HSBC admits mistake but keeps money!

We have a "current" account with HSBC and my husband recently noticed that they had been charging us a 70 QR "status" account fee since November 2008. When he pointed out the 8 months of wrong charges for the "status" account the bank insisted he must have signed up for the extra services. We asked the bank to look into this and after eight days and many phone calls the bank admitted they had wrongly charged us the 70 QR/month extra fee but said since we hadn't notified them before this they would only give us three months overcharge back, thus keeping 350 QR! So I would advise all HSBC account holders to carefully check your charges and contest them. I find it absolutely incredible that while HSBC admitted they were wrong we have to pay for their mistake! Has anyone else had this problem? Are there any HSBC execs out there who would like to explain this one?
Thanks guys, for all those comments, I thought I was the only person having issues with HSBC Qatar - the Franchise Bank. They do deduct from acounts, you need to keep watch on your accounts carefully, QR 8 , QR 100 etc - no one notices the small figures, and they blame it on a system error. I've had various problems with them, but now enough is enough on their latest nuisance ....
P.S @ Mandi -thanks for the info on the QAR 70.00 on status accts, didnt know there was a scam there too.
People work there?
correct!!! they will not covey the negative comments to the highest management they will only cover up each other......thats how this people work there.....
It's your screws that they forgot to tighten....I mean not one but all your screws!!! So I suggest you delete your maint. team from your payroll for not doing a menial job.
automatic settlement ( have an option not)then, debiting your account twice could be a system error...which sometimes happen to all banks. That's why it's always advised to double check the statements.And in the instance that your account is debited twice it's impossible to go to "someone" else's pocket... not to the bank or to any bank staff's but to the card associations (Visa and Master) account as the bank is only the issuer of these payment cards.
serviced daily(manual opening, reloading and collection)takes 2-3 days interval so you should have allowance of 4-5 days before your due date to be safe If you are depositing in ATM machines.Over the counter deposits are validated same day ,real time so If you are short of time better deposit directly to the branch.
Thanks marycatherine, As per my knowledge, I have no such agreement with them. When I went to them to enquire about it, first they said "we have already informed in the last statement mailed to you". Then I took an showed the statements for the last six months, all of them from customer service staff to the branch manager showed their helplessness saying, "even we did not know, the higher authorities sent us instructions with immediate effect and we could not inform the customers" and the branch managers answer was "we will be discussing the matter in our next meeting and we will let you know". But nothing happened. I tried to make many other enquiries also, but no use.
When I understood all I am doing is nothing else than WASTE OF TIME, I had to keep quiet.
Guys HSBC the worlds local thief bank
Pintham, does your agreement with CBQ allow them to do this (increase the fees without notice)? It's more usual that they have to advise you as you said, at least 30 days in advance and usually in writing.
Check it out, you may be able to reclaim your money.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
salax, you are tooooooo intelligent! Keep going.....
not surprised coz its HSBC....... thanks for yet another example
Salax, be careful...while you are checking on these female customer service agents, don't forget to chek your statement; they will be charging you for this!!!!!
If the bank has accepted it as their mistake, they have to return the whole sum. Why only three months?
We keep our money in banks, thinking that it will be safe there. But it is not true. Whenever they want the funds to increase their profit, they just steal it from the customers account.
Some time back CBQ increased the minimum balance from QR 1000 to 3000 (5000 for current account)and the charges for not retaining the minimum balance from QR 10 to 25. But they did not inform me. not even a SMS. They charged QR25 for all the three accounts I & my wife holding with them. I came to know only when I received the SMS for debiting my account. At the beginning of this year they debited QR50 each as ATM card charges. As I know no customer was informed. They themselves make the rules and they debit us.
I am not against the charges. Debiting us without our consent?? At least inform us a month in advance. This is like - 'because your money is in our hands, we will use it as we want'???
i have worked for banks in the US for years and what this bank did is called stealing. money would be returned in the US. it would not depend on "how much" you have in the bank or "who you are". the money would be returned if the bank were in the wrong. to take the money may or may not have been an honest mistake. to not return it was/is stealing.
Actually norms does make a good point. Compared to the other banks they do have a lot of hot babes...
thinks it is okay for an employee to steal because he needs money:
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
be humble
Good one, noms!
I've been holding accounts with few banks here in Qatar, for business purpose as well as a salary account.
Experience with HSBC was the most horrible even though i had the so called "Status" account which is actually meant to over charge.
Seeing the horrible service & inconvenient HSBC office hours with limited locations, I decided to Close my account with HSBC. I went to my branch, provided them in writing my request to close my account with HSBC & finally got a confirmation letter from the bank for the same.
NOW THE CLIMAX: Obviously as I have closed my account, no question arise if i would further transfer my salary to HSBC & maintain a balance there. however, following this 3rd Week, i continuously started receiving calls from HSBC call center in UAE reporting that my account is over due with Qrs 50 as I had no balance in my account & HSBC has charged me Qrs 50 as minimum balance charges. I reported the call centers that i have already closed my account & i have the confirmation letter but they were helpless & i had to go myself to the HSBC bank to sort this out. One of the worst part is there were at least 20 agents/calls calling everyday annoying me, even when i tell one, the other calls & then the third one. gosh!! i had to switch off my phone at times.
