helping angels

Today i claimed my Documents from the embassy. I asked the taxi triver to wait for me since i knew that's i was difficult to find transportation there. while waiting for my turn, i heard two ladies asking directions from the man in the counter on how to go to MOFA. afterwards, i called them and asked to wait for me casue im also heading that way. what was on my mind was that they might need transport and since i have the taxi waiting, id be saving them both from the effort of hailing a taxi. when we are about to go out, the other girl said, "My car is parked there." ohhh, i thought!!! "Now from saviour, im the one being saved." hmmm look around, angels are everywhere.
sammieh and fathimah
yes,it was such a wonderful experience. despite the fact that there are so MANY bad things that are happening around the world, we shouldnt close our eyes to MORE small good things that surrounds us's just a matter of point of view.
thanks for liking it.
elegance and rezyz
Sure, i informed the karwa driver that im going with the ladies. he didnt wait that long for me, so i guess it was okay...and i gave him's what we call "consuelo de bobo" hahahha.
it's because you have breasts.
no one will dodge u right ? ;-)
if you are good and innocent enough, they can easily fool or dodge you... ;)
I saw a devil helping me...i think IF u are good even the devils will help u :-)
u will find angels everywhere helping you
Good..rEzyz ...I was wonering about the same thing...
that taxi driver waited for you or left... :)
you informed him you r leaving with the angels...
everywhere...if you are good, angels are always around you..
superb ;-) beautiful topic..
Yes there are wonderful people here in Qatar both among the locals & the expats.