Hello QL

By heatstroke •
First up, thanks to everyone at QL for your help over the last couple of months. Whilst you may not have realised it I have found the QL site really useful in getting the backgound information that I needed for my move to Doha. I am now fresh off the plane from New Zealand, prior to that Australia and originally from England.
Working as a Project Manager for a property development company. Office near Lulu Hypermarket. Living between Ramada and La Cigale.
Keen to catch up with some locals and expats. Anyone out over the weekend, I'll buy the first round.....?
Enjoy yrself here and have fun.. Welcome to the sun and sand.
Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
- Ben Franklin
enjoy your stay here in doha. happy weekend
welcome to Qatar and QL i hope you enjoy ur time here
Life is a mystery..... you never know whats next.....
Ce n'est pas grave. Bonne nuit, que tes reves soient doux. x
la plaisanterie de jus d'im
Lovely French intrigue, PM your choice and see if I blush..
you don't wanna know my choice,lol
hope you will enjoy the place.
C'est la vie lipstick, you chose....
first round of ......
The heat is great, it was freezing in NZ. And happy weekend back at ya.
finally... welcome to Qatar.. can you feel the heat?.. :) and happy weekend..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Good girls go to heaven,
bad girls go everywhere
heatstroke, hope you enjoy your time here :)
Welcome to Doha, Qatar, heatstroke! My place is just near yours. I would surely like to hang-out after work. Cheers! =)
Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!
That depends on how many people turn up for how long...
welcome to Doha!!
enjoy your time here!
welcome to qatar & QL
Welcome to Qatar and QL heatstroke...I'm busy this weekend...
on QL and all the best for your stay in Qatar/Doha