help me to loose some weight

By fazloon mohamed •
hi folks,
i am 24 right now, 5.9" hight.
now days i am so fed up with ma body weight.bcz i reached 65kg to 90kg with in 1 year. i dont know how to reduce ma weight. i tried diet also but its not working.
please suggest some good medicine for me.
thanx folks.
1. Eat 4 meals a day 3 to 4 hours apart.
2. In each meal you should have a whey protein drink or a Soy protein drink which you can buy from City center.
3. In each meal you should be having only 2 fruits or vegetables.
4. If you still feel some hunger you can eat some 2 slices of wheat bread.
5. Other than these you should not eat anything.
6. need to walk 30 minutes 6 days a week.
I have tried and used this method personally so I am recommending it. Just found this info in the web and its safe.
The best place to walk is Corniche..and at night if you find one part to be hot go to the opposite part of will always find a windy place. Its not also boring since you can see the actual environment.
Just a thought to guide is about 100% determination.
Give a one-hour lecture on particle physics. It reduces your weight by at least 100 gram.
Congrats for the achievement. I agree with you, a visit to a dietician is good; however, the dietician alone will do nothing for you, if you would not be willing to do something for yourself. The bottom line is always this:
It is doable. But is really difficult. And if you are willing to do what it takes, there should be no reason why wont win at the end of the day.
As for you, losing 5 kgs in 2 months is good (it is also not pathologically significant loss), but you must think of later: how to maintain the weight loss.
Al Ahli hospital has a wonderful dietition (Radhika Mohan). It will cost you only QAR 300 for a visit. With that you'll be at least knowing your internal excess fat masses and the ideal weight you should be having. She charts out a very healthy diet plan including fruits, veggies, red and white meat, wheat stuff and not to forget the dates and dark chocolate bites too :) Moreover, 30 mins exercise is a MUST along with your healthy eating habits. Avoid eating quick slimming soups/teas or weird shakes and pills. They're rather spoiling your internal organs!
P.S: I have lost 5kgs in 2 months; which is quite appreciable (:
Dear Fazloon...
Ghazalz tried this method .... and it worked for her ...
I don't know about the oil, but I saw one of my friends loss her weight by using it within 3 months...and it was omega-3, omega-6& omega-9 as written on the pack.
Why people take Flaxseed Oil. I guess for DHA and EPA. Go for Cold Water Deep Sea Fish Oil supplements instead of Flax Seed Oil or Krill Oil...
By the way Omega-3 is the part of whole diet. One cannot lose weight by taking Omega 3 fatty acids only...
lolzzz, I was talking about Nutri-Flax Omega plus which is taken 2 tablespoon with a glass of water or milk or's not oil.
Flaxseed oil (ALA) is not an acceptable substitute.
Our bodies are woefully inefficient (less than 1%) at converting it to the DHA we require. Besides, its real name is linseed oil. That’s furniture polish, and furniture polish is not food.
I am not a doctor, and you are responsible for your own health. Do your own research, and if you notice adverse effects, use common sense. What your body tells you is more important than what anyone else tells you.
thank you for your valuable advice and suggestions. inshallah i am going to follow up your advice.
thanks again folks
Hi Fazloon,
It's not about Diet or Exercise but living style. There are many diet programs that can help you to reduce weight in just 2 3 months but if you are not willing to follow healthy living style, you will re-gain that weight in few days.
So try to adopt healthy living style. Don't push yourself. Just try to change living style. It will be gradual but permanent. Trust me.
Remember, diet plays 80% role in weight loss. So try to focus on diet first.
Fist and foremost rule of this diet, cut the sugar completely.
2- Don't afraid of fats. Eating healthy fats helps you in losing fat. Always afraid of Carbs. Whenever look at food label, always check it's carbs, sugar and trans fats.
3. Eat all types of meats without fat. Animal fat is good but only grass fed animals. You will not find any grass fed meat over here; therefore, eat meat without fat.
4. Ditch vegetable oils at home. Cook in butter, pure Ghee and Coconut oil.
5. Eat three meals a day like predators, don't graze like preys. You can eat boiled eggs, handful almonds and walnuts as snacks.
6. Check your vitamin D level. If you are deficient. Start taking Vitamin D3.
7. Eat more fish and shellfish. If you can't go for Salmon fish oil or Krill oil capsules.
8. Do not eat anything made with flour - No bread, no pasta, no cereal, no crackers, no cookies, no donuts or danishes. Period. This is your most important step.
