High Rents and Middlemen

Middlemen, middlemen, why are there middlemen for house to be rented. The high rent is
ripping the budget, and yet there is an additional charges? Not just a thousad, or two, but
these middlemen wanted a whole month or half month rent for just answering your querries
and leading you where the house is. Whatta? Don't they feel ashame of it? Or don't they
feel fear to God ?
Ok, they want to be paid but is it humane to get that much? Do the payment they
take from a person who really needs to have a home make them sleep? OMG!!!!
There must be something to be done... If they take a 500 bucks will that not enough? But i
think there must also a law on middlemen. Do they have license to do this? This is a
voluntary holdup i may say, does anyone agree to me?
This is my first time to rent, and i was surprised that everytime i inquire about a villa or apartment to rent, there is always a middlemen to say "i take 20 days rent commission, 15 days rent commission" they may ask some commission but maybe in humanely amount not to overprice because looking for a home to stay is already a torture for the advance and deposit to be paid, then this middlemen are taking the advantage of charging. If one finds cheap villa, the charge is desparately high.
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
I dont understand why every one is having bad opinon about middle man. Who is middle man and what is their role?
Middle man are the one in between the owner who has lot of jobs than handling his property so sometime he dont know the market value and giving for less price.
Middle man are the one doing great job for new comers to find the house.
Middle man can give house even if Resident permit is not available for new comers.
Middle man is unable to survive his life with his salary so doing some side business at his level....
The landlord needs such people who is taking care of houses.
These guys are working with reasonable profit and sometime taking higher responsiblity.
Try to get the house without middle man it is either very very high price from real estates or landlord can kick out any time.
One guy(middle man) helped me find the house while i was in difficult situation so i respect these middleman and he saved us from landlord while hiked the rent to other people in our apartment.
Novita said: Afterall if i were your boss i would sack you ages ago and send you home. Don't worry Novita, i Will see you in court for racial discrimination on the job. If I win the settlement against you, I will make sure that you work for the rest of your life for me, with no end to the settlement payments. Remember this: What evil you desire others, it will come back in double ugliness against you soon or later. I believe in my freedom of expression and everyone else's, But when you try to take away my freedoms then is when I draw the line.==============Here is my Line+++++++++++++++is a wall======================================. You have a good day my child. The Red Pope of Qatar Living
The only lisenced middle men are the ones in real estate agencies, others
dont have any thing, even if the property owner asks them to find a tanent,
they are not allowed to, because its not legal by the government.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
Red Pope ... pls thinking twice, or thrice or better thinking more before you hit that post button.
Afterall if i were your boss i would sack you ages ago and send you home.
why bring about relgion here Pope?
Two Hindu gentleman unescorted, Did approached me a couple of months ago, inquiring about rent prices in my compound. In return to their questions, My answer was: Are you looking to rent or just to sell rentals?Both walked away from the compound. The Red Pope of Qatar Living
So where are the middle men in this Abu
I'm looking for accomodation in Doha myself. Appartment or Villa, but the rent rates are extortionate. And the middle men aren't very helpful!
I may just have to buy, although I'm not sure of how stable the property market is out in Doha.
Are Blood suckers! We should find out if there is a law to screw these guys.
Cool Guy !!!!!