Hired locally by Hamad

I'm a Filipino Female Nurse and was interviewed by Hamad Medical Center (Al Wakra Hospital) in February. Luckily, passed the interview. But until now (May 9,2013), I still haven't started work with them. They asked me to submit my Passport copy 5 days ago. Can you guys please tell me, if you know how much more months will I be waiting for so I could start?
anyways, I'm under a Father's Sponsorship, since Hamad woundn't give me a Sponsorship from them.
Thank you. Your answers regarding this query will so much be appreciated.
God bless us all.
I am currently in KSA and was offered and I accepted the offer from Hamad. As per HR my visa is under process. I asked the if I will be endorsed to an agency in the Philippines the answer was no. Is this possible? I asked my point of origin and they said my ticket will be from Philippines. They said my formal contract will be signed once I arrive in HMC but from what I know POEA will require a copy of my contract if its new employer for the issuance of my OEC.
Anyone here experience the same hiring process like me?
BTW positio is an admin job
Hi sijorn i done my interview on 19 august 2015 all the documents i done already i pass already prometric exam here in doha i completed also my data flow i get also my police clearance when i contacted the agency which is IBM they inform me to wait for the visa to be issued by immigration here... i dunno how long i need to wait till my visa release. your also thru IBM?
Hi sijorn i done my interview on 19 august 2015 all the documents i done already i pass already prometric exam here in doha i completed also my data flow i get also my police clearance when i contacted the agency which is IBM they inform me to wait for the visa to be issued by immigration here... i dunno how long i need to wait till my visa release. your also thru IBM?
Hi merwin...when was your interview? Me also waiting for my visa...its under process
how long it will take to issue a visa as i am just waiting for visa to be issue for me i am hired thru IBM agency and everything is clear got pass prometric having a dataflow certificate submited my police clearance the IBM agent only inform me to wait for my visa to be issued by immigration i just want to know only how long it will take thanks you.
by the way i am using a family visit visa now hope you can help me
how long it will take to issue a visa as i am just waiting for visa to be issue for me i am hired thru IBM agency and everything is clear got pass prometric having a dataflow certificate submited my police clearance the IBM agent only inform me to wait for my visa to be issued by immigration i just want to know only how long it will take thanks you.
by the way i am using a family visit visa now hope you can help me
@richard000, Please check your inbox
hi Im applying work to HMC as anesthesia tech... documents such as CV, copy of transcripts,license and passport was sent to them as requested.. then one tume this HR called me again then un fortunately the line connection was not clear so he said he will just send me email... from this email he said ....
that my documents were sent to the hiring managers and said that they reccomended another role for me and the nursing team will get in touch with me to talk about that role... I was curious about it and I ask them if I didnt fit on my chosen position... He just said im good for that position but they said Im more suitable for this another role based on my qualifications and experience....
what does it mean... Im still curious about it and few days after that mail I ask the followed up about it but he did not give me a response.. almost two weeks from now and still waiting for their response..
by the way Im a registered nurse with 4 years hospital experience in an special area..and graduate of Masters degree as well... thanks
@Mariyakatrina you are also a applicant? When was the interview ?is it Skype or direct. ? Wat about your present status now. ? You have any information
Yes almost all of us dont know why it took so long to process applicants where in fact we need a job as soon as possible.
I don't know why hmc taking this much time for issuing offerletter. Actually for the immediate recruitment process they are conducting Skype interviews. But nowadays 12 to 18 months taking the whole process. ....
sijorn, just wait patiently... it's what i just did and it took me 6 months and still i am not yet starting. Usually you'll be receiving the offer letter after 1-2 months of the interview..
Hi shajlan. i just don't know about the rule if u need to stay for 2 years just to get a job. i am here for 6 months already
Hello friends. .am a staff nurse passed the Skype Interview on September 20th 2014. It's almost 2 months already. I didn't get the offer letter from hmc Qatar. So usually how many months taking for the offer letter. Any one knows the hmc new salary scale for nurses. ..Please reply
Hello Maria Katrina, sorry for very late reply! Yes I am locally transferring but I have not been in Qatar for 2 years, what they say is, I have to be in Qatar for at least 2 years to get the job! is there any rule like that? Thanks
Hi, I need to ask that where we have to submit cv for hamad hospital?
Do you have any ideas for their qualifications on their interview? Do u have any ideas for their salary range? Thank you.
hi..can somebody help me..i will be having my skype interview this coming Sunday with Hamad. Can you give me some tips or topics on what they will ask me..your replies will be much appreciated..thank you!
are you locally hired?