9. Do not drink your food. No soda (even diet soda), no sports drinks, no milk, no soy ‘milk’, no smoothies, no fruit juice, no yogurt or vegetable drinks. Tea, coffee, and mate are fine in moderation. Learn to drink water: once you get used to it, you’ll find that soda and juices no longer quench your thirst. (You can potentially add small quantities of dairy and fresh fruit/vegetable juices back in later, if you’ve met your other goals.)
10. Get your ‘carbohydrates’ (sugars) from plants—not their seeds. Prefer foods that are high in glucose and low in fructose, particularly root starches like potatoes, and only eat what your body needs: 15-20% of calories is plenty. (Do you want to lose fat? Then you’d better accustom your body to burning it for energy.)
11. Eat more eggs and yes with yolks.
Now come to the exercise
1. Don’t ‘exercise’, don’t ‘do cardio’. The only way to improve is to push your limits. You’ll lose more weight and gain more strength from periodic bursts of short, intense exercise than from hours of ‘cardio’. You’re a human, not a hamster; get off the treadmill! Seriously: drive to work, then drive to the health club so you can pedal a bicycle that goes nowhere?
2. Lift heavy objects, sprint until you're out of breath once a while. Do some dumbbells, barbells
3. Move slow. Walk for 5 - 7 hours a week.
4. Stop trying to ‘save energy’. Make physical effort part of your life. Don’t waste time looking for the closest parking space: just park and walk. Take the stairs.
5. Play hard, work hard, challenge yourself, then rest. The world is your playground.
The last and important tip. Sleep well. Take your 7 hours NIGHT sleep. Go to bed at 10pm at most.
I started this living style in January when I was in Australia and kept following over here in Qatar as well. If you need any further assistance in bodyweight workout plan or this living style, do let me know.
OO Yes, I forgot to mention, don't afraid of high cholesterol. The way how they measure cholesterol levels these days, it's an old technique, it's not accurate. The correct method is NMR technique which is not available in Qatar right now. Conventional cholesterol checkup doesn't measure the size of your LDL particle size. So always check your HDL and Trig values in conventional method. HDL value should be high and TRig low.
The prospects of losing weight in general, and Qatar in particular, are rather grim.
Qatar has been on the top of the WHO's list of obesity and diabetes and this is no laughing matter.
People say it is the weather and the water. That is crap.
It is the two of three top killers of human beings, improper diet and inactivity (the other one is smoking) which are responisble for the obesity epidemic.
Losing weight according to some expert is impossible, especially maintaing weight loss for a period over one year. Recent research suggests otherwise. According to latest research, although it is not impossible, it is extremely difficult to lose and 'MAINTAIN' a healthy weight.
Unfortunately, there is just no shortcut to losing weight. There are just two things you can work on and everyone knows what they are: diet and exercise. It is important, however, to know a little bit about diet and exercise.
Sweets (carbs) in any form is poison for the obese but refined sugars (the ones in colas, bakery, pastry and cakes etc) is really lethal. Carbonated drinks, even the diet ones, are independent risk factors. The most common mistake while dieting is to eat less. It is not just about eating less, it is all about eating the right food. You can stuff yourself with vegetables and it wont probably do much harm, but just take one cola a day, and it would ensure weight loss will forever remain a dream.
As to exercise, the more, the better. Exercise must be "SLOW and SUSTAINED", rather than in spurts. It must be regular also. It is essential to sleep well also. If you are not sleeping well, you do not need to exercise: coz it is not doing you any good, it is doing harm. You lose more calories (and burn more fat) while sleeping than when awake watching tv or using the internet or something idle like that.
Finally, the most important factor, in my own personal and professional experience, is motivation. If you do not have the resolve it takes, you would not lose weight: simple. You must be fully determined to achieve your goal and must be ready to undertake anything that it requires. You must be willing to sweat your ass every day (it is not easy) for at least half hour by jogging or running and you must sacrifice those sweets and burgers. It is possible.
OK this isnt too difficult as ive been through that before, it took me about 4 months to go from 90kg to 73kg which was my goal...
-firstly get yourself a halal brand of protein shake called caled ON Whey, pick a flavour you like choclate or other, you should have 2-3 shakes a day mixed with water.
-For breakfast have oats, banana and shake (oats can be mixed into the shake).
-Go to the gym minimum 2 hrs a day, everyday, do a mix 1hr cardio, running machine, rowing, cycling, only a a pace you can handle as you dont want to damage your joints, then 1 hour of weights working on different areas,
-Have another shake after your workout, then lunch eat a good small meal consisting of salads, and a bit of grilled chicken or fish.
-Then in the evening have a light dinner perhaps just a salad and maybe a shake go for a brisk walk.
