High School shooting in Germany

How does some children reach that point, a level of total selfishness and self-interest where they care nothing about other people, society, church or country? It certainly starts with their parents, the original role models for ethics and morality. But everyone is influenced by collective social standards and expectations too....
The things that used to have value and significance no longer do.... today little if anything has value besides the basics or survival like money, food, friends, clothing, or housing. Teens just like adults realize this and they realize the nature of the social order they live in. Adults have certain faculties and common sense that adolescents and juveniles just have not developed yet; they react to the same situation in less predictable and less mature ways. They lose fear of authority because everywhere they look it’s hollow or has been discredited. The public school teacher isn’t going to do anything to stop them, the Principal can only give them detention or perhaps suspension which is almost a gift to some kids.
The Parents don’t care or don’t know what the kid does ‘that’s the schools responsibility’ , the police at worst send them to juvenile home for a night and usually just release ‘em back to Mommy and Daddy for punishment (yeah right). A significant portion of growing up is learning that actions have consequences, but in this type of an environment what are kids really learning? Knowing nothing but incompetent and hopeless authority they will think they can do whatever they want, No one can stop me!
Some of the factors causing such mishaps..
- Video games and a 'violent culture'
- Immorality (lack of God and religion)
- Lack of security (metal detectors, security guards etc.)
- Stolen Guns
If you read my post, I mentioned that there needs to be harsher punishments for bullying. That is a way the schools of today have to change.
Teachers need the power to discipline students that will send a clear message that verbal and/or physical abuse will not be tolerated.
This powerlessness of teachers and administrators is the way schools are operating TODAY, thus they have to CHANGE.
I don't see the benefit of advising a child to push a student back. I do see the advantage of advising a child to say, "I don't have time for you," then walking away.
- Video games and a 'violent culture'
- Immorality (lack of God and religion)
Video games is a lame excuse for why people do bad things i say.
Immorality, f*ck off. Religion kills so many people. Allways has, allways will.
that is, teach and guide children while they are young. If there's a need for spanking them, let it be, for them to learn that they committed wrongdoing and should not be repeated. But this spanking was removed by the "good" society that they always cry-out for child abuse.
To these societies, "rule of the jungle" rather that be sued for child abuse. Really pathetic! Gone were the days that parents are always followed by their children. Now, you can not even pinched you child as he/she may cry and the neighbors might hear it. The child could be taken away from you for "unreasonable" thing the state can build against you!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
How many of you know about the killings of police officials and governmment authorities in Mexico?
The US admits it now faces this crisis a lot more severely than Al Qaeda on its soil.
Drug abuse and animosity among the druglords is blamed for this bloodbath everyday. Police recovers dozens of mutilated and severed bodies from around cities all throughout Mexico!
Hey Maa look at me....what no one wants to see....much too young to focus but too old to see!
Teachers have least control on the children... too much parental interference is one of the reason..
When we were kids my parents never asked my teacher why she beat me or its bcos of the teachers that I got low marks...but now many parents blame teachers for everything..which I think is not right..Hence teachers don’t show much interest in a child's discipline..
I regret meetin such a mean wolfie...:(
Still............you know I lub you..dont you?? LOL
"Society has changed and the schools need to change as well"
That is the problem the schools have changed to conform with society and now the system doesn't work. You have teachers and principals too afraid too do anything incase they get sued.
just yesterday my daughter told me that a girl in her class, pushed her against the wall, told her she didn't come from Australia and tried too get her too hurt another boy in her class and no the girl wasn't Arab she is British and she's only 7. Now the right thing according to society would have been for me too tell her to go and tell the teacher if it happens again, but I didn't because I also know the the only thing the teacher can do is sed the girl to time out, tell the parents and hope they do something about it. Instead I told her to push the girl back say to her " I have better things to do than stand here and talk too you!!" I know this may seem wrong to teach your child to do something like this but too me it also seems wrong that a teacher is pretty much powerless to do anything else than what I have already said regarding the situation. You see teachers not having the power to do more than that doesn't teach a child in my book anything about respect for authority, all it teaches them is that there are no serious ramifications if they break a rule, this also teaches them that there are no real boundaries.
