Hindsight is a wonderful thing

Despite the well publicised fact that these cameras are a waste of time, it seems that officials fell for the over-hyped sensationalism surrounding swine flu and wasted money installing useless equipment anyway;
Scanner ‘not ideal to detect’ H1N1 flu
“Thermal cameras may not be the effective means to detect those with H1N1 flu as it only records body temperature,” the Deputy Minister of Health HE Dr Ahmed Naji said in a statement published in the local Arabic daily Arrayah.
He was commenting on the thermal cameras installed at the Abu Samra border check-post.
Source: Gulf Times
Just thinking aloud. I noticed the usual 'overprice' of almost every certain project in Qatar but only is built/installed on cheap labour and materials.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
bleu - the UK removed them because they don't slow the spread of infection. they're simply cosmetic.
you're better off providing hand-washing facilities or printing posters saying: "don't sneeze in other people's faces"
Sorry to break your bubble,it's not only O&G countries. I saw the same thermal scanner cameras in HKG and KUL airports, as well as the land borders between HK and Shenzhen... Many "western" countries installed them a while ago then removed them (they didn't want to scare the tourists)
whereever the machine take the reading from, that spot has an average temperature. if someone has a significant variation in the temperature, it's spotted out.
none is 37?
anyway, i will stop posting on this thread now that it's on the main forum page.
drsam, please do some research. They check in mouth, anus, armpit, ear because they give closest representation of internal body temperature, but even those places vary in temperature. None of them are at 37 degC.
And this article isn't talking about airports. Abu Samra checkpoint is a road.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
that's why ur lips turn blue in cold winters, or in freezing temperatures u must not rubb ur nose or ears because they may be frozen.
i think it is. u place the termometer in ur mouth, ckeck the ear, or under ur shoulder
there is many places in the body that can give u accurate mesurements.
than it's in airport/ ports/ frontiers
so they're dealing with passenger. none of which is coming on foot under the sun, or coming down from a mountain. so all the "specimen" r roughly in the same conditions of temperature and pression. the ones with higher readings will be singled out.
And I very much doubt that the face is the same temperature as the brain!
You're not a real doctor, are you?
the machine locate the hyperthermia! hypertermic will just be checked! if they just came from the desert sun and after 5 min their temp is back to normal, it's a false alert! sorry sir for the inconvinience, carry on with ur daily routine.
after all if ur gonna stop the spreading of an epidemy (or pandemy) u have to do something.
what do u propose?
Many people will die but the survivors will get cheaper rented apartments on the pearl so it's not all bad.
Maybe they could us these machines on a Friday at the malls to keep the brown men out as well......
On a trip during a windy and snowy day, a man recorded his skin and body temperature while climbing a mountain. The skin temperature of his toe was about 15 °C. At the same time, the temperature of his chest was 32 °C. This shows that different parts of the body have different skin temperatures.
Abanty Farzana -- 2001
temperature checking of the machine is from the head or face (front?)
don't think it will vary so much. the hands can be 25 C but the front is around the same as the brain inside, or what's left of it!!
drsam - That's internal body temperature. External temperature will vary depending on how much heat your body is dissipating.
whether ur naked in antarctica with-50 or seating over a heater in the desert sun at +50, body temperature do not change:37 degree C.
over 42 u die, less than 35 bye bye.
if body temperature is not 37 than something is wrong.
that's what these machines tell u. they don't say u have flu or fever or menstruation, it just check the temperature.
End Of World:P
Humans Created it and now they are worried:s
Work for 5 yrs and reirment for 30yrs Or work for 30 yrs and reitrment for 3 yrs .......
Purely speculating here, but I imagine that when money is reasonably abundant there doesn't need to be much behind expenditure decisions. Couple that with the outrageous hysteria that engulfed the outbreak swine flu, and the government were probably sucked in by the marketing ploys and were convinced they need these machines, despite reports stating that they're effectively useless, as proved during the bird flu outbreak.
I wonder what goes behind these government expenditure decisions. Even for small operational expenses we doa cost benefit analysis. For this kind of investments,I wonder what kind of due deligence is undertaken. Some of the other costs that governments incur run into millions only to realise later that it was a mistake.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Yet they installed them anyway.
i have read the articel in the arabic newspaper
he said that its not practical to install them in Abu Samra becuase its a desert area and normally the body temp. is already high becuase of the long period under the sun
As far as I can work out, the reason they're being used is to reassure the public and discourage flu sufferers from visiting airports and malls.
However, since they were shown in the SARS outbreak not to be effective in preventing transmission, the whole exercise seems pretty cynical. It relies on the public believing in a product that the authorities know to be useless. As the Wizard of Oz might say: "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
placed order for Six thermal scanners
As-Sunnah As Saheeha
M303 infrared was installed at all major airports
As-Sunnah As Saheeha
@ tallg,relax mate...no offence meant...
I wasn't aware that I was suggesting that I hadn't come across this before.
Well this neck of the woods is pretty much the global dumping ground for useless shit that no other countries will buy 'cos they either a) know better or b) manufacture their own, neither of which is the case here...add to that high revenues from oil & gas sales & voila! you have:- wasted money on useless equipment,c'mon tallg,don't tell me you haven't come across this here before mate?...
Or they could have just stepped out of an air-conditioned car into 45deg heat.
Errr, isn't a person with a higher body temperature more likely to HAVE flu?
Complete waste of money. I'm sorry this is just stupid. What about the people that have the virus but do not haveba temp yet? Ignorance is astounding sometimes.
its effective in some ways...
a person with a high body temp is more likely to catch H1N1 virus then a normal person.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.