When you feel hungry for snacks eat fruits, salads etc.
Avoid all bread even brown, pasta, cakes, sweets, shwarma etc.
This has been proven to work, perhaps there are easier more efficient ways of doing this, but it works!!
Best of luck and hope you reach your goals inshaAllah.
Eats lots of fruits and green leafy vegetables,you do not
necessarily have to jog or run if it's difficult for you at this stage,you will have to take it slowly but you will get there.Walking is the best exercise.wear a comfortable pair of sports shoes and carry a water bottle with you.Avoid walking during daytime though,you will get exhausted and discouraged as well.A good time to walk is after maghrib or sunset,or whatever time you
find convienient.Eat at least one fruit daily and include vegetables in you daily diet at least five times
a week.Eat moderately and do not overeat.More importantly,drink plenty of water at all times,all day.Do not go for dieting and deprive your body of the foods that you usually eat as this will have a negetive effect.Consult a dietician as well.And yes,you can relax and relieve yourself once a week by having your favourite meal at BK or McDonald's! Good luck!
I have weight management program , my friend have a company here . US products.
PM me.
Dear Fazloon,
I can understand your position and how you frustrating about your figure. I had d same problem just 6 month before. I was gain 70kg to 96kg within 3 years time. MY ideal weight should be 73kg.Finally i decided to commit my self for strickt diet. I did following things and still i m continuing d same routine untill i reach my target.
1. Bought 1 treadmill and doing jogging morning and night 1/2 hour as per your convenient time.Specially you have to shedule your times
2. Excersice after jogging 15 min Apprx. (Push ups & Crunches)
3. Drinks plenty of water before the meals.(That will avoide to eat more food than you required)
4. Avoide rice,fried chicken and junk foods like KFC.MC and other instant foods.Instaed of this you can eat chapathi and fish curry.
5. Repeat the same food plans for 6 days per week.(Do not change your current meals with some junk foods). Only 1 day you can break your dieating and eat whatever you want. But only for lunch. Dont eat anything in the night.
6. Eat fruits between your meals. Specailly nights.
7. Buy one weightn scale and check your weight in regurlar basis. Thats will guide you where you stand.
8. Dont put your self hungry mood. This will create your body weak. Spilit your meals from 3 to 6 small portions.
This is what i m doing and reduce nearly 13kg within 6 month time period.I m still continuing the same thing. I hope this information somehow will helpfull for your weight loose.
All the very best mate!
Turn your head to right then to the left .
Repeat the exercise everytime you are offered something to eat . ;)
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Keep smiling and one day life will get tried of upsetting you ..........
Why not join the QL walkers on the corniche.. that should help..
Must be the diet in Qatar.
Hi Fazloon, your weight gain in that 1 year is big. Try to think back what changed in your lifestyle, diet or health that could have led to this? That would be a good start. If you can figure out what changes in your lifestyle or diet that caused this weight gain, then you will know what to do to reverse that weight gain. If you cannot figure out what caused this sudden big weight gain, I suggest you consult a medical doctor or get a thorough medical check up, just to confirm that it is not caused by a health problem (such as glandular problems). Wish you the best in your efforts to have a healthy life.
Have a good breakfast and lunch. For dinner go for a fruit diet. Don't go to bed as soon as you have food. Drink lots of water and walk.
Thanks teacher! it needs less effort and gets good result :)
try to play some sports like lawn tennis. if your interested to learn am willing to teach you.
gazala: next morning he can eat, & the concept is that the stomach should not be full when sleeping
There are a lot of ads on different channels.. try them one by one.. or do one thing.. when ever anyone offer you to eat something, just move your head from left to right and then again!
try mind over matter....self-discipline
does anyone know how much a treadmill costs??
reduce intake of calary to 1000cal.
daily one hour jogging and half an hour exercise will reduced your weight within 3 months
go to doc and firstly check your TSH , if your tyriod is working fine than check for diet n excersise
Always do that which is give you more tension...
Please consult a Doctor first to rule out any medical conditions......if medically fit.....then you need to concentrate on balanced diet and proper exercise......there is no short cut to loosing weight except sweating it out
Ya Ustazi, You suggested 'don't eat anything after 7pm' and when to start eating again?
try this 2 simple steps:
1- walk daily 1/2 hour
2- don't eat anything after 7pm.
if u don't c results within a month u have to c a doctor
Jogging and a variety of cardio exercises would help you burn out those excess fats.. If you can't go out to jog, better buy a threadmill so you can still manage to run even inside your home.
Did you ever try Flaxseed?