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died....Chad Kroeger
glad to know eachother cool and for me
it was worst to know you both :/
you really have to bribe me for that now :D
When did you agree with me you rude wolfie? lol
FS, TQ. I am also very glad to know you! :0)
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
and lesson learned how to manage GENEXT in a more diligent, vigilant ways. Keep continuous and open communication with your loved teens.
yea right i agree with miskitty
but i dont agree with you.
Totally agree with you...
You words are inspiring... I am glad to know you..:)
The students that resort to this type of violence are ANGRY! They are taking out their ANGER on people who have "done them wrong" in one way or another.
There needs to be more school personnel that are traind to spot these types of personalities before they resort to violent acts.
There needs to be more guidance counselors on staff at each school.
There needs to be harsher punishments for bullying. Too often, administrators fear being sued by the parents for issuing too harsh a punishment.
There should be anger management courses added to the curriculum for every middle and high school.
Society has changed and the schools need to change as well.
Agree, FS. Collective social stds and expectations should reinforce morality and ethics. It is very sad that many people are selfish and fail to see that what goes around, comes around. And their actions have wider ramifications - how it affects the people around them esp the kids who tend to pick up and learn more effectively from their environment and whatever they're exposed to.
"They lose fear of authority because everywhere they look it’s hollow or has been discredited."
- A downside to having total freedom. There must be a balance of freedom and restrictions. To add to your example, sometimes the teachers can't help to discipline much for fear of being sued in some litigation happy societies.
Agree that "A significant portion of growing up is learning that actions have consequences". Again, I say, total freedom is anarchy.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
flipflop. "...I think we have to get used to a new kind of human beings over the next few generations.... :-("
- Or rather stem the slide by being more alert and vigilant? Awareness is the first step to change. People need to know that they lead by example - not just by words but by actions. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words. Some people need to realize that being selfish, etc, just gets them ahead in the short term. Kids soak up all this like a sponge, do you realize it? All verbal and non-verbal clues.
I know some of them think that they'll be selfish for now because they are poor but later when they have more money, they'll be generous in time and money then. Uhuh.. life is about justifications. They should just stop justifying themselves and think of others a bit more.
One should be generous and think of others even when one has little. Even when I was earning RM1,600 and paying all my bills with not much left over, I used to contribute what could - time and money - also part of the reason why I'm still single - no time and money left left over to have all that fun, you know. But I wouldn't change anything for the world because I was true to myself and did what I thought was right.
My measly salary went on for years, my then employers took advantage of loyal (yeah, stupid) employees and gave no increments for a few years and eventually gave me an increment of RM50.. but I didn't stop what I was doing because I had a bigger picture in mind.
/Well, ok.. not so stupid. What my last previous employer gave me was authority and autonomy but still no cash. Ah well..
//RM1= about QR1.06 or something like that but about equal.
Make of it what you will, as my friend likes to say. I'm only saying this to bring to some people's attention that what they're suffering is not that bad. Other people have been through worse. It's all a matter of one's attitude. Yes, also cost of living issue of certain countries but anything can be overcome. Lower expectations, live within means.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
I blame society and the PC brigade.
Society has put too much emphasis on obtaining a piece of paper, it used to be once that a child never really had to make a decision of what career the really wanted too pursue until they hit the 10th grade, now this decision is having to be made by the parents before they even start prep school and if you are one of those parents that don't care what your child grows up too become then your a bad parent. I hear all too often from people just let your kids be kids but I also hear these same people lament on the fact that little johnny (who is only 5 mind you) didn't get the marks on his report card that he should have, so they are sending him too a tutor. It's sad really when the truth is that society while saying let kids be kids, is also saying too them if you don't achieve good grades in primary school then how do you expect too get into a good High school and then get into a good University, Kinda sends a mixed message too them, don't you think??