Hello everyone, I faced an interview in HMC as well and [passed the interview, but the HR said I should have been in Qatar at least for 2 years. while I've been in Qatar 3 weeks. Is it true that I should have stayed here for 2 years? any solutions?
hi guys.. id like to ask how long did unistaff evaluated your papers?
jas wait for their agency, universal staffing, they will call u as soon s ur working visa comes out here
Hi! im a nurse here in philippines. I passed the skype interview of HMC and still awaits for an offer letter that will be sent via email. Its been a month since my last interview. for how long does the HMC will send their offer letter? do I have to process my data flow even if i dont receive any offer letter yet? Pls help me... BIG Thanks.
Hi! Just wanna ask how many months to wait after the medical is done? I did the medical days before eid so its been months of waiting. They told me I'm for the clinical attachment and will undergo training first before they hire me. Any idea how long will I have to wait till they call me back? :)
I too was interviewed in sadd recently they told they are going to register my details to HR. does this mean that i am selected or not and btw i was the only person to be interviewed that day. pls i need some info. when i call them they say they will contact me
Since Hamad is not accepting CVs in the respective HR of the Hospitals, you have to pass your CV in the Main HR together with the photocopy of your QID. Then they'll call you once you're shortlisted for interview. :)
to ORNURSE- you can ask your husband. you will need the same documents as what your husband submitted before when he is the one who applied in hamad. the only difference is, depend in which job you are applying. if you have the same job with your husband, same documents you will need.
What are the documents that I will be needing to apply im under the visa of my husband thank you in advance
Good day! I just got my family visa under my husband who is now working in hamad hospital. I just want to get your advice because I am a nurse too and want to work in hamad. How did you apply in hamad locally? And what documents I should prepare?thanks in advance
Hamad do not accept applicant under family visit visa, business visa or tourist visa. They only accept local applicant under husband or fathers sponsorship with valid residence visa.
Hi everyone.. I've been told already that HMC won't accept if your visa is Family Visit. How about if it's a business visa, will they accept?
Hi Doodeesoo. The Prometric Exam of Qatar is different from Saudi Prometric. Try to inquire at the Supreme COuncil of Health Qatar. Regarding the Hamad Application, try to pass your CV to their HR. :)
is prometric exam needed? and is saudi prometric accredited in qatar?
hello there missRN!i would like to ask am I qualified to work at Hamad? I only have 2 years hospital experience. and did they ask for any qualifyng exam before your application at HAMAD? cause back at Abu dhabi some hospitals are asking if you're a HAAD EXAM PASSER.
I have 2 years experience, I am MSc Nurse. One year after B.Sc and One Year after M.Sc. On visit here since Feb, so as of now i have 5 months gap. Am I eligible to get an job in HMC. Please guide me how to get a placement in Wakra Hospital..
before they submit your papers to credentialing department they'll see to it that you don't have a gap of more than 6months or beyond..like 7months perhaps..i got the offer a month after interview yours taking too long..you better follow up
Hi, what do you mean 6 months for validation? :)
it's not 18months gap anymore..FYI it's 6months only for them to submit your papers for verification..tsk!
Thank you so much. Very informative.
Will contact you soon for other questions regarding my application. :)
you can apply in hamad a medical insurance. its 300 riyals per year. it will be deductible in your salary for 25riyals per month. be sure you have a health card before you can apply a health insurance. once you have a health card, all the check ups is free and beside hamad has a staff clinic for all the employees.
just like my Dad, he has Medical Insurance (AXA), is it covered by HMC or is it my Dad who'll have it for me. Like he's paying just 50riyals per visit on check ups.
what medical insurance?
very honest answer. thank you so much. I'll have patience waiting for my documents here at Doha then. :)
how about the Medical Insurance, how would it be since I'm locally hired?
sorry for asking too much questions. :)
if you apply in unistaff, you will be overseas hired but there is no guarantee that you will be hired because there are lots of applicant lets say, that is better than you and the interview process there is difficult than here. and also the waiting period once you are hired there is very long. some applicant waited for 6 months to 2 years before they came to doha.
better to wait for my offer letter. :)
thank you so much. really informative replies. glad there's someone like you here in QL. :)
still the same as before. basic salary and transport depends on what grade they will give you.
if ever that I'll apply in the Philippines at UniStaff, you think it will be a good idea or I'll just wait for my papers to get done?
because I'm really desperate to start working already. :(
too many changes after 3 years. now, they are letting us go through a lot. :(
about how much do you think will I receive as salary and transport allowance?
that was 3 years ago. your benefits will be basic salary and transport allowance. airline ticket is not included for locally hired. accomodation is not provided because you are under fathers sponsorship. you can only apply for an accomodation or housing allowance if your sponsor is not receiving accomodation and housing allowance from his company.
