How Qtel cheated our internet bandwidth speed

I was a subscriber of an internet connection for 1Mbps in Qtel for more than a year. At first my internet speed was ok. till it was gradually slowing down as the time goes. last couple of weeks, i really cant stand the turtle slow internet connection im having. I checked my bandwidth speed through my bandwidth log file on my router and it says that im only having 536Kbps downstream and 136 upstream connection. to support this, i have made a test through and results were even more lower. i e-mailed qtel customer service for a complain. and heres what they told me:
Dear Customer,
Thank you for emailing us.
We are working on your complaint and it will be sorted out as soon as possible.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details.
Best regards,
Customer Care Staff
now, that was a couple of weeks and till now, i still have a turtle slow connection of 536Kbps while they charge me Qr.333 for a half connectivity in the internet. they really making money out of the subscribers.. giving half of what i paid for. Have you noticed that is gradually slowing?
Yes, yes... you might tell me that theres a problem on the underwater fiber cable somewhere. I also made a complain last dec.25,2008 and the customer service told me that it will be resolved on the end of that month. C'mon guys, being an ISP in the country? you must have a redundancy measures. Qtel have multiple internet connections in the world, in case theres something happens. so dont tell me such stories... Im an IT myself and even work on one of their servers in abu hamour long time ago to change an optical drive.
guys, im going to send you an update you with their response.
My account is 1MB but i can enjoy up to 4MB combined with hacked neighbors' wifi bwahahaha!
reveals all options about how much they will charge from us...but the very first thing they do is attract people with offers and then give us surprise bills
Qtel cheaters!!!
the cable cut is in Taiwan.
Anyway, my account is 2MB and i get 4.831 Bandwidth Download. Mafish Moshquela >.
I think no one wants to provide good service Qtel Or Any Other All Are just collecting Money.if realy undersea cable cut off so Qtel should infor all customers & send a SORRY message.
right or wrong????
proud&pure PAKISTANi
In their defense, and I hate to do it, there is an undersea cable cut off the coast of China right now (the pacific link). And since there is a typhoon going on there, I bet it is going to be a few weeks before they fix it. For now all the traffic in the region is going through the atlantic link and it is slow because of that.
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
hi friends i think every one facing the same problem but we have no solution for it jus wait for more telecom co's in qatar (like Vodafone) after then let them Race & enjoy Rates, Quality, Internet & coverage
proud&pure PAKISTANi
I am paying for 4Mb and can barely reach 1Mb
i have 2MB and i get 2,500kbps download speed based of speedtest
My work connection is up the Swanny today. Last week I had d/l speeds of 120k ... today I'm lucky to hit 10!!!
Did you Google it first?
not another thread hijacked., me thinks its because of both the porn and bats., try also cleaning the guano's...
call me ONE.
flanostu..."...copious amounts of porn"
I had the same problem, but they told : "Your network it's heavy" and " You have to remove all the bats hanging upside down on the network's wires " .
I didn't do it!
And I'll not do it again!
llz I know why downloads are taking so
i had the same problem, but they told me to stop downloading copious amounts of porn.