Hopefully a good lesson to the other tyrants

Muammar Gaddafi still on show, rotting as wrangling goes on
But few Libyans are troubled about either how they were killed or why they are being kept exposed to public view for so long.
"God made the pharaoh as an example to the others," said Salem Shaka, visiting the bodies on Monday. "If he had been a good man, we would have buried him.
But he chose this destiny for himself." Another man, who said he had driven 400 km (250 miles) to see the bodies, said: "I came here to make sure with my own eyes ... All Libyans must see him."
The killing of fallen autocrats is far from a novelty -- in Europe in living memory, similar fates befell Nicolae Ceausescu in Romania in 1989 and Benito Mussolini, who had created modern Libya as an Italian colony a decade before he died in 1945.
"Some people want to hand them over to his tribe, but we have some demands. Many people have been kidnapped and killed by people in Sirte since the 1980s. We asked them to give those bodies back. Since then they have been quiet," said the official who asked not to be named.
The official Egyptian news agency said Libya's office for fatwas, or religious decrees, had declared Gaddafi was not a Muslim as he had denied the teachings of Prophet Mohammad and so should not be given an Islamic funeral.
wil it be more just to try him in fron of his "supposed" ictimes as they claimed? Will it be "sweeter" revenged for those oppressed by his regime if he will be "hanged" in fron of them?
Or if they can throw a stone to this man until he dies as per Sharia LAw (is it possible?). But the way he was MURDERED, a Muslim by Muslims (they were supposed to be brothers) will I be convinced to revert and embraced such brutality as exposed to the whole world?
Qatarisun, your sentiments are same as those of many other people. If there was a like button on your post, I would press it.
Of course, on QL you will find VERY FEW people who will agree with you, which is not surprising at all.
The ones who would agree, are not posting anymore, due to the prevailing sentiment of hate, racism,and utter stupidity.
Well, it's QL ;)
Well if thats what you think. I suppose next you are going to go trekking to find where they dumped this guy in the barren desert.
Good Old Joe - Just as I suspected- you're an arm chair sadist.
I suppose you are looking for some help in searching the spots in the desert. Well if you wish we could do that togather
Good old Joe - do you just like to watch or are you a hands on guy??
i think those who can drag and kick and abuse a naked bloody body cannot be called humans themselves in the first place. those who did it and those who supported it, i believe, got freed too early. they dont behave like civilized people by themselves.. in thier rage, anger and bloodlust they are rather barbarians.. may be this dead clown was not too bad for them at the end of the day.. may be he knew who he was dealing with... only mentally and emotionally damaged creature can perform such disgusting actions with naked bloody dead body, no matter whose body is that. As for normal people, only image of this animal scene can throw them into deep emotional shock and make literally sick...
Tataski - cool. just arrange a place for them in the dessert so nobody can find them again just like this guy
Good Old Joe - same ending for Obama, Bush, Blair , Cheney and co?? Just what they deserve???
Thats what the guy deserved. I suppose even beggars are treated better. Well for a king of Kings looks like a very sorry way to go. He had so much power and so many different security forces to guard him but when the end was near he was at the mercy of the very guys whom he might not have imagined to be seen with in his wildest dreams.
is Libya becoming a heartless nation? Tsk tsk tsk!
As per latest BBC News, gaddafi buried at a secret location in a desert of libya..He wished to be buried in sirte but his bad fate...
Whatever be the case he should have been buried once he was killed.
..like a roll of toilet paper.... and to imagine he or they used to call this lunatic the king of kings
He was feted by democratic leaders and despots alike during his lifetime.
The simple fact is that Dictators are used when convenient and descarded when they no longer serve a purpose.
Hitler came out with Mein Kemf or something like that. Mao tse tung from china had his red book and gaddafi not to be left behind came out with his green book to fool the world that he was a historian and a learned man and now nobody wants to do anything with him, his family or his green books. Well they say you cant fool everyone forever
he should be buried! He's dead, what laws will prevent him to be buried When asked to be autopsied, they claimed the guy is Muslim, now they say he is not, so will they be willing that the body be autopsied to know the cause of death?