Hall Pass and relationships.

This was a new one to me..
Apparently, if your relationship is in a rut, then one idea is to issue your partner with a "Hall Pass".
This allows him/her a few days of freedom to do whatever they want. no questions asked.
Sounds dangerous to me, but what say you.
Would you issue your partner with a "Hall Pass" ?
What did she expect Brit? For him to suddenly realize how great he had it with her after seeing the "nasty" strippers? Some women live in dream worlds.
If you need a hall pass, you're obviously in the wrong relationship.
I agree with you.
This type of action is open to abuse and asking for trouble..
Brit i think that this kind of problems is part of a relationship so i think the best thing to do is to have a break to talk things over.
Brit, I do not know why one partner give the other a hall pass. I think desperation may be one reason. But I do not believe in such things. They can't be a remedy for problems in a relationship. IMHO.
One of the ladies said that her husband went off to a strip club and ended up with a prostitute. He has asked her to forgive him.
The only way this would "fix" their relationships is if their husbands behaved the same way as the husbands in the film, who realize that they love their wives too much to cheat on them. However I think these wives might be living in a dream world if they believe that's going to happen!
Actually, this was a topic discussed on a morning chat show in Blighty this week and a couple of women actually rang in to say that they had given their husbands such passes to help fix their relationships.. :o)
I think you need to stop confusing Owen Wilson movies with reality Brit :)
If a man or a woman is intent on an affair they do not seek or need a 'Hall Pass' - they just go ahead and do it.
They in my opinion have far more issues than a person that hands over a 'Hall Pass' - the person that hands that over is seeing if that partner will abuse it.
If I was *issed off with my marriage and my husband gave me a 'Hall Pass' I would see it as a test of where I stood in the 'loyalty test' of our relationship.
I could do two things - take it as a test and review our relationship or I could take the easy cowardly route and see it as permission to ruin everything that I hold dear.
Hall Pass is good. Sometimes it gets boring to see the face of the same person. So everybody needs some freedom. It's a good idea to mend the relationships and keep it going smooth. I always have hall pass.
You have hit the nail on the head. The partner suggests a "hall pass" because they realise that something is wrong with the relationship and gives the other person carte blanche to do ANYTHING. This includes sex, drinking, going to topless bars etc etc.
So, the question arises - why would a partner give such a pass. Perhaps its as a last resort to save the relationship.
I have the "hole" pass all my life...ooops...sorry I meant Hall Pass...my wife is okay with that...well actually, that's not strictly true....hmmm..i can't chat/play with my kids pass 9 p.m. weekdays....
I don't see why a "hall pass" would be necessary if it is for a weekend away with the boys/girls or a night out...that should be possible in any relationship. IMHO the desire for a "hall pass" shows there is something wrong.
You got away with the word *hag rofl - you have my admiration forever now :-)
I can see why some people would leave even for a one night stand - I am not a mug at all - he would be battered - and if I did it - I would expect grief too and quite rightly so.
To me though – and I am very traditional in so many ways – I would not give up my family life for a meaningless *hag.
I would hope – we could get through it.
I sincerely hope I never have to eat my words.
I interpreted the hall pass as a chance to shag someone else. If another person isn't involved sexually, then I'm all for it..I have no issues with him going to play golf for the weekend or to Prague for a piss up.
Cabbage: I'm extremely old fashioned, I give my all in a relationship and expect the same in return,. I would leave if he had a one night stand or an affair.
I think there is a difference with a man or a woman being a tadded *issed off with their relationship and doing something really stupid like a one night stand and somebody embarking on a full 'affair'.
A one night stand is *ex; an affair destroys families.
If my husband had a 'one night stand' he would be in the dog house for quite a while but to deceive, contrive situations to meet your lover and then proclaim 'love' for that other is far more serious.
Any relationship that comes together on the back off an affair is doomed IMHO- because let's face it they know each other cannot be 'trusted'.
This Hall Pass - if it is the Green Light for somebody to start an affair is wrong – if it is a way of somebody having a chill and doing stuff they liked before marriage like a weekend of golf or for the woman; Spa treatments – then that is fine by me.
Not sure...
No way Jose! If you don't suffocate your partner in the fitst place they won't feel the need for a hall pass. If my hubby even thought about suggesting this, I'd be on the first flight back to London!
the "Hail Pass" gives you carte blanche without any questions - so it is different from being able to do things freely within a relationship.
At an extreme case, the Hall Pass allows you to have sex with someone else without being questioned.
Agree with No Merci... could not have put it better myself...
One should always be able to do what one wants to do, even if one is in a relationship. If it is a good relationship, one will not feel that there are uncomfortable restrictions.
Being in a relationship should not mean one has to give up ones life or personality.
If it feels that way, then maybe one is with the wrong partner.
Just a concept thought up by someone to sell movie tickets, the movie is rather funny. Link above
If the 'Hall Pass' is for them to go on the lash or a weekend away with mates or some R & R away from stresses; then sure he could have a Hall Pass - as long as I got one too.
If it is a 'pass' for infidelity - then NO.
If you are in a relationship, then that in itself assumes certain boundries. So, in reality, you cannot or should not do whatever you want...
Brit is asking if you'd issue your partner one, not for personal use. :)
if it's in a rut, just trash!
No, since when does "doing what ever you want" help to fix a relationship? It's just carte blanche for cheating...and cheating makes things worse, not better. IMHO