Here is one more immature, hyper guy

By skdkak closed 1... •
I got this a little while before I was to log off for the day.
He couldnt digest my non-sense in one thread.
From: pranay91
To: skdkak
Subject: pussy
Date: Tue, 04/12/2007 - 3:18pm
wat pooned...yea dats wite walk ur precious time for ur [this post has broken our guidelines by using bad language - you will be removed from QL if this continues]s
From: pranay91 and skdkak
To: amnesia
Subject: You are SO cool!
Date: Tue, 05/12/2007 - 1:18pm
We just wanted to send you a PM to let you know how cool you are. We love you so much! We're holding hands right now from all our excitement!
Let's all be friends!!
Yew r kewl!
Pranay91 and skdkak
Common guys, nobody should use bad language in the first place!
Need magnet.. will get it for ur pin head to stick to it
am already on floor looking for a pin i lost some where here damn where did it go
I was kidding Daru..
It is enough up there. Come back to earth or u will fall like a thud..
Guess i am :P
youa are the best person around for noticing things well in time.
:((((( LOL....I have a lot of office work to do.
He has already loaded his magazine.
Thanks Speed... Mail sent to administrator
you guys are just busy in fun always i reported that yesterday i guess or b4 yesterday. the QL clock batteries are expired i did tell him to use duracell they last for very long :D
Morning everyone,
So what am I missing in here,,
Somebody is shooting someone...
Da Rude, Skdkak, you all doing you lovely people...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
I feel like I am about 4 hours behind myself this Darude...hold your fire or it will be like shooting fish in a barrel, with me today...
and speed gave you the contact info for Qatari....upper right hand corner, under CONTACT
Have u noticed the time of your today's posts.
It is behind br about 4 hrs.
Who is giving me QL administrator's contact info.
Daride: hold ur fire. We have a lot of trigger happy guys around. Dont want a stone cold killer like Darude let loose.
hold that machine gun up long enough to shoot anything other than your big I'm not worried..
watch it ok or will unload my machine gun on you i just need you to stand still :P
I was shocked and surprised to see. Then i double checked it with my sent items and with the PM i recieved from him.
Thanks Scar.. Darude..& speed for making my day.
Just one help.
What is QL administrator id. I want to inform them
for one, the PM didn't sound like anything you would send...which had me wondering...and its very easy to do that as seen by what Speed did...also people CAN hack into your account and post from you..I know a couple that have had that done..change your password to something that is a bit harder to hack..
not to worry..we know how and what you usually write...and this didn't fit your personality...
thanks... u think i will lie here in LQ and make an arse of myself.
I am forwarding that to QL adminintrator
i dont fire a single bullet i use machine gun and fire all the bullets at once.
From: skdkak
Subject: HOW R U
Date: Tue, 05/12/2007 - 07:01am
Hey how are you !
Did you ever sent this PM to me today morning ?? NO !!
So it is very easy to copy past and modify (As i did above to demonstrate)... NO WORRIES you are in the world of nowhere (NET)
yes you can send this to QL Administrator to block that person since he has tried to abuse you with the false PM (if it is ture)
Cheers ...
good morning...
Question is nomore of him being a kido
But how did he get a PM from me. It is a serious thing and I we all need to sort it out. I have created a thread if you have any comments in that regard.
This should not happen. I really dont know now if u are a real DARUDE OR Pranay91.. LOL. just joking but it can happen
he is just a kid and in wrong place chill man
Ok, I agree i used word like crap but what i said is copletely true.
BUT there is something else. I dont know who & how did it happen but the mail Pranay91 is showing around (below) is not sent by and I do not have to prove it to anyone. I am realy confused who and how did a mail from my id went to pranay when I have not sent a PM to him ever till now.
I am approaching Qatari & Ahmd ASAP.
This is a serious thing that is happening in QL.. Some months back I know forum topics were edited by unknown people and now My PM to an annonimous guy...
"""""""""pranay91 said this guys is a reply was to the msg he sent me: ...
From: skdkak
To: pranay91
Subject: [this post has broken our guidelines by using bad language - you will be removed from QL if this continues]s
Date: Tue, 04/12/2007 - 3:01pm
i think ur a [this post has broken our guidelines by using bad language - you will be removed from QL if this continues]s and ur not even 18 so dont try n argue with me...u sound like a crack head by saying u can buy loads of unofficial things everywhere in the world
Tue, 04/12/2007 - 4:11pm reply Email this page
everything looks the same as it is! nothing's new! as in, still exactly the same as it was, full of good boy and doha guy. hmmm when she will ever stop! me and my friends wonders! hmmm typical LOA as usual. lol and more lol!
"People who are ungrateful, will never be grate
no comment - just reading and a "1" point for me.
Hey Guys..
There was no need to make a forum topic of personal differences. The topic was on Tata Sky, dont deviate from one subject to another.
I guess its about time, we make QL a better place rather than a Bashing Forum. Reading the posts on that subject, I am sure there was a misunderstanding so there is no need to make statements on one Hyper Activity or Immaturity.. Avoid Wastage of Space..
Take a Chill Pill..
IMI - The Screen Behind The Mirror
"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."
"The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend."
maybe it would be justified if u actually knew the language be used...but a shame its been blocked by QL
Pranay............the ladies are right.............take your choice, run or grow up
grow up.
u think u can defame me by showing half the truth
From: skdkak
To: pranay91
Subject: [this post has broken our guidelines by using bad language - you will be removed from QL if this continues]s
Date: Tue, 04/12/2007 - 3:01pm
i think ur a [this post has broken our guidelines by using bad language - you will be removed from QL if this continues]s and ur not even 18 so dont try n argue with me...u sound like a crack head by saying u can buy loads of unofficial things everywhere in the world
look at wat skdkak posted on a query of a person wanting to know where to buy tatasky- a satellite indian service:
what crap are u asking.
Tata sky is official in India.
Anyone using it in Qatar is unofficially.
How can anyone sell it (officially).
n wen I said so wat if its unofficial...u can get unlimited unofficial things anywhere in the world n he says:
You are having illussions.
You get guns and drugs too and you get them everywhere.... means you are gonna search them officially in open forums.
You get prostitutes (both females & males) and everyone knows where to find them but no one still advertise.
I am not dumb. U are taking like an immature person.
whos the hyper immature person now...comparing a tv service to drugs, guns and prositutes
pls explain!!!
he is a kid ..he must have meant the pussy cat
that's strange...but i would just ignore the idiot...obviously has no grasp of reality and wanted to share that fact with you..that's also about as close to a female as he will ever get..calling body parts the wrong names...
muhammed...what I got out of it was knowing what moron chose to post to skdkak that way so if I or any person gets a PM like that, we can just ignore without having to open up the message and see such filth
ok..what did i miss?..why did he/she send you that PM skdk? what did you do?..:D
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. isnt gud...but what u get out of posting this...
Ur to save others honour and make peace..
ah those low life jerks wont stop so no worries. just carry on and ignore them.