Lets face it mobile phones are already part of our everyday life / activities. It help & makes our life much easier. Todays cellphone models are not only being used for sending sms (txting) & making calls but also can be used for exploring internet & checking personal emails. And as the days... months.. & years goes by mobile companies still continuing to add & develop its features.
To the extent that most people having more than 1 unit of celphone. I know some people who cant go out their houses without their cellphones. While me, i cant sleep without my mobile phone on my side (because im also using it as alarm clock). Checking my cellphone from time to time for some messages!
And if there are people who loves mobile phones there are also some people who hates them because they have this feeling that this gadgets controlling them... Imagine that everyone can contact u anytime (like my boss). They cant finished any job because answering calls eats most of their time(they cant closed it even they want too specially if its part of their job).
How many cellphones do u have???
Can u still live or spend ur life without it???
I would love to not have a phone ... 3- 5 Phones Y yy . 2 Understandable Office - Personal . Y more ..
Mine is useful rather than important, 90% of my use is for incoming calls.
It became a necessity...
It's a gadget pure and simple. There s something amiss when you start regarding it as art of your life :0(
To some people, it is like a sickness.
I have few friends who I'd rather not be with because of their BB. It is just too annoying. So what if it is free!.. Chill out, silence that thing and enjoy your time.
I hate to judge but if you have no serious business going on internationally and you own more than one smart phone, you need to see a doc
How many cellphones do u have???
Can u still live or spend ur life without it???
I wish
I can only describe this as a love-hatred relationship
me & my cp are inseparable!
Its like a boyfriend LOL!!
Life is beautiful !!!
DG (or now D), mobiles are part of my lifestyle. Mobiles make life more convenient. Personally, life would be OK without mobiles but just a little less convenient. For example, I would be more careful about the location to meet DW. I would make a back-up plan if we miss each other. My friends wouldn't EXPECT me to answer the mobile. So, they wouldn't think it strange if I didn't answer.
This reflects many peoples' attitude to mobiles: "I feel so lost without my phone, like a part of me is missing" (New Fatima). The mobile phone companies have done a good marketing job!
But my life would go on fine without a mobile. I do love technology but they are an invasion of privacy for me!
Fatima hope u dont get any nervous breakdown everytime ur mobile phone is not with u. lol! =)
"Life's rule: Assume nothing...expect more...need often...sleep long...dream big...laugh a lot...pray always & once in a while...cry but continue living!
oooh, i feel so lost without my phone, like a part of me is missing!!! then i start panicking that someone is urgently trying to get hold of me but they cant and my mind wont rest until i have my phone with me! LOL, also it is my only link to family back home so i HAVE to constantly have it with me....
crazy dependance.
I have a friend that so crazyyyyyyy in downloading mp3 music, ring tones, wall papers & games on her mobile phone & it cost her too much!
"Life's rule: Assume nothing...expect more...need often...sleep long...dream big...laugh a lot...pray always & once in a while...cry but continue living!
How many cellphones do u have???
Palm Treo 680 + Nokia E61 + Sony Ericsson K700i + a cheap Nokia phone, etc. I also use my Jabra BT500v for both my phone(s) and my Mac (for VOIP).
Can u still live or spend ur life without it???
I can't live without my smartphone because it has all my life's data (besides my 2 Mac laptops).
I don't use any mobile phone anymore (I just have them). I use 2 smartphones for my main line, and the other for my roaming SIM. My smartphones are very important to me 'cause it helps me organize everything in my life - my data especially PIM: contacts, calendar events, tasks, memos and notes, documents, multimedia, etc. I use Palm's HotSync to sync my Treo to the office PC, and I use Apple's iSync to sync my Nokia to my personal Macs (iBook G4 and MacBook). I'm waiting for the official release of the iPhone 3G and Apple's MobileMe (formerly .Mac) subscription to perfectly sync all my important data wirelessly (push technology) to all my devices.
I think I have to cut it short from here, if not, I'd be talking/typing too much... =D
Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!
that ring tone with the kitten meowing gets me every time......damn I'm sooo stupid!
Oh how sweet DG when i ring my hubby its a recording of me saying "quick pick up some milk and get home quickly, i need a break from the
Brit, i totally agree with you, sometimes you are forced to hear conversations you would clearly dont want to hear.
I hate mobile phone but I have three...
I have one cell and never answer it. Guess I am a rebel that way.
I do like to text though!
tra la la
My husband's ringtone is actually a recording of his voice telling me he loves me. I just love it when he calls me ;)
They all have different ring tones and within each mobile I have set different ring tones for different people. I answer on a priority basis. If my husband calls me I drop everything and answer right away. Family and friends call and I tend to answer fairly promptly. Business calls depends on what I am doing. I usually end up calling most people back on the business mobiles when I have time to talk.
...specially now since I've been using the same ol' Nokia 3210 for 8 years. I'm very proud of taking care of it!
Never had another one yet other than this...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Hey guys, it's Netherlands against Russia now. What are you still doing here?
But Bae, what if DW or DD wanted to talk to you while you're out and about? On a practical level, surely mobiles are useful.
Naaaaaaa i am not on honeymoon here
am here to whack every one else moon
Now I understand what the Ru in your pseudonym stands for: "rude".
What happened to the mobile-bashing discussion I was attempting to start? I'm thinking of starting a club. Now we're talking about Darude in Hawaii (on a honeymoon?)
yea thats when i crack your balls then tell me how interesting
You're just trying to appear interesting. Old trick.
well you never seen a bad guy like me
aint a good guy like you not at all.
too much effort for a bad guy, DaRuDe.
email??? why email??? Just stand up dont be a lazy azz go down to dhl buy mp3 device load the songs in it and send it QUICK
What about e-mail?
yea do send me by DHL i am in Hawaii right now.
