Happy Birthday to QL bond girl- emy007...:)

By happygolucky •
Through her Good Morning threads she has given smiles, Argggggggh's and Ommmmmmmmmmm's... and so she deserves a dedicated birthday wish thread.
Here is wishing you A Very Happy Birthday.
Let the greetings pour....:)
Thanks my dear, All is well
Knowing that today is Thursday making me feel high :O)
Good thanks..
Just following the deep and trancesdental threads today ..
Hope all is well with you my friend..
brit ,, oh u r here
How are you doing :O)
Happy Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhh Birthday
Happy Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhh Birthday
Happy Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhh Birthday
Happy Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhh Birthday to you!
Damn guys, i have another 4 hours,,, Grrrrrrrrrrrr
Somebody is going home and i still have 1 and a half hour here :O(
Take good care of urself and hav a blast ! :)
ok guys n girls, am leaving now, my weekend started already :)
Thank u all and wish u a nice weekend ahead :)
Aiwa,Knor,innovator, thak u buddies :)
Sulie, its a secret ;)
LOL.XD yeah will remember it n will definitely have fun, thx :)
You will never be as young again as you are today, so have fun. But be careful, because you have never been this old before. Happy Birthday.
The Q is
How old is emy now
18,19,29,21,22,24,25 or she will change her age category to be in 26-35
Happy Birthday EMY... enjoy sthe spcl weekend
HBD emy...
hope you guys have received my pm for the party venue ?
See you there, sharp at ......pm ! :)
Mr Rizkwinder Singh Ghanja & barty....hohoho
Happy birthday Emy :) stay happy and blessed.
painther, Rizks sponsored it, plz contact him :P
Lucky gal, janeeyy, thank u :)
so, where's the party tonight ?
Happy Birthday Emmy
Ok then, go for 'Gippi' (bollywood movie)...:)
happy birthday emy...God bless your graceful heart!!!
Rizks, it was released last Thursday n I watched it already in IMAX.. the movie was nt that good or nt good at all, didn't like it.
Ok jokes apart.
I wish you have a fabolous b'day as its a weekend too...hav heard Iron-3 is in cinema, so go and watch some good movies with healthy meals and enjoy ur weekend...:)
Damn you broke my Steel heart, i know how does it looks when u have tears on a pillow
Mods don't ban him, he is just poor bald lungi foxy
really Sulie ? :(
tats so sad.
back to my newly pillow with 5Ltrs of tears on it ! :(
You are successfully added to the iggy bin ,, The mod said
Oh Rizks, fake rumors again!!! he keep changing his decision ,,, Actually emy desperately i need ur birthday party!
No No Mods plz dont do tat instead pick this dirty pillow headed Sulieman from his ears and throw him in the iggy bin....:)
thank u sweet happy fea :)
Rizks it is a new year for her ,, isn't it ?
U foxy
MODs Ban Rizks he is trying to destroy my reputation by letting the QLers think that i am drunk :O(
lols frez, he said he will close his emporium tonight n invite all of us to a better place n for free as well.
Sulie thankx a ton, plz discuss about the party with Mr. Rizks :D
Happy bday emy
Rizks, yeah ur welcome, make the party pay everything and invite all Qlers and we r all there no worries :D thx in advance hihih
'happy new year' ? :(
Sulieman you featherless piegon are you OK ? :(
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday ,,Happy birthday
Happy birthday to EMYYYY
Wish you a happy new year full of Joy and Happiness, hope you can do the things that you couldn't this year.
now where is the party and the cake?
really emy, we made ur day- awww..you know how good and generous people we are ?
now likewise, you too make our day by inviting us for a b'day treat ? :)
wink wink
Happy birthday Bond Gal,,, we gonna gather at Rizks Emporium for birthday party of Deductive emy,,, please join us it's free karak n pappodum from Rizks!
You are welcome bond girl...:)
happygolucky, thank lots :)
UK tink Rizks Painther and Khanan, thanks all of u, U made my day really :)
if strepsil didn't work, try vicks :)
Happy Birthday Emmy! Have a blast and keep sharing your GM, Weekends and Quotation threads! :)
Enjoy your special day!
Happy Birth Day Emy007,
ahem ahem ahem......:)
Happy birthday and may God give Britexpat the strength to bear those GM threads ..:)
Nappy Burpday to you emy007 !
God bless with you more strength to post more 'Good Morning' threads on QL on daily basis and also patience to read the 'moans' from some for ur posts..:)
I was just going to ask the Mods to change the title of emy007 threads and HGL posted this this official emyoo7 birthday thread. Thanks buddy