Have you ever been a blood given?

By EagleQatar •
Giving blood is a noble act as you could save someone's life who is in need for it. For me I did it once long time ago and I'm ready to do it again here if there a chance.
So are you read too to give a blood if you are asked for???
Senti went to the nurse....
Senti: "Nurse I want to give you my heart."
Nurse: "No, thanks, I just want your blood".
Senti runs away.....
shreeya..one type of blood is now in high demand...HIV+ ones....
Senti's beer-clogged heart will surely give you a massive attack....
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Sort of happens to me too. Looking at my small frame they always think that I am kinda anemic and refuse to take any more blood from my body. But I always insist to check my wt and height proportion. And after measuring my Hb count they happily allow me to donate.
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Senti can I have your heart...dipped in Blood-sauce?
if not then ...Liver-fried.
I thought asking for heart was Romantic...but now it seem Medical.
uumm...Times ....how they change.
do i need to explain why am bloodless wolf :D like you drink some thing where does it go so i drink blood and it goes that way :D
me fine make more blood :D
when are you taking me an' Owen bowling again. One on each arm so's you can show us off at the Ice Rink ;D
Apologies for hijacking for a second here, please, eagleqatar
how's you?
once upon a time i went to donate blood and the doc told me we dont have enough to give you come later :D
Yes Frong.. I think your idea is a great idea.. we can organize a small group and donate blood which will even be a get-together to know each other..
When I was working in London the people in the office were invited to give blood at a place just round the corner from the office.
I went along but, apart from being a big baby like Owen and terrified of the needle, the nurse took a tiny drop of my blood away and then came back to say it wasn't acceptable because I was slightly anaemic. Much to my relief!!!
Anyway, there was a room at the end of the corridor of hospital beds and in there were some girls and guys from work all drinking tea and eating biscuits after their blood giving. They all looked a bit weak and feeble so I cheered them up with jokes and bright conversation.
Couple of days later I heard a rumour going round the office that 'jauntie' was quite amazing! "She gave pints of blood and was STILL merry and jolly and all leapy abouty!"
I didn't dare tell them I had only given a pin-prick and even that was rejected lol
I have donated blood many times.. I consider it as a very noble thing that one can do easily. I am holding a HMC card againist which I have credits with HMC and whenever I want, I can utilize my credit.
shreeya ,
No words came to my mind...but I'm sorry for your dad and may God bless him for what he did. He should have been a great man. What about a mass blood donation ? We could gather all for a collective donation or what we may call compaign :)
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I have given blood at least 6 times earlier. My Dad was my idol as( he was having a very rare blood group B Rh -ve) he had donated 21 times. He died last year and we have donated his body to medical institute as per his last wish.
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Scarlett, If I die first I'll give you my brain too . That way you'll start thinking similarly and you'll change your driving license :D
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
For museaum ?
"Drink Beer Save Water"
I would love to give my brain...its perfectly fresh ...its never been used much
Hey if your dead you won't feel the knives and not even see the doctors lol.
I used to donate blood on a regular basis....now I can't due to prolapsed valve...but I certainly would again, if I could.
Organ donations..absolutely...its already on my driver's license. If I can give someone else a good life by giving a part of myself, its theirs. I think about all those people, especially the young ones, on dialysis machines, and they have lived only a short time...no way could I let them just die without having a fighting chance at living a normal life. Eyes...well, mine have had a lot of work done on them(lazik) but if just one person could see instead of being blind for the rest of their lives...just think what a miracle that would be for them. Can you imagine NEVER seeing anything or even a COLOR???? Skin..burn victims....heart...talk about giving someone your heart..literally...you give them life again. If you think about it truly, its the best gift you can give yourself...and them..because a part of you continues to live on AND help someone else live or improve their lives..
Booo :)
paroles paroles paroles :) Sometimes reality is harder than expectations. You wait and see after ....maybe you'll be more hesitant. I'd help others as much as I can, but my boody is mine and I prefer to save it from doctors knives :) ... maybe , I'm just less generous .
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Yes this is your decision no one can disagree with that.
However, for myself I have a pass that allows them to take all the organs necessary if needed. I am quite sure they will not knock on my door and ask me to come and donate a kidney etc. before I reach deaths door.
After I am dead who cares no one is going to dig up the grave to see what I look like, lol, and for the present I have been granted good use of all of them until today and hopefully for tomorrow.
Frog...'How would you feel if your son/mother/father/brother.... donates one of his/her organ after death ?'...i'd be very proud of them, they're using something that would otherwise go to waste to save another human life. I'm planning to donate my organs after death inshallah. And when it comes to religion, islam has no objections to organ donations after death as long as the body is treated with respect.
Canary :)
I know that My organs will be of no use after Death, but I hate the idea of being deprived of one before or after death :)
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
i know..i just have to be READY in the sense...but i would be much willing if asked to..:)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
The process is very simple and it doesn't even hurt, the needles are so fine and it is all over in about half an hour.
i would, BUT there would be lots of coaching for me to get that needle to stuck in my skin...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Well the organs will finally rot as does the rest of the body and if they can be put to some use then I would much rather have that.
When my parents died as they died for medical reasons they couldn't have donated their organs and to be honest I am not sure if they would have done so.
However, after death you can't use any of organs any more so why not donate them if they function.
thats somethin to think abt frog......(puts on thinking cap)
Good Morning :)
I've never been into Blood donotation before. I'd be happy to do it, though I don't know if a smoker's blood can be accepted :D
For organs, I don't know why, but I prefer to stay in one piece even after my death. I'm Muslim, but this is no religious choice, rather a personal one. It's also for my family. How would you feel if your son/mother/father/brother.... donates one of his/her organ after death ?
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Good Morning All,
there was a thread initiated a week or so back by Ram, his friend has a son who is looking for blood donations and this boy has also a rare blood group, they were asking for doners for that case. Please contact Ram if anyone can help him the blood will be needed early in December.
Muslims can donate organs and if you are interested please contact HMC Tel.: 4391140/41 fax 4391440 you will receive a donation card to carry with you.
I will donate blood
I am O+ and my blood has never been rejected whenever I donate.
I wanted to donate here also but the rule is you have to be here in the GCC for at least 6 months of continued stay. Because of my vacations, I couldn't donate. :(
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I have always given time to time
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
would love to donate blood but cant as i am on lifetime meds........:O(
i'd like to donate my brain that way i can hope to drive the poor soul crazy :D Why dont we all list our blood types here..could come in handy some day. I'm O+ and i have given blood before(post blood group in subject of the reply)
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
I'm wondering, anyway hope one of the Muslims overhere will reply you.
to give blood and donate organs?
I would love to donate my organs after death. What would I do with my body when I'm dead already lol
I have offered to give blood before as I have a rare blood that can be used for anyone in an emergency Reh O Neg.
However as I'm on long term medication I'm not allowed to give it! Crazy. It's not like it anything addictive or dangerous.
Would you be prepared to donate your organs after you die? I would as long as I knew they weren't going to turn my life support off just so they could use my organs! LOL