how much CASH my friend can bring with her to qatar?

By silvermoon100 •
how much CASH my friend can bring with her to qatar?
Is she allowed to bring any alcohol?
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Be careful.
Make sure it's an easily cashed cheque. If it's drawn on a local (versus international) US or Canadian bank it can take a long time to clear and there could be high charges.
it's a good idea, about writing the cheque.. ok.. it makes sense thank you.
Use common sense. How long is she staying and what's the money for?
I'm not looking for answers.
Why carry all that cash instead of wiring it or getting traveller's cheques?
it depends.. is CAD$10,000 large amount? CAD$40,000 large amount?
How much cash are we talking about.
There is no limit on cash being brought into the country. However, excessively large amounts can seem suspicious. Just use common sense.
If the alcohol is confiscated she can reclaim it on her way out of the country.
Definitely NO alcohol - it will be confiscated on arrival (luggage is scanned).
Not sure about the cash thing, though, sorry.