Hala Cards Qtel /\ Problem !!!

Any one having the same problem as me ???
sometimes using my hala card, i call an international line .. to lebanon usually, for a missed call or a call...
but when calling 60 % of the times i call, i LOOSE UNITS WITHOUT TAKING OR EVEN HEARING THE MOBILE RING !!!
i call the number, and wait for the ring tone ... but i cant hear any tone !! ... when i end the call ... my mobile inform me about a call duration exp : 15 seconds .. or 5 seconds .. whatever !!
when i check my units .. i found that my units are reduced !!
and the weird thing is that the guys im calling in lebanon !! dont receive my call !! not even a missed call !!! their mobile never ringed !!
sometimes i hear nothing ... and when i close this thing happens .. sometimes i hear a very wired tone !!! ringing but in a very weird way !! and when i close ... units are reduced !!! and the guy i called do not receive my call ... !!!!!
and units keep reducing and reducing !!
2 of my friends .. have same problem .. one is caling Equador and the other is calling lebanon too .....
i called qtel they said remove your card and put it again !! hahaha funny !! but i did it !! cause weired things happens in Qatar .. but certainly ..nothing changed !! i keep losing my units !!
so anyone !!! anyone !! is a Qtel victim !!!
pls. send me details of your manpower requirements thru PM.
Try E mnailing them LOL
They had my problem fixed the next day lol
Dude its XMAS the circuits are busy at the country your trying to call...
You can't teach experience...
I called the Qtel customer service. Their reply was that everything is perfect with Qtel and it is the problem with the destination country you are calling to. I don't understand how telephone operators in all the countries other than Qatar has the same problem.
to be a monthly bill line!
cheaper and better!
I usually call lebanon, and nothing happens like what you said! So, i guess its the prepaid that has problems!
We need to hire some manpower for our newly opened company. Could anybody guide me to some good manpower recruitment agencies!
Yes, I too have the same problem. Whenever I call Saudi or India, with no signs of any dial tone, I loose charges. Sure, I too will call 111 and register the complaint.
yeah ... but qatar is a small country ... so if you call qtel .. and tell about the problem .. and everybody does that !!! it will make a difference ..... i called 111 and inform them .. they will call me within 72 hours to try fixing the problem .. but they said .. to tell each one who is having the same problem .. to call 111 qtel .. and inform them ....
it's the same thing that happened to me.. it's the small way on how qtel cheats..