Help on "Legitimate VOIP"
Can anyone give info regarding a legitimate voip service from Qatar? Sites such as low rate voip, just voip are not openning on the net for the past couple of weeks.Maybe qtel has controlled them. However they said residents could use voip for personal use. Which are those voip services which can be charged by the user directly on the net and not through the use of a recharge voucher?
yes it did and done..thanx once again chap!!
Download and install the program. I think it asks you to create an account when you run it.
but i couldn't locate the register for new account link in the website..can you help me out?
thnx tallg,
Go to Create account. Add credit.
can anyone tell me how to purchase minutes for all these services?
i do like google talk to chat with the next door all day and night :D
Yup, google talk uses less bandwith than skype so it's great for slower connections (like Mr fatcat's connection).
Google talk also works on that damn i never knew that. guess you were practicing alot on it these days ;)
Google talk also works well.
Skype or Yahoo Messenger.
╬ Sotally Tober ╬