How Does A Man Propose To A Woman ?

For those whom are married, how did you propose a marriage to your wife(ves) ?
For those whom plan to get married, how do you plan to propose to your future wife ?
Interestingly in Arab culture, if the wife covers her face, how do you make such a proposal ? Do you meet her in advance ? Do you have the chance to see her face before your wedding day ?
You sound like me and my husband. Well, similar. He was acutally kind of dating my best friend. I had never seen him. He came to her house one day and I was there. He still talks about it, I was 15 years old, leaning up aganist a tree wearing jeans and an oversized sweater. He asked me out about a year later (he and my friend never really hit if off after all). The night that he proposed to me he repeated that memory of the first time he saw me. Actually, we were both kneeling on the floor at the time, he looked into my eyes, asked me to marry him and I said yes. So we started dating when we were 16 dated he proposed when I was 19 and we were married at 22 (almost 23). We were married 24 years last Sunday. Still love him with all my heart - when I am with him I feel 16 all over again. It's the children that make me feel old (ha,ha). If anyone is doing the Math I am 46 and not ashamed to say it as long as I don't look it LOL.
ur the man
Mine was an arranged marriage. My mother had found his profile in a marriage bureau listing and she asked me my opinion. Coincidently, on that same day his father had found my profile listed in that same marriage bureau. Then on a pre-decided date the families met and discussed and fixed our marriage. This May we have celebrated our 12th marriage anniversary at Ramada's Chingari.
After our engagement he took me to a very plush restaurant to mark our first official date. He forced me to eat something but i had only some kinda juice. Now whenever he sees me eating my heart out he wonders why i only had a juice in our first meeting; And I always answer him that I am taking revenge of that first juice!!!!
I am happily married to a most decent guy in the world.
Yeaaah ala7mad79 you should do it! there are many cute jordanian galz around :-)))
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yes i totally agree with u ... with marraige intention from both :) lets do it :::))))
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. . .for different folks!! Its hard to generalise on things like this cos all relationships are different. Some people like spontanaiety(sp??) and any where unexpected works for them, others like a more traditional down on one knee approach, others like to talk about it and come to a mutual decision or a mixture of everything!!! IMHO (and it is only that)if you know someone well enough to consider marriage, you probably know them well enough to know what they'd like. Its a matter of taste
My other half proposed to me at the stroke of midnight on NYE on a beach in Thailand. For me it was perfect, but wouldn't necessarily blow up everyone's skirt!!
Al together now...
It ain't what you do it's the way that you do it.............
Call me Maninibat!
Here's a question to all u guys, if the relationshuip is serious and both of u know that it's leading to marriage, how can u still surprise her ? I'm curious.
Thanks Jauntie.
I often say I haven't got a wife [in the traditional sense], I've still got my girlfriend.
We just look a little different and produced 2 sprogs.
Apart from that we haven't really changed.
Call me Maninibat!
Awww JBH, that's such a romantic story! May u two always be happy:-)
Back to the thread, I think the element of surprise is important. Propose when she leasts expects it and I'm sure she'll remember it forever. Be creative.
:o) sigh
My friend at work asked me if I knew anyone who wanted to buy an engagement ring and if I would take it for the weekend to ask about.
I took it out with me the next night we were together and asked her to marry me.
There was actually a big fight going on in the pub where we were at the time.
We had been together for 5 years at that point anyway.
We later went to visit her brother who told us of a house that was for sale, we went to have a look at it that night.
In order to live together we had to marry as a respect issue to her father.
I asked for permission from her dad, we told everyone and we married 6 weeks later.
We met when we were about 13 when my best friend and I went a cafe and he stopped to talk to some girls as we were making our way to our seats.
I looked up to see where he was and saw a girl that stared straight into my soul from accross the room.
It was his sister, we have our 20th wedding aniversary on 1st August this year.
And I am still totally besotted with her.
Call me Maninibat!
Good answer richard123.
Trial and error. :)
Try again!
I said "That's great news, will you marry me"?
She said "Yes"
we did. Had a beautiful daughter and then a few years later she decided she wanted to marry someone else. We got divorced and she married someone else.
Romantic or what?
Patriotism cannot be our final spiritual shelter; my refuge is humanity. Tagore, Bengali Poet
Imagine walking in a forrest covered in snow, holding the hand of your loved one. All the sounds are muted by the snow, and you are the first persons to make footsteps in the snowcovered landscape...
Everything glittering, white and bright, the air is fresh and the only thing you hear is the sound of your footsteps in the snow. The big snowflakes keep falling gently from the sky and sparkles.
None of you says anything, you are just smiling and enjoying beeing there at that specific day.
All of a sudden, my husband gave me a long warm hug, looked in my eyes and kneeled down, asking me to spend the rest of my days with him as his wife. I think I said yes about fifteen times...
When you propose, make it good. The memory will last forever.
Women want to be surprised.
Good luck. :)
AL7amad, yeah you’re right. You can add phone calls too.
It’s like a blind date lol only with a marriage intention from both. And with lots of honesty and clarity. I think it’s a good environment for love and respect to grow.
[img_assist|nid=7232|title=Dua|desc=Amen :-)|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=56]
It's over 40 years since and I can't remember
Don't Worry Noble-Man Ladies will purpose you.
"No wife,No Life
Single life is Damage life"
I worked at the same place the woman who would become my wife did. I'd seen her in college and liked her from back then. Later on I went and got a job in another country (not the Gulf). I had an eye-opening experience on one of my assignments which gave me a different look on life. I took leave and asked her to marry me.
That's it, in a nut-shell.
If the guy was serious, he send his mom and sisters to see the woman then they tell the man about the womans' attitude and behaviors and her figure..on the other hand the womans' family asks very well about this man , his attitude , his behaviors,his figure, everything about him , if they felt satisfied about the man , they inform the man family that the man can see the woman at her home , and they can talk together for along conversation (uncovered face), and they can meet several times at her home to know each other more, then they decide if they want each other or not
this is what we call it Traditional marrgiage.
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