After visiting the bank I learned that my account wasn't actually closed but they still demanded me to pay Qrs 50 & settle the amount so that they can close my account now..!! Do you really think i should pay that Qrs 50 for their mistake??!!!!
its not the matter of mere Qrs 50/- but its about the reputation of World's Local Bank.
But to tell you, to avoid further hassle i paid the amount and went back home to take a nap.
I should say HSBC is 'Village's Universal Bank' !!
just employing hot babes doesn't make a professional way of working.
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
In banking, they value they will do everything to keep you banking with them coz they want to maintain good service with you.
For this case, the client complain and the bank assures for return of what is debited but partial only..Sometimes, it depends on how much you have in the bank, how long are you with them before they gave you what you want to return because the bank manager & even his staff will ask approval from the mngt and they need to justify it to waived the charges. And since, it took you 8 months before you complain, it's no longer easy for them to justify it. Unless you really have millions that makes the bank earned more..Sure, you'll have it all..
Be contented..Be always thankful for what you have !!
If you don't catch us in time, we'll keep the stolen money, frikking banks
Qatariana1... Please Report to the Assembly line, as our drone maintenance team forgot to tighten one of your screws.
That's right. We have LEO
You people keep money in Qatar!?!??? You guys really do have money to waste.... Go and buy another apartment on the pearl......
I would have to disagree that this is manual posting, this is a monthly automatic charge. HSBC would have this set up to automatically deduct from the "appropriate" accounts. (Or at least in my 15 years of international banking they would).
HSBC has a crumby reputation in the GCC - that's why I won't deal with them (or any other bank in the region - my salary is deposited offshore, thank Goodness).
I can name at least 2 dozen expat customers who have "status" accounts with HSBC and have had similar, or worse, problems.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
You don't by chance work for them. do you? :-P
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Manual posting is done...and as we all know no man is infallible. I'm sure this is an honest mistake.
HE IS A FAKE!!!Enough mudslinging of the world's local bank....everything he said were baseless and purely concoctions ...he is highly obnoxious...out to discredit and tarnish the mentioned bank's reputation.
Sorry but you seem a little slow on the uptake with HSBC-Exec's humor :-)
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
It was worth coming back to Doha just to have the pleasure of more of your honest and sincere customer disservice :-)
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
tallg said USA Doc - Do you think ...
USA Doc - Do you think HSBC-Exec is really an executive from HSBC.
No I did not think so. Honestly the word "Shaft" was offensive. Do you know if a bank "shafts" people with just $1 a month, they would cover their overhead for that month? And this is not just restricted to banks but also phone, cable companies and a whole lot more. I was trying to relate what happened to Mandi to the illegal practices of some US banks due to absence of regulations or not being enforced. I know HSBC is a big name in the UK and I have nothing against it and yes it is an embarrassment to them because their name is on the line.
but what did we learn? not to invest in a bank because it will be indirectly looting us of our hard earned money cause it has to pay the employees. Don't we all know that most banks here pay their employees well enough for them to maintain a good lifestyle in Qatar. How does this money come? this question is answered here. Thank you HSBC-exec for your valuable info.
We also learn that it is better to keep your money home than invest in a bank because you have to read and follow the following thoroughly before investing
1. Terms and Conditions and all associated clauses
2. Monthly statements, in detail
3. Keep track of your repayments from time to time
Once you are screwed up mentally by this torture and physically from work, you realize that taking a loan/Credit card was a terrible option which you could obviously not live without. Finally you realize that you are trapped in Hotel California.After all this you ask yourself. Why should I invest in any bank(not just HSBC) to learn that I have made a mistake. Just to forget it? lol
USA Doc - Do you think HSBC-Exec is really an executive from HSBC?
For your information, HSBC is the World's largest banking group, with it's headquarters in London, UK, though it originally started in Hong Kong (HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corp = H.S.B.C.).
HSBC Qatar is nothing like HSBC in the UK. It's an embarrassment to the HSBC name. I have been told that new people have been brought in to whip it into shape and up to HSBC standards. I don't know if that's true or not.
HSBC-Exec's picture
HSBC-Exec said I'll Explain We Shafted ...
I'll Explain We Shafted You.
You shafted her?
This bank is probably either a branch of an American bank or received training from one on how to deceive and screw customers.
You put Mandiluluer in this predicament thru no fault of hers and now she is blamed for not having reported the overcharges and discovering the scam earlier?
Where is the logic in all of this???????
After all, it is greed and illegal practices of financial institutions that not only shafted consumers but also the economy of the world. And to add insult to injury G.W Bush bailed them out. What a joke.
Sue them...
well something like that happened to me as well but in CBQ.... me and my husband has a joint saving account... we never took money from that account so we know how much the balance ...also the balance in not below the maintaining they are when they deducted 25qr and telling us because we went below the limit...i gathered all the deposit slip we have...went to the bank where we open the account and showed them that we never went below the maintaining..they have assured us that they will give it back...but it took us 4 weeks before they gave back...and i always call them to ask the progress... i know some will said it's 25qr what's the big is a big deal because it's our savings and we even managed to save although we are not that high paid worker...
call them bugged them to give back the's your work hard for it
It's not that HSBC doesn't love you but they just love your money more....
