Help Needed! Japan Appeal - re: Shipment.

By shinyhappypeople •
We had this appeal - Backpacks for the Children of Japan here in Doha recently. The original target was for about 100 backpacks. The response was overwhelming and the number of backpacks collected by the dateline was almost 1700 backpacks and with 250-300 boxes.
The US base could not ship for free anymore because of the huge number. It would come to about QR 35,000 for the shipment.
We were hoping to find a company, organization, or individual who would be able to help us in shipping them to Tokyo, Japan at no cost.
We really appreciate your assistance and cooperation in this cause.
I love what you have done - great stuff. I added to the backpack collection and was pleased to do so.
I would have hoped though, that anybody that started something like this had the brains to work out how to get the donations to the people BEFORE they asked for the donations.
desertshark, do you really feel it necessary to involve dislike of a nation when it comes to helping people in real need?
The Americans have made the steps...why can't others?
I know what you are going through right now. We had the same experience when Filex collected donations for the flood victims in the Philippines. Luckily, we were able to get a big discount from one Filipino freight company.
Maybe you can ask discounts from freight companies whose main office is in Japan.
Or you can ask the help of Qatar Airways. Maybe with their flights to Japan they can bring those boxes in batches.
Or you can ask from the Japanese Embassy.
It was an experience that taught us that it is better to send monetary contributions than contributions in kind. The freight cost here will a big burden.
Not at all. Just remind them that they can continue using the base for a bit longer then contracted to offset any aditional costs if any.
desertshark, they have already done a big job. And now they need a little help...maybe that's too much to ask....
The americans must do their bit to get this job done. The have a lot of planes and a big base too so slowly but surely they can carry it out. Its just about making an extra effort so that the hard work done by the volunteers does not go to waste.
well, you that does not help anybody now, does it?
Nomerci dont drag me in to this issue, even I owned two Private Jets
Maybe one of the resident charities could chip in.
Or maybe a good soul who owns a private jet.
Seems a real shame. We made up two for the Japanese kids but this was back three weeks ago. It would be a pity if they were still sitting on the tarmac waiting to go. C'mon US base, chip in and send them out! The timing is everything.