The other group is the PC brigade they are the ones responsible for telling children they have rights!! Now I am not talking about the children that are genuinely physically and emotionally abused and really do need help, I am talking about the ones that could really use a good arse spanking, because they are genuinely insolent and too a point we can not blame the parents for this as the PC brigade took that out of our hands a long time ago by claiming that any striking of a child in any manner, constituted as abuse. I bet there a very few people that remember a time when police, if they caught a kid doing something illegal that only required a reprimand would do it themselves and send them home for another one by their dad, it usually was enough for those kids that didn't have major criminal tendencies to turn themselves around and not do it again. How many people remember "The Cane" at school? now all a teacher can do is send you too detention and honestly what does that really achieve , other than sitting in a room with nothing but your thoughts on how too exact your revenge on the very teacher that put you there, I mean what is really the worse thing that can happen too you if you do? you'll end up back in detention, Suspended (whohoo a four day holiday with no homework), expelled ( a sometimes permanent holiday even more time on your hands to cause trouble).
When the PC brigade stepped in and told children they had rights they didn't think about the fact that these kids don't yet have the real moral compass yet too make the right choices with regards too this. The truth is as parents we accept the pressure that society puts on us with regards too our children and for the most part we try too shield our children from that the best we can,because we as adults should be able too handle the situation better, but the trouble is with every generation that comes after due too these pressures, our children are becoming more aware at younger age so are burdening these responsibilities themselves without a word of too us as parents.
there is a great Aussie comedian, Andrew Denton who's catch phrase has always been "Society is to Blame." and when it comes to children, I totally agree.
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died....Chad Kroeger
I believe that this guy was playing GTA ..
Such a violent games are really growing devil ideas into the head of those teenager and kids ..
PLUS the lack of parental guide of their kid's attitude ..
They should punish the parent first b4 looking on wut the kid did..
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I am really worried about the future of next generation..
Everyday we hear so many such incidents..nothing can be really done to stop it..how many innocent children are becoming victims of such tragedy..
Its increasing year by year..
I think it is time to ban guns throught Europe just like they have banned them in the UK after Dumblane incident
happened in the city Stutgart, Germany. 17 killed including teachers, students, gunmen....
its become very common among teens recently mainly due to social behaviour and environment we provided...watching movies, current affairs (terrorism, ragging, etc) and games (XBOX, PS3, Nintendo, GTA, HALO....).
High time to understand the youth power and should guide them on the productive path.
First of all the Germans are proud that they don't need all this security stuff.....this will change sooner or later unfortunately.
Secondly this young guy was a kind of mobbed over years from his school mates and eventually he freaked completely out and did this unbelievable and not explainable bloodbath.
I agree, Video games are to a big degree responsible to implant ideas like that in troubled minds.
Long time ago when I was young you didn't hear about bad news like this one and our video games where more like pacman or so.
Germany has very strict rules regarding weapons, but unfortunately the father was a legal weapon holder and his son took one.....
For me it seems that the whole world gets more and more violent every year....robbery's and killings are daily in the news and everyone is getting used to it.
britexpat had a good point, what kind of childhood have this youngster in the nowadays?
Years ago parents used to play board or card games at the weekends with the children. Every day after school mom waited at home with food and checked that the homework is done.
Now children grow up with parents who work both and which are too tired after work to listen to children problems.....to keep them quiet they get a playstation....
Children between each other are not even able to talk to each other....unless it's in a chat room or through text messages.
I think we have to get used to a new kind of human beings over the next few generations.... :-(
The parents aren't always the culprit in ruining the child's future and letting them go astray. The society as a whole and the child's own instincts also matter.
I've lived alongside gambling, smoking and drinking during college days, but none could affect me at all.
Smoking and drinking is where abusive behavior takes root and then gets pretty nasty with time.
Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.
The stresses of life are transferred all too easily to children nowadays. Many don't have a childhood as such.