Happy Friendship's Day to All my Dear Friends

I must say,
You come into this world with closed eyes...
When you first open them, you see family...
When you first set your sights on something, that remains to be something you would ever want...
But the first person who actually Shakes your hand and passes onto many more, is someone that remains with you for the entire life...
Family comes and goes,
But Friends are something that STAY ON,
You meet new people at different stages of Life, some of them tend to stick on for a lot of time rather than a few who are Hi- and Bye-...
So here's to all my friends, wishing each and everyone of you, who have made my life rather exciting in Qatar...and around the world...
"Happy Friendship's Day"
"Thanks for being there, when I need you the most"
And most truly,
" My Sincere apologies if ever in this due course of life and in this walk of friendship lane, I have hurt you, intentionally or un-intentionally"
Seriously, I Cherish you all, and love you all...
I feel like flying th ducks now ... hush hush ... !
enemy ... LOL
Hey there Speedy!
The liquid nitro has been completed and I have moved on to something ever better and even more hush hush :D
tra la la
So no happy friendship day
when is the enemy day me got that alot :P
still waiting for the Liquid ;-)
How ya diong ....
Oh Paaji (ksa) only few QLers knows her secret ... you better keep your nose rubbing till you meet her in real ;-)
oh KSA, how do you know I am not here right now???
As to Qatari, he's got nothing on me :P
tra la la
Well totally understandable about your undisclosed location, sometimes I feel that you are part of the family of Qatari, freaking he is also as undisclosed as you are...LOL!...and since this is the first time we are actually officially talking on board...when are you getting here girl...I have been hearing your name for the past now what over 1 yr girl...
Day to all of my QL and the friends outside there.
May God bless this friendship and keep it in our hearts forever.
May God bless us all with more true friends who would be there forever.
May God bless us and our friends with ever lasting friendships.
A true friend, is the only one that you can have and never lose ...
Life without friends worth nothing, they are the ones to pick you up when you fall, the ones who will be upset when you are, the ones who would make you sometimes cry because they need the best for you, the ones who would take your hand and show you the way when it is all dark around.
It is really very difficult to have your friends back again when you lose them, so cherish every moment with them and try your best to keep that friendship forever.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
ah KSA a little complaining now and then is fun!
As to my exact location, i am in an undisclosed location...I like to remain a little mysterious :D
tra la la
Jassie...well well, thanks buddy how you doing, I'm doing fantastic...always been...stopped complaining a long while ago...now and then I do, but thats just for fun, how about you, tell me one thing, are you already in Doha...cos I think the wait to see you is getting longer and longer...
Labda...aaah my dear friend, cheers to you too girl, hope you had a good rest of the weekend...
Brandy...well thanks ofcourse lady, wasnt I just waiting for you to wish me some good this morning...how you doing
Arien...well trust me my friend, other than wine there is nothing that is getting my head any heavier...damn...I'm getting to be a sloppy dog...not getting high on anything...yuckkkk...and I dont drink on Saturdays mate...Lol...cheers to you too...and hows you doing,.>
Hi KSA.. how did ur weekend go??.. am sure you havin a heavy head this morning..lol
Thanks mate and wish you too a Happy Friendship Day..
Hey ksarat, happy friendship day to you :)
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." Barack Obama
happy friendship day to you ksa, how are you??
tra la la
old and new, nice post Ksarat :)
"crazy world"
Nice meeting u on Thursday :)
to my 2 jaans, happy friendship day and to all my friend list here in QL You know who you are.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Happy Friendship to you and to all my QL Friends ...
lol,Samya :)
dont blame him! he is a nice man.
take care with your "tomato"-face..:)
Hi honey hope your well...
Yeah he is a Qatari, but a bedouin they think they have thick skin like camels loool well thats what he says..
Happy Friendship Day to all my sweet dear Firends...
Good to know you all....sarat, Daru, Khanan, winn, Dragonfly, Novi.. and all others I know..
Sarat ..just clarify what you mean by
'Family comes and goes?' I thought family stays with us forever...but friends comes and goes..lol
My 1st QL friend called me this morning...even if she is not on QL now... She is such a sweetie pie...love you gal...
I think 'Hats ON', may have been a better idea :D
Poor SamyaUK :(
Hey! I thought your b'friend was from around this part of the world - even KellysH and Da don't fish at that time of day, this time of year, and I thought THEY were crazies getting up at 4.00 a.m. to fish in the COOLER months of the year! LMAO
TomAto Face ....ha ha ha :)
Aahh!! Great - Fishing at tat odd hr. ...
Hats OFF to U & ur BF ... LOL
Samya...well now you know for what dont you...and now dont get on that the next time...anyways, carrot oil...hmmm sounds interesting...LOL! The question is, who put that on...in the first place...aaaah shucks missed that moment...LOL!
Khanan paaji darling, indeed paaji, its nice to know you, and YOUR FAMILY...LOL! Hope we shall stick on to be friends for a long time...till then, thanks and indeed to you too...CHEERS!!!
Sir ek drink tho aapko you have to have...GET THAT...
Jauntie...aaah my lady to you too also...good to see you last thursday night...
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
I know it was stupid, but my boyfriend insisted we go fishing at 2.00pm dont ask why, so i took it as an opertunity to get a tan, but nerly got sun stroke :( Advise to all DONT DO WHAT I DID!! I have a tomato face now :(:(:(
and same to all QLers :D
Nice meeting u 2 :)
I wanted to get tanned and i even put carrot oil on but realised after 15 minutes that was a bad idea... I dont know whats wrong with Darude i think hes mad at me for getting too drunk on Thursday and starting on SL.. i dont know... :(
Happy FriendShEEEEp day to you too KSA and all the other QL buddies...
really nice to know you and to have you as my friend....
SamyaUK...nice meeting you on thursday, though very brief,...
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
2:00pm to beach ..... in this Hot n Rigid Climate ?? LOL ...Great !!!
Even animals R.I.P at tat time ...LOL...SamyaPUK...
GM 2 U & FRIENDS !!!
Hmmm...sunburnt now tell me seriously did ya think this was Antartica or the Artic Pole that it was going to be freaking cold girl...hmmm it is at this time that we need to use the supply of brains which is in limited availability for you...at 2 pm under the sun, aaah cant even believe you went girl...
And Hmmm DaRude is in a huff with you, hmmm I would wonder why, come on now tell me, if not here, send me a PM...but tell me...I want to see what pisses Darude...off..LOL!
Never Ask for a SMILE..just GIVE it..
I got badly sunburnt yesterday i went to the beach at 2.00pm biggest mistake ever... :( and Darude is in a huff with me from Thursday bu other than that im good how r u dear friend??
Cheers to you too girl...and yes before you ask me Rizks...to you too my friend...
hows you doing today...?
Happy FriendSHEEP Day to U KSA .....:)