Hahaha. Treat? Agad agad? hahaha.
Dunno still how much salary will they offer. and still no idea if I'll have the benefits since I'm locally hired.
I'm under Father's Sponsorship, but my VIsa is still under process by the Immigration. That's another problem for me. :(
Everything for 4-5 weeks? really? good for her. i'm so inggit. I'm waiting for almost 3 months already. :(
i was the sponsor. hamad is not accepting local applicant if it is not under husband sponsorship or fathers sponsorship. it takes 4-5 weeks before she started to work.
once u get into hmc...please do not forget to give us treat...lol
wow! really good for her. anyway, is she SPonsored by Hamad as for her Visa?
About how much time did she wait? approximately?
Thank you so much. these information your giving will really help me go through this. will PM you if I'll on Verification Process already.
she just waited for the verification to be finished then after that she started to work. actually for my wife, she was not interviewed by hmc. we just submit her cv then the head of the department reviewed the cv and approved it.
you're wife too is hired locally then?
really, a lot of process. so maybe it'll take more than 3-4 months for me to accomplish these things. toxic. :(
have a 5 month experience gap already. maybe I wont reach 18 months of waiting. hehe.
what I dont want is that they're taking each step so long, it's like every 2 weeks, my paper is in staying in a table for signature/approval. And also, they're asking requirements one by one.
how many months did your wife wait before appointed/starting?
btw. HMC will only accept applicant with less than 18 months gap experience.
i am overseas hired. i have done all that process when my wife was hired by hamad hospital. if your nbi is not authenticated by dfa, you have to send it back to the philippines and ask some relative to authenticate it in your behalf then after that, you have to bring that documents to the philippine embassy here in doha for another authentication then to the ministry of foreign affairs doha.
You know a lot about HMC hiring. Are you locally hired to? What hospital are you assigned?
Are you a Filipino?
There's alot to accomplish. i think it'll take a year before my appointment. OMG. i'm too bored!
How will I have authenticated NBI? I have NBI, but still not authenticated.
HMC vrification is dffrent frm the red ribbon of DFA. HMC will gve u a letter and that ltter shld be sent to ur school n to the PRC. once that letter filld up by the school and prc, they wil send it bck drectly to the vrifiction n crdentialing sction of HMC. u r not allowd to send the letter bck to HMC, it shud be the skul and prc. the prblem is, ur skul n prc dnt want to send that letter bcoz they wil pay for the courier charges. if u r on that part already, PM me and i wil tel u wat you r going to do. with rgards to ur medical, you will be rquested to have a medical aftr u hve signed ur job offer. btw, do u hve authentcated nbi clearance? u gonna nid that for police clearance hre in doha.
too much time waiting for these documents to be processed. :(
how about the medical exam? when will that be advised? what do you mean Verification of Academic and Professional Credentials? is this the Red Ribbon thing from DFA? I've done that prior to going here, is that different from what you're telling?
Thank you for your informative replies. :)
if you are not in the process of their verification and credentialing, i think you are not yet hired. maybe you passed the interview and you are now shortlisted in the list of their applicant. since they already asked your copy of passport, i think you have the chance to be hired and given an offer. just have patience to wait for a few more days or weeks. once you are given an offer, you will undergo the verification process wherein you are only given 6 weeks to finish the verification of your academic and professional credentials like documents from school, ched and prc.
just wait they will do the needful
OhMyGosh! I still haven't gone thru that process, I think. Because I was interviewed last February, then by the middle of March, I was told to pass my credentials. I haven't heard from them for almost a month. then last week, I received an email from them advising me to pass my Passport copy to them. then I asked what will be the next step, they told me that I'll just wait for another call.
I think every month, my documents is passing just one table for signature. :(
PATIENCE. yes, that's what I need now.
do you know how many months more will I have to wait?
thank you for your reply.
I already waited for about 3 months already. :(
did you finish already the HMC verification and credentialing? if not, then it will take 2-3 months before you will start because the verification and credentialing process takes 1 month to 1 1/2 months it depends on the processing of your school and prc. but if you already finish the verification, just wait for less than a month.
yeah monkey is right..have patience....as a role you are only allowed to work in a company without complete documents being processed.
have patience they take months here for procedures