How do I know if a Qatari is a Qatari or not?

By heero_yuy2 •
That was the reason why I suddenly state the doubt of whether a person is having a bad experience with a 'Qatari' or not.
And finally I've managed to reread the article from the newspaper to clarify the previous statement I said about Qataris being hospitable:
Why Doha Should Make The Olympic Cut
-Arab culture and hospitality will provide a memorable experience.
Uhhh...I think I'm fine with my previous topic than this. XD
People, I'm not bashing Qataris in my previous post. I just said 'what?'.
lol behind you all the way..
agree, they won't know what hit them lol.
Nadt, it's gotta be the aussies turn soon.
LOL. I'm expecting that pretty sooner than you think. XD
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Alexa, calm. Breathe. Gold paint on cars...sorry to disappoint. But I do like the idea of a goldust car...
lol flanstou i dont doubt that...bring it on hey!!...
Nadt, the bashing is a weekly must. We have come to love and look forward to it.
Nadt, it's gotta be the aussies turn soon.
Lucky you DG..It seems like QL has unofficially created a theme for each nationality (bashing) every week..Seems you guys are popular this week?
Gold, Whoami, gold (colour of dust)...white is soooo last decade.
I don't have a landcruiser and never will either.
For those who DO get a white one, it's because dust doesn't show as easily (neither do scratches).
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...and let the Qataris try it for once, I assure you you'll get the fun out of your life.
The cuteness. the comfort. heck! Even self-maintenance was pretty easy! (that is, if they still sell some parts around here...)
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I know Nadt, my people are experiencing an uncommon surge in popularity ;)
Perhaps we ought to be giving out flags and badges and take advantage of it lol.
Is this Qatari week or something?
you mean you dont have a private helicopter for the city??
tra la la
That'll be cool and rare. :)
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Yes, Alexa, I do enjoy the comfort factor.
but why do they all have to be white? If a Qatari get a different colour do you shun them????
I have never owned a Landcruiser and do not intend to. Ugly cars.
land crusier, definite Qatari. (They get them on their 17th birthday.. I think its a government regulation), if its 20 year old volvo they are Sudanese.
Stare at the man's wife for 10 mis... if ur deported he's defintely qatari:)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
ask them for their passport.
Nice answer!
...maintain our not nice reputation.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Thank you Alexa. We try not to be known for our cleverness. Sshh!
lol Diamond.... now why did i not think of this answer
Actually all nice people are Qataris and all not nice people are not Qataris.
We pay the not nice people to pretend they are Qataris just to keep it interesting and maintain our not nice reputation.
The easy way is to ask for hi ID lol
I don't understand your post at all.
However, you only know a person is Qatari by asking him.
Many other gulf nationals come to Qatar and wear thobes or even adopt the style of wearing a thobe.
Alot of Qatari's also wear western clothes and are probably thought of as not Qatari.
My friend is Kuwaiti and when he wears jeans, people think he's Pakistani.
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