This is like it is everywhere, DaRuDe. John Prine wrote a nice song about "A town this size". And he doesn't know anything about Doha. He is American. If you want I can send you my version in Mp3.
chicken this is Qatar
you cant hide here unless in grave
Darude---you da man. Aren't they a nuisance...and an expensive nuisance! Mobile companies have done a good brain washing job. Now everyone uses them and it is difficult to contact people without using a mobile phone.
One serious tip: if you ever go where you don't want anybody to know that you're there, for heaven's sake: don't make a call with your phone. They can trace you down to a 2 meters range.
am damn sick and tired of my phones.
I'm with TCOM. Don't like mobiles. Only good for emergencies, causing car accidents, and disturbing movie-goers. I usually forget to recharge it, let the Hala credits go so low, or leave it at home. I have an office or home phone where I can be reached. I grew up 30 years in Canada without using a mobile. If mobiles hadn't become popular, would life be better?
Since community (family & friends) is so important in the Arab culture, mobiles are considered very important here. (according to the authors of "Don't they know it's Friday").
without it... i cant live a day complete...
this is where my friends lives...
i have one operated by QTEL network for outgoing calls and messages... and the other is operated by SMART Roaming services for my faraway friends and love ones...
~~~winner never quits~~~
I forget my mobile all the time no big deal its when i don't have my mobile with me life is bliss
Yup because of this gadgets people expecting that ur always available to talk or reply on them...
"Life's rule: Assume nothing...expect more...need often...sleep long...dream big...laugh a lot...pray always & once in a while...cry but continue living!
my personal mobile very important and yes the business mobile too. i feel uncomfortable without my mobile than my wallet.
yes sometimes i hate the existence of mobiles especially i get business calls on weekend. last time i turned it off my boss reprimanded me...whew!
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
Guys this gadgets plays the important roll in our daily life!
"Life's rule: Assume nothing...expect more...need often...sleep long...dream big...laugh a lot...pray always & once in a while...cry but continue living!
i`d forget my car keys and my wallet but not my cell phone !! now talk abt love for a cell phone ! got 2 cell phones and 3 spare sim cards n phones dont even remember the numbers, stuck to two for now, one office and one is personal :)
whose next ?
without it, my life is incomplete :)
" if we are not part of the SOLUTION, then we are the PROBLEM "
That's what I meant.. I hate sitting on a train and people yakking loudly. You go to a library and people are talking on the phone.
Last time, I was on a bus, and the lady behind me was on the phone. You can't imagine the private things everybody was able to overhear.
in superlative degree... very important!
How to Find Your One True Love????? (
Mobiles are very important for work and emergencies but sometimes its just to much..If you do own one people expect you to be on on-call and when you swtich your phone off because you want time out, people hassle you as to why your phone was swtiched off...I mean its off for a reason, get the message...
The old "little black diary". Except its digital now..
I think mobile phnes are a neccessity, however, I despair at their misuse.
I will remember that Abu American.. I am assuming you have phone numbers for the Scholars..
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
I also know one person who using his mobile phone for PLAYING GAMES! =)
"Life's rule: Assume nothing...expect more...need often...sleep long...dream big...laugh a lot...pray always & once in a while...cry but continue living!
anil im using it one at the time?=P
"Life's rule: Assume nothing...expect more...need often...sleep long...dream big...laugh a lot...pray always & once in a while...cry but continue living!
very.. i got two phones, but lately my other phone with roaming is causing me more troubles.. :/ but then hard to disregard them.. :(
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
it is love & hate
when my GF calls i love it
When my boss calls i hate it
The AdMan
4 ur advertising needs
call me
Mobile is part of our life like air food water and mobile tooooo
The AdMan
4 ur advertising needs
call me
my cell phone, is my other life line, I depend on it as much as other necessities.
President Bush,In a message to Tehran, he said: "You bet you have a sovereign right, absolutely, but you don't have the trust of those of us who have watched you carefully when it comes to enriching uranium."
I just keep one phone as I have just two ears and one mouth to speak. How many ears and mouth do you have?
I use slim, lightweight ones and have great handbags :)
How do you carry all of them around? 2 or 3 one can handle but 5 will need a purse large enough to store bricks
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Me, i have 3 one for personal used, the 2nd is for roaming (Phil. sim card) & third for official purposes! =)
"Life's rule: Assume nothing...expect more...need often...sleep long...dream big...laugh a lot...pray always & once in a while...cry but continue living!
Good job I've got shares in them then ;)
diamond Qtel earns more because of u...=)
"Life's rule: Assume nothing...expect more...need often...sleep long...dream big...laugh a lot...pray always & once in a while...cry but continue living!
One for husband, one for family, three for business purposes. Actually five isn't it. I find it simpler to operate that way.
four? okay.
Never go younger by a month, a hard bod is no substitute for wisdom.
-Angelica Houston, Material Girls
to me my mobile is only for emergency purposes
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Q-Tel loves you, diamond.
Definitely can't and don't want to live without them. I have four which I keep with me and use them all the time.
i guess it will be difficult for me if i dont have my phone around..
like my fren used to say.. its like a dogs strap... ppl can catch hold of u wherever u r..
but use only in case of real requirement.. otherwise its a playing game.
I always forget it at home...
super important.
and i leave it on purpose if i wanna be alone.
Never go younger by a month, a hard bod is no substitute for wisdom.
-Angelica Houston, Material Girls