How to Reduce Pimple Redness and Size
1. Place an aspirin tablet (or as many as necessary) in water and stir or shake. You'll need about 2-3 parts water to 1 part aspirin. There is no need to pre-crush the aspirin. It will naturally dissolve when immersed in water. (Contrary to popular belief, you can use coated or uncoated aspirin without adverse effects.)
2. Mix the crushed aspirin with enough water to make a thick, somewhat gritty paste. It shouldn't take more than a few drops.
3. Apply the paste directly on the pimple(s). Make sure to use a clean Q-tip, or, if you prefer to use a finger, wash it thoroughly with soap and / or rubbing alcohol first to ensure that you don't add new bacteria to your skin.
4. Let the aspirin sit on the spot(s) as long as you can. Usually, the paste will dry in less than a half hour and begin to flake off. Use a clean, wet tissue to remove the aspirin in as few wipes as possible. This can also be an opportunity for light exfoliation.
Since you can absorb chemicals through your skin and the long term impacts of applying aspirin topically are unknown, it's not recommended that you make a habit of this.
Though rare, some are allergic to aspirin. Check to see if you are by testing the aspirin spot treatment behind your ear.
Do not try this with other pain relievers. Only use aspirin.
why u don't use some rubber to cover it
You medical wally .....
The Aspirin kept falling off , so i used a dab of Super Glue..
now the aspirin is stuck to the pimple :O(
walla i know
i was afraid to post this in QL
since you mention it , please provide me with any contact number.
i am talking seriously.:P
U need to see a professional :P
it is crime everywhere
Why one shot? is it a crime now IN QATAR to have pimples???
put lipstick on your pimples before you sleep
thn brit(narrow minded) go to dr.
where is that place brit?
please provide more specifications along with submitted drawings .
Lol rizks...
F.A.B !
I agree.. Marina was awsome.. :O)
Sorry to hijack, I should know the rules by now, but a crappy subject anyway. Brit, love your new pic! 5 - 4 - 3 - 2........ One!
I preferred Stingray to be honest.
then use adhesive substance to stick the pasted aspirin, super glue is best ;b
britey then you may use Super Glue....:(
why u had the pimple at the first place ;)
tsk tsk tsk :P
lol brit!
Why reduce size? There are thousands of offers to increase size.
What if the pimple is in a place where the Aspirin won't stick long :O(