslims and please understand Prophet Muhamed (PBUH ) is not the founder of Islam but the last of the series of messengers of Islam from Adam,Noah,Abraham,Moses,David and Jesus peace be upon them all to name a few and Islam is the Religion of them all and the Muslims are told not to discriminate between any of those messengers of Allah
Threads about religion should be posted only in the Religious Teachings group, where all are welcome to further others understanding and have discussions. Religious topics need to be handled with respect. Please respect the religious beliefs and sentiments of other members involved in the discussion with you and readers as well. Any religious topic posted in section other than the Religious Teachings Group will be locked or deleted.]
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strawberry_shisha - exactly and I suppose that you had madam Kate in mind for the all the publicity she got and had not much to show for it
@drac i'm singing whilst reading ur comment :)
if there is a small negative article about "holocaust", western governments will rush to ban it and google will also remove it from its site.
when it comes to islam, they say "freedom of speech"
this is double standards
Back in my cave!
Wake me up after 500 years and :
"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too"
The West fails to understand yet again ! The Prophet(PBUH) is dearer to the Muslims the world over than the lives of the whole of mankind and criticizing, and abusing or mocking are altogether different things and there is room for rebuttal in criticism and a healthy talk can clear misconceptions but what the perpetrators of the so called movie did was blasphemy and it warrants condemnation but in a peaceful way
this movie is a big example of blasphemy in which the ulterior motive of pushing Muslims and Christians towards extreme confrontation..i have read in an article that the perpetator behind this anti-islamic movie is a former muslim whom converted into christian a few years ago..what is more disgusting to say the least is that it was also learnt by the US intelligence that most of the actors of the film were kept in dark by its masterminds about the entire script, while many of the actors were recruited from the American underground porn movie world. Tim Dax, who also played role in 'Innocence of Muslims' is learnt to have earlier worked in a number of gay porn films has already expressed severe anger at the makers of the film for "trapping" them by hiding the script of the movie.
Moslems should accept the dark side of Islam and its founder and not just go with their prejudice. Christians, especially Catholics accepted its faults and asked apology. Christians too have criminal members in our society and we also condemn them. On the other hand, we cannot also deny the fact that Moslems or Islam believers - while they preach peace, they also sow terrors in the name of "Allah", behead people in the name of their deity, kill thousands and suicide themselves in the name of their belief and shouting "Allaho akbar." My idiot mind cannot simply understand this when God, after all i know, is "love."
Very nice . We could export the process of holding such peaceful rallies to Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, etc.. and in doing so the world would be a much more peaceful place, though the tyrants and despots would still be in power there if the rallies were soooo tame and peaceful
I wonder how many of them saw the film extract and made up their minds for themselves.
Having said that, I'm all for peaceful protest. Everyone should have the right to express their views. And I applaud al-Qaradawi distinguishing between the people who made this film (whoever they are) and the government of the United States. An obvious point that has been lost on many in QL and elsewhere.
Quality parenting & upbringing is the key to have good results ...
Yet the movie didn't kill anyone.