Have you heard the buzz going around regarding AppleBees Employees?

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to know if this news about some 4 or 5 lady-employees of AppleBees that got raped and out of all of them, one survived and is fighting for her life in one of the hospitals?
If this is true, this is by far, the most heinous crime that happened here in Qatar! This must not be left as a statistic. I ask those who are in the media or who have contacts in the police to check on this.
My officemate only told me this story when he heard it from one of the Karwa Taxi drivers.
Ladies, please be very very careful...
I hope this news ain't true...
yalla mila
@charan, I'm trying to get people to open their brains, I'm not defending any crime.
If someone killed or raped someone I wouldn't defend someone, but I'm a Lawyer, and I will never believe anything that's just a RUMOUR.
So when someone says, "hey I heard this rumour", then someone says "Why isn't it in the newspapers!!" maybe that's because a newspaper isn't supposed to publish rumours that have no evidence.
and on a side note, high cost of living is due to high rentals (which I've never said doesn't exist) so you just split one thing into two
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My friend teaches Kick boxing at the taekwando center to both men and women, you can join him... its good excercise and there is training for self defense aswell, its a part of kick boxing. I learned a few tricks when i used to do it. Might be helpful to u ladies.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
bajesus... if it is not a true story... then people become over causious and end up being closed minded to meating new people...
so a story like this is what makes people afraid of meating new people...
i agree we should be catious... but who wants to run around being worried that everywere they go they have to watch there back...
thats kind of why people want to know if its true
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
deafeats the whole point. The moral of the story is, be careful wherever you are...try to be on gaurd as much as possible and, for your own safety, dont trust strangers too easily.
pwb78 said Way to go Bryan. I heard ...
Way to go Bryan. I heard aliens prefer Chili's anyway.
pwb78..rofl....great comment..
I dont think it is true, if it was then it would have been in gulftimes. But then u never know. I hope nothing such happened... they are good people, even in the hectic situations they work hard and manage to do their best at their jobs. These things shouldnt even happen to an enemy.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
Way to go Bryan. I heard aliens prefer Chili's anyway.
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
We asked an applebees staff when my family is dining there,
according to her, they were all staying together in one accomodation and nobody was found hurt, dead or missing.
they were surprised with this kind of story. And almost everyday, they were asked about this.
she claimed that all of them were in good health and she's wondering from where did this story came from.
btw, applebees combo tower is my favorite.
Amnesia is for Qatar's defence ever :)
High Cost of Living - Defended
High Rental - Defended
Now Crime - Defending :)
people ask why it's not in the news and then follow up with "it's just a rumour'
Perhaps it's because you need evidence and rumours mean nothing but words.
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yallaa.. sweet2008, tell us the more not every details atleast make our mind settled with your story. please please please....
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
hope ladies out there will be aware of this incident.
Do you know the details?
yes, one of them is my cousin so i know.
Guys, why don't you just ask anybody from Applebee's? I'm sure if those women were really their employees, you can get a clearer info from them.
I heard this since first week of January and they said the survivor is still confined at Hamad Hospital.
LOL... guys this is so funny, we keep talking in our own theory as we all want to hear what we want to believe. until the supported evidance comes out!!! so watch out boys and girls outhere... dont get drunk and be stupid. you will get raped in the desert.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
friend of a friend of a...(you get the picture) told me it may have been Monica "you know who" and she is on a revenge kick.
'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt Abraham Lincoln
Not by Filipina women. It was done by Evil WESTERN Women against Muslim Men :)
Well there was that UFO sighting over the Industrial Area...
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
I heard that five men were picked up and raped by Filipina women.......and then a UFO came down from over the Corniche and took them all away.
I heard also the rumor but not killing. i heard 4 philipinas ladies met up with some mens in Cube and got drunks and after that decided to go to sealine and on the desert the mens raped the ladies and drop them in Al Corniche without their bags which consist money and mobile phone. These ladies was lucky as they scream for help and somebody took them to Hamad Hospital.
Dont know which one is true story.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
it's horrible!!!! Actually (and unfortunately) I wouldn't be suprised, this city is extremely dangerous for women (whoever said that Doha is one of the safetiest place in the world must be a big liar) with so many sick bastard being outside uncontrolled.
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Usually if like these tragic issues, it is not being published. These had been covered up, because, this will tarnish the reputation of the country, but oh my! oh my! This country is already in danger...
Be careful Girls, don't be very trusting to anybody if you are going out...
"Only in Dreams never in reality"
and are they filipinos ? (again?) why filipinos are the victims???? and how come the newspapers never write about this???? I just read in the magazine about the signing of "freedom of the press" by sheikha Moosa that there will be no boundaries of news......Wakra? is this true? How come i have friend living near the beach, no heard about this?? anyways, wakra is big....why they need to rape and kill?
That news came on this site on the 2nd Jan or some whare around this date
i heard this too.
they said these rapist put wires on the private part of these ladies.
Why is it that it's only now that we heard of it?
It was on the 31st night and they were a bit drunk from Cube. After that they decide to go to Al wakra with some guy and next morning bodies were found . Stoey goes like that
Somebody else posted this as well. Said they were all murdered. Rumor so far.
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
When was that again? New year , you mean Chinese New year? Few days back? My gosh!!! Shocking! How? 5 Ladies raped the same day, and Who? I am panicking, oh my God! This is incest...
There have been rumours, but it's best not to believe them until someone comes up with evidence beyond stories they've heard from taxi drivers.
There was a rumor of 5 Philippinas got raped and killed on the new year eve.