How many are working for Qatar Living

By Sylvianewton •
Just to know. How many staffs are working for Qatar Living to provide infos to the members. As I see some of them are working for 24 hours like Britexpat, Baburao, Fathima to answer the queries. Others like Risks, FS, Feasad, Smoke are working for Qatar Living during office hours. Am I right? Can anyone update the Qatar Living staffs, so we can distinguish the Qatar Living staffs and the members.
Do you want a job in QL?
well this was an entertaining thread :) are a Super Star of QL with strong stainless steel could you resign? how many NOCs u need?
Just said Pakistan seems to thrash Australia in todays match.
Yes. Plus I have been offered a job with another site. The teouble is that Inhuman Resourse Manager, Mr. Tekaphew Rizks is refusing to give me an NOC :O(
Britexpat,don't worry i'm going out tonight with Rizks...will use my power to get NOC from him to you :)
ohhh .. is unpaid salary the reason
I have just submitted my resignation ..
Not at all
lols Vic
Tonia are you sis of Sonia ?
I could see how many hardly working members really working hard at QL
tonia, you will usually find me in Romantic scene or Action scene - now which scene are you talking abt ? :)
fun now u will burn in the sun
Rizky are you in scene? yallah lets go out and have fun
back from lunch break.. !!!
lets start WORKING
FL is for french leather......I am in middle of something....I will answer all Qs later when I am finished........please......
its a very good guess, based on strong performance.
It is T20, just one or two players could make a huge difference. dumb. this question is for Ms Newton.
FL forward leg position in cricket
flying leg ?
Victory I think final will be Australia and Srilanka....
Victory, i swear to God - i dont know who will be playing in the semis and finals of T20....:(
Lols Sylvian, and wat is FL ?
My boyfriend is tickling me and arming again with another new FL. I have got to go. See ya guys.......
All are so helpful with new members ONLY :)
Who will playing in the semis and final of T20?
Lols Smokey - adios ! :)
by the way, i hope i am not hijacking this meaningful and useful thread of Sylvian ? :(
ok my afternoon shift for QL has come to an end...punching out, yallah Rizks lets go we have worked so hard today :)
Sylvianewton gone underground.
i care for my Hair which is not there....lols
Tell me what you care for
Ooopsy saarry FS, but my first line was purely meant for SMOKE....:O)
Tinker...:)I will have to kill the jankijasoos in me...I guess I am not letting people live in
Risks..didnt I teach you not to ask such questions to females..:)
You are right rizks, how very ungermly like me to ask a lady that. You pick her up and then pick me up and then after we are done with eating you please come pick us up again...same rates right? 1 riyal?
Smoke,are you not mobile? lol
Smoke you road side beggar...lols, dont u have shame to ask a lady to pick you up...? :(
tonia, i will pick you up...just lemme know the time and venue ?
by the wats ur weight tonia ? :)
great tonia pick me up at 7 then :)
biryani hut no but bukari hut yes
whats the problem? I intimidating? Why are some people scared of me..:( I am realy
tonia are u biryani hut ? dont have to answer anyone here.. but as your posted it here on QL....just wanted to know if you found him...
Is Eoin Morgan your cousin? He played really well yesterday...though England lost..:(
TCOM I didnt stalk her....what's track option for?
Prism...did I harras(cheap)you in anyway? Didnt know that Coffee invitations in public is called harrasements? lol
and here's a stool tinker...just so you can hug him better :)
I call it (cheap) harassment...and who would know it better than me...:(((
FS stalking Sylvianewton
@Sylvianewton, are you still here? make sure to travel with your BF.We have some cats and dogs here waiting to .....
i know only Quick Gun Murugan hehahaha
Do I have to answer for the QL employees about my lost and found BF? Thanks for the consern and atlast I found him but he is here in different name. BTW, I am leaving Qatar to Sri Lanka next week to watch the T20 finals and also to meet my cousin, the striker in the English team: Eoin Morgan!
but we are talking to the village idiot who seems to understand what the kat and dawg are saying :P
and not to the cats either.. haha
Oh, i was talkin to the mods.. not the dogs.. :P
great now its Captain_Lost_his_job :(
CL, tomorrow morning at 06:00am i want to see your Resignation Letter written with your blood on my table....:(
thank you.
I WANT OVERTIME !!! Grrrr.. Mods, Pay me or i'll resign right now !!
Sylvianewton, for your information BENSON is the owner of Qatar Living. This guys was a member for only 2 or 3 weeks but i was surprised his points increased rapidly. At present i can't find his posts anymore. Perhaps blacklisted by his own employees. LOL
I'm feeling sorry for her think i should lend her my big manly shoulders for comfort?
OP maybe MIA cos got busted ... was she trying to check who were staff so she could enlist their help to find whatsisname? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps... send out an APB on him or something ...
/Having said that, it's quite sad with the MBAs (Married but Availables) who toy with poor girls' feelings ...
Actually there is no staff working with qatar living..they are all volunteer. From different companies paid by their respective employer and surfing to this website as one way to neutralize work pressure. ;)
now where is the OP :(
Aaah... TFS the enlightening thread, FS. ROFL!:0) alrite??
sonofqatar, Wake up !
aiyo what is dis
Whatever the merits of rule in force in the fate of humanity, the foreign peopl future to control the fate of humanity in the territory by gone overseas or even behind the rainy seas, whatever the circumstances and whatever the challenges of a shared destiny to matter most humans, but this hurricane volcanic will continue to be and will change the conditions to best and inevitably will turn to the sky pink and green suit land flowrs
lol smoke :D
ROFL Smokey !
I'm the CEO of QL..Cheap Entertainment Officer :(
I am stuck because the MODS have my passport and will not issue an NOC for me to transfer to Expatwoman :O(
i hope FS doesnt reveal the truth here...:(
PS:FS,plz dont tell everyone tat i am her BF...:(
I guess if companies really get serious under directions coming from the top to implement their internet usage policies QL will go dry during WH..:) But then while we frown at the unprofessional ways of working here we are happy to take advantage of it to our comfort (obviously without any frown)...:) She came to Qatar looking for one Mr. Adrian you know him??
All she know is that he got a _____________ lol
BF - Best Father ! LMAO
Lost bf? Intriguing ...
People here are willing to comment on other people or their posts. It is much rarer instead for people to post their own posts, except, of course, questions.
"But how come they are always here online?"...dont u know the term "Multi-tasking" ?
I just got hired 4 months ago, yeah tell me ure queries so i can help u ;)
FS helping members to find lost bf.....
is this the effect of losing your Bf Sylvianewton ?
you are absoulutely right...
Btw...Sylvianewton...did you find your lost bf?
They are very efficient and have this forum to touch base with friends and make new ones.
And most are helpful volunteers only, that's why some times in the past, there were complaints as to why nobody answered some queries - well, that's cos QL doesn't have staff per se. In any event, I've always appreciated their information and advice as and when. Eventually met a number of them. Great bunch of guys n gals, kind hearted, compassionate and helpful, not to mention, experienced professionals in their own right! :0)
The are working free for QL and thats why they are Blocking members coz they Dont get money :D
Currently i am doing an intern with QL for freee....
All are social voluntary part time hard working members...always on line to support QL Fort
they do alot and get nice pay
All are members? Wow, that is amazing. But how come they are always here online? They don't do any other work for their living?
u missed "LP" without him QL is nothing
All are members of QL Social Group and QL Voluntary Grp.
Have fun and get informed
The list is that of the voluntary staff only I guess.
and you think they will answer to your question ?