How many members are married thru this site?

By Sylvianewton •
Apart from providing help/info and aiding new members in Qatar by this Qatar Living, how many members met their partners thru this site? There must be lots of couples surfing together in this site.
Yes i like to chalk his tip, while he's polishing my balls real shiny with his fluid :P
Be a Tiger not a pussy Cat Smoke..:) But remember only to hit your own balls else you commit a foul.:)
Brit CL likes to chalk my tip these days :)
Ukeng thats just way too many holes for me :(
Smokes balls are played in dingy smoky place, come and play 9 or 18 holes with me on the lash green fairways :)
Do you still chalk your tip ?
Bowling is for sissies! Come play a man's game with small small balls :P
celebrating 3rd aniversary of our first met up throug QL Bowling Game gathering.
Join us, Mr. & Mr. Khanan (aka Smoke, Cl, Rizks, searching for 4th).
yes, QL must take the blame for my marital bliss :O(
Smoke, How you know? Top secret..
Btw Mr. & Mrs. Smoke met in QLSG gathering for the first time :p
inge i highly doubt if the videos i have are going to be shown here ;)
mr. & mr khanan :P
Rizks, CL is not pathan, don't worry :)
and well there are many who married thru QL, like Rizks and Bella, Mr. and Mrs. BritExpat, Mr. & Mrs Dracula
Inge.. Exactly my point .. They do his hair BECAUSE he goes there :P
Oi Pathaans, hav u lost ur "not at all" minds ? :)
get back to the topic and answer whether CL and Inge are married thru this site ? :)
CL Well If Rizks don't visit Doha Jadeed, how they will do his hair cut?
robherr soft, I watched them in Cinema here in Qatar... :-/
ROFL inge.. I would'nt agree with you on this one... coz he doesn't do anything there, those things are just done to him .. :D
Rizks, LOL, Good then.. Well Leone got a good assets, NO? :P
CL, Rizks have many other things to do in Doha jadeed, :P
I have videos of Leonie hehe ;)
naah, she is NOT ! :)
LOL.. inge.. thanks for the suggestion, rizks will be definitely working with Lieo... Lieonel Messi.. hahaha .. "Taking his GOALS" :D
LP, I do it with once with each pack, so yeah 6 times.. who wudnt want that :P
Oh and i forgot to mention.. i am "compatible" with girls from all kinds of nationalities and religion
Rizks, Hope Bella is not on QL :p
Rizks, he can be keeper of many things.. ;)
Smokie, Last time I saw pic of SL wearing full dress, may be photoshoped... need to verify it from some photoshop expert
Yup Yup very hawwwwt like an Ice cream....:)
That kudi is so hawwwt!!
Lols inge...yea CL will be the 'sandle keeper' of Leone...:)
LOL Miss A...anyways :P
CL, try for the porn industry! Don't waste time on QL, may be you get chance to work with Sunny leone in a movie!
Miss A.. have u heard of 'opposites attract?' or maybe there was no magic at all...
we don't have same religion and interests..
Yeah, that's right
Miss A how do u know that u r not compatible?
Miss A what seems to be the problem?
well i met 1 QL member couple of months ago.. he seemed nice..but we aren't compatible
CL, how do you make love with your sixpacks? Are you sure women want that?
I would just like to clarify that my offer did not include breakfast ..
specify females for proposal or u might get karan johar's PM
Name: Captain_Lost
Best body features: Six packs
Profile: Super hot, loyal lover, loves children, money is never a problem, loves taking out his girlfriend for shopping, loves going on long drives in his convertible, knows how to cook all kind of cuisines and ready to be stay at home husband.
PM me for your proposal :P
Please dont post my number and email too :( ohhh i'm worried now :P
and then...shake your hand and say goodbye :O
becareful sylvia some perverts might invite u for coffee meet ups n then ...
Sylvian now dont tell everyone tat i PM'ed ya ! :(
Zip it !
I posted this question on this site because of the number of messages I received in my inbox from QL employees and members to have relationship with them.
I m trying to get some more :D Got once by wrong number :D
Is there any Girl wanna marr me ??????????? lol
I'm sure there were quite a few trysts because of QL. How many lasted is hard to say.
no one yet !
Drovers, why is it stupid? I know at least two couples who met via this site (during the social gatherings) and later got married..
I got many friends through this website. what's wrong with that? Some of there dudes have already left Qatar and are now back in their countries, so I have friends all over the world..
Although, I'd put the question in a different way? how many people got divorced over this site, or in other words, due to addiction to this site?
What life do you haev to meet somebody to marry here at QL,, get a life please , how stupid is this,,,,Toll attack
Sylvia, I am not a good swimmer either but I heard this water is toxic..yeah, present day knights need to have the most modern weapons..:)
PrarieFire, I met my BF thru FB. Lost and found also thru FB.
wait what...FB since when?
Hurraim. Neither FB but became one.
Hi, Knight Returns! What do you mean? I am not a good swimmer but certainly good at surfing. BTW, you look like an actor from Star Wars armed with laser blade....LOL
Are you testing the waters before getting into it..?
Im not.. Not yet.. anyone Interested?? ;)
OH, the other day you did mention about them. So, they are watching us? How they expect us to behave?
yes by our dear mods
Babu, I couldn't understand by what you say. You mean you are under surveillence by someone?
excellent site with excellent mods who keep excellent moderation on the monkey ;)
Ok beside you, good luck
Babu, it means this is an excellent site.
He is beside me right now. Thank you sir.
abt unofficial marriages there is no count
rizks got married to bella from this site
Sylvia are you the one that came to Qatar in search of finding the missing online bf?
Whatever happen to him?
not me....