They always "take care"of your stuff you see... being the world's local bank...
HSBC's "fine print" stated that this type of account is exempt from these charges - HSBC has effectively stolen this money by not abiding by their own contract with the customer. That's illegal IMHO
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Always read the fine print carefully before you apply for any service from any bank.
I've never understood why HSBC Global allows HSBC Qatar to operate under the HSBC name, as they have nothing in common bar the name and they are giving that name a bad reputation.
...That's what Banks are for...Keeping your money! Only that they don't just 'Keep' they also 'Take'
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I love your humor, banks cannot pay their executives if they will not charge its customers horribly :)
m in doha: We are a financial organisation, not a logistical one. so please refer to Robin Hood v1.1 Clause
haas: we have a prettier logo. End of Discussion.
Salax: We are the World Local Bank. There is no vacation away from us. An outstanding amount is an outstanding amount. Just ask everyone we have stole... everyone who have become victi... everyone who that has been located under Robin Hood v1.1 clause.
i would like to know the reason why HSBC is charging us late payments.
Because our house is far to hsbc offices i used to pay through atm at landmark. if it happens my due will fall on fri or sat, i always made i sure we pay on thurs, but still, we found you kep on charging us late payments. when asked they said they will return the said money to us, but up to this moment they didn't.
pls explain
Thank you all for your fantastic feedback on our service.
Our online banking system Requires A Windows operating system for the following reasons:
1)It is the most widley used OS on the market.
2)Apple sucks
3)Linux Sucks
4)We get money from microsoft because they love us
As for our so called Ex-Customer... once you have been assimilated then all resistance is futile. We-Are-HSBC, you-are-Customer.
Regarding the Double Charging on Credit card Payments. You are Rich enough to have a Credit Card, you are rich enough to pay double once in a while. This system (lets us refer to it as Robin Hood v1.1) is a tried and tested method for stealing from the rich and giving to lining of our pockets.
drsam, carefull... They might be on to you. Don't make me Deactivate your chip.
Mandi... If we give you too much money, then that is a genuine error which must be corrected at OUR earliest convenience and hold the right to withdraw from your account said error, with interest (Rever to Robin Hood v1.1).
PM, your first mistake was returning, your second was not reading the small print we rob people i mean we aquire what is required for the world local bank.
Mary... I dissagree, for reason i will get into right now. As Follows:
1) i dissagree
2) robin hood v1.1
Thank you all for your kind attention.
and who loves you?
I used to belong to that socalled bank.I left the bank 4 years ago to change because of a problem,i have moved away from qatar over a year ago and just to today i have received a letter from them asking me to meet them as i;m a good customer.So you can see it has to be the worst bank ,they don't even know when customers are leaving
I am returning from vacation and can't count the times my credit card didn't go through, despite having plenty of credit. I do pay the 70 QR for a status account so I figure this is what I get for my money :-P
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Their online banking website requires Windows. This is sufficient reason for my loathing, but the regular cancellation of our banks cards adds to my joy at being a valued HSBC customer.
with HSBC cause they sometimes double charge the credit card repayments and if you are not careful in checking your monthly statement letters, the money is eaten by someone? this happened to me once and I called up and asked the concerned person to correct it. Instead of apologizing they were asking me to recheck. I asked them to double check their system and confirm. They confirmed it was their mistake and credited the amount to my account immediately. If I hadn't gone through the statement I would have lost a fortune
So any real employees from HSBC in QL you think that can carry the message over to the highest management of HSBC
QL is the best revenge!
Mandi, they are the worst. I have posted on them several times. This is just more fuel to their self-immolation.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Couldn't happen for the worlds biggest local bank as claimed. Thats bad publicity that will ruin their immage locally and overseas.
Thanks, truthful. I shall!
Thanks, marycatherine! drsam, does this work both ways? If HSBC adds money to my account and discovers it later, do I get to keep it anyway? The bank was quite insistent that we must have signed an agreement to allow this service charge. They were quite adamant that this was the only way the charges would have occurred. When we proved that we didn't, they said "tough luck" and kept our money.
Mandi, see the private message i just sent you
Sorry, any reputable banker having made the mistake, admitted it would rectify it in full with an apology. S/he would then direct that all such accounts be checked to ensure that the correct charges are being posted.
I've worked in banking for years, stealing money from customers is just bad for business - and knowingly overcharging a customer is stealing.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
sorry. objections over statement account should be reported within 1 month. if not, the status will be considered correct.
the bank mistake is that it applied the status u didn't command.
ur mistake is that for 8 MONTHS U DIDN'T CHECK OR OBJECT that fee, validating the 70 monthly QR charge already paid.
now that u did, u objected on the last 70, it will be corrected. why the other 2 months fees, i donno.
Thanks, HSBC-Exec, I've added you to my "buddy list!"
I'll Explain
We Shafted You.
We would do it again too.
Thank you for being a loyal customer of The Worlds Local Bank