Help me help me,

I love three things of my life. the frist one is my mobile which i have already lost in MARS before 1 year and the second one is my 2 girlfriend. Unfurtunately i am going to qatar for some day for business purpose.So there is to much chances of my girl friends will run away from my life. so i wanna bring my 2 GF with me. Is it possible to manage in qatar.I hope ur positive and negetive response as soon as possible.
charming??? wolfie?...he is dull!..:P
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Me charming thank you
Jauntie get ur heels on plz :D am tired looking down with bend neck.
Nope it won't work, Darude. (waves a white flag). Who wants to fight a charming man like you. I give up already. (Got to rush. Some pending work).
just call DaRuDe 'charming' ???
woooo hoooooo !!! I think you pulled there, mate! :D
Chilling hmmmm. Must be some cool secretary. (Sorry, will indulge in chat later.)
just chilling in the office ..... no pun intended
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
i will be watching this "no skirt, pj's" parade...:D
want to comment something for darude, but nah...don't want to be shot on the head..:P
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Wicked smile vs Devil Smile
will that really work??
Darude - I'll be wearing a smile a wicked smile.
May be who knows :D
ready to get weird wild and a bad time street fighter :)
Would that 'night suit of amour' be fleecy pajamas? hehehe
maria.. making rounds on QL taking orders..from his tea coffee or me?...:D
peace buddy monty..:P
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
then tell me if no skirt will you be wearing a Knight suit or armour???
what are you up to ??? (NO PUN INTENDED.
he must be manipulating the results.....
Should not have taken him so many days to count a handful of votes
Wonder what he is up to
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
Inside the dark alley of his confession box where he lures his victims.
red riding pope is still counting the votes of the last most so n so of the QL
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
Don't start shivering in your pants yet. Let me explain - Maria- "Now Now Don't get greedy" is for Darude's "if you cant bear both GF of urs pass one here am sure she will be happy with me :D".
Don't worry, I will give you enough time for practising your skills, I am chivalrous enough.This time I won't be wearing a skirt;-)
dont worry just go to insurance company b4 meeting me at 3pm get urself insured :D
No cant no way hmm Now where :D no no not now my time is 3am if you can make it ok :?
not before you tell me what you did to 'red riding pope' and his granny you bad wolf. You are so busted.
Don't get greedy.
tell me what do you say where can we meet at 3am :D
if you cant bear both GF of urs pass one here am sure she will be happy with me :D
You win the insulting game. I agree, I can't beat you there.(Relax. Stop throwing punches in the air).
huh? another thread worth for hijacking...:P
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
MM Darude have four wives ?wow
"Drink Beer Save Water"
4 wives who me??? really oh no that was just a joke not serious. but i can start thinking about you now :D
can you manage to miss me when you have 4 wives and 20 mistress ? (Electrocuted)
how are you where are you long time short no see missed you :D
Where are you ?????? THEY ARE GONNA GET YOU. (Or did they already).
Really can you read my PMs.
Show me then am waiting Permission fully granted.
You cant even get me the number of a nation here on Qatarliving and telling me you can read PMs You really one sick head Dunce.
Aren't they very cute?
Judge not! that you be not judged!
Happy day! Today will be a happy day :D
I have trolls when I was younger, they are all cute :D
Thanks for the compliments! I'm glad to hear you had a good time at our get together. we will have one again on the 28th also after Ramadan will inform you the details later.
Kids are cool happy to be back at school excited to see their friends. Thanks for asking, Have a nice day Buddy!
Judge not! that you be not judged!
How r u buddy .. u r No.1 hijacker .. how r u and how are the kids ..
Missed ya a lot .. thanks for that day we spent there in ur house .. it was really nice to meet u .. when u came with ur car i saw ur face in ur rear view mirror and i could realize that it was u so easily .. u r as pretty and hot as 25 yrs old girl ... ;)
Really .. the only one i saw in the Billiard was a lady speaking in french i guess .. and they just stayed for 5 minutes and they left ..
Was that u Sinned (I guess he is she and not he as her profile says) the tall one with black curly hair ???
Don't tell me i missed u ..
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
Good thing you did'nt lose your GF/s in mars. Or ,may be, your GF/s are martians, and the martians are lookin for you. They are gonna get you.
Yeah let's move in QE for a chat shall we?
Judge not! that you be not judged!
just let me know, whatabout in QE?
Ram was playing billiard at the Staff Club sorry can't remember exactly who he was playing with.
Judge not! that you be not judged!
i cant send it thru PM , did you know that private messeges can read by other people here? how ? secret ...hahahaa
i am the number one troll here ( it was apple said to me before) until such time she met me personally .
hey, am waiting your boys stories:P
I cant travel without my 2 aunts to feed me in doha..And guess what!!I told my firends its a business visit.Now that sounds BIG...Isnt it???
I am one of the hijacker here, you just get my attention Buddy! How are you lately!
Judge not! that you be not judged!
Want a milk bottle ? :P
hi Ram ... did you remember EB in mystica houz ? i was there ? were are you that time ?
ofcourse he is just a troll or a little kid who is having fun .. we shudn't be wasting our time here on this topic .. what driver is coming under 18 yrs old .. how will he get a work permit or visa and how does he have a driving license .. never heard of any country giving license to less than 18 .. that's bullsh!t ...
someone hijack this thread .. where are the most professional hijacker in QL .. plz come all here .. this is the perfect topic for u to hijack ..
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
this is a regular ...... old wine in a new bottle
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
Wow this guy may be the famous in the
"Drink Beer Save Water"
QL is not for such childish kidding .driver, r u serious of what u r saying???????????????????????????????????????
what is that MARS u r talking abt???????????????
u have to set your luv free if your gfs luv u they will return if not u r lucky as they r loosing a person who loved them n u will just loose a friend
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
what kinda business r u doing being under 18?, DRiver?