Guys of QL, Spa Day or Gym?

By Happy Happy •
Women often think of the Spa day as a prefect getaway to wrap themselves in calmness, and spend quality time off and away from the mundane daily routine i.e. from him and the
What about men? they need time off as well. Is it too sissy for a man to be a regular spa goer? Or you guys would probably prefer hitting the gym to go bulk up muscles.
i like goin to spa to pamper myself once a while.i love goin to gym as often as i can coz its good for me.Women dnt build muscles like men do, we get fit firmed and toned muscles..on my first month here last june i enjoyed walking at corniche w/my sis. i also watch we can do and appreciate new things when we see the benefit it does to us,,
...All the three responses about Doctor Fish mentioned the word "weird"!! and bones with no skin?! I'm not backing down yet, I want to live this horror experience more than ever...:P
How about Traditional Hammams; Turkish or Moroccan?
i have tried fish spa in HK HKD$200 for 1 hour, it really feels weird that hundreds of fish are sucking your feet and skin,, the last thing on my mind was pulling out my feet and finding out it's only bones left, :)) but it's nice to try once i guess,
Have a great day.
I did the fish spa thing in Thailand.. it's SO weird. Only did up to the knees though, and your skin feels really smooth afterwards.
Of course I followed that with a hardcore workout and some steak haha!
this is way of torture as I know ....... only seen in horror movies .... but for leisure !! weird
...Frugaluga, believe it or not, I'd like to be wrong!
...Has anyone been to fish spas? I cannot bring myself to dangle those feet for the little "monsters" to nibble on them.
From your last update it seems that your prediction will be on the money! with regards to the for and against a spa.
....britexpat, this is a cool hobby. I know it, because I like my car so much as well as its sound system with full volume on, as you already know..:))
But there is no work I can do on my car, except buy more music to spice up the drive with upbeat tunes ..:P
I have an old classic car and I like to spend time working on it.. It spends more time off the road than on, but its fun :O)
....britexpat, this is great! if I may ask, what do you do with your car?
flanostu, I'm impressed! I'd go for back message every other day if I could. Facial is not my specialty..:)
And the count would be:
Yes: 7
No: 11
I like to have a Sauna and a short swim. However to really relax, I like to work on my car... :O)
....MODs, excuse me, there is trash here "on the door" needs taken care of.
Thanks in advance.
If u need massage to realax ........just mail me ...its Massage on the door..............[
If u need massage to realax ........just mail me ...its Massage on the [email protected]
....alvinlost, I guess in the Philippines the spas are throughout the country, easily accessible and reasonably priced?
There are many Tai message centers in Qatar, but not as many spas.
...6 YES- 11 NO.....COOL
Most weekend I go to the beach.
i'd go for a facial everyday if i could.
back home... I go to spa atleast once a week... to have a full body massage.... here in qatar, never tried any spa...
what is it like here in qatar?
....OK samir_yassir 4 Yes- 10 No!
No one bathes anymore...:)
Im with you on that one...the gym looks like too much hard work!!
.....patrickfontdean, you're absolutely right, Roman bath ruins are touristy archaeological destinations.
Can you believe it? sorry, but we pay money to go all the way to another hemisphere to visit the deserted toilets pre-civilizations.. LOL
Actually if I really have to choose with a gun pointed at my head only between these two, Spa or Gym then I will say Spa :o)
If alone its a big NO!!! but with some one I prefer to be with its hell yeah, so u could count me a yes
.....I don't know why I panic when my thread moves to QL's front page! It's not like I'm on Oprah Show!
Anyway,I can understand fishing and running, but sitting on the coach eating wafers, Arien?
Ok, we're 3 Yes - 11 No.
Running for me
fishing for me
I prefer being on ma couch with ma TV on, a JD on the rocks with some wafers :))
Hey Happy. You asked, I gave, my opinion. I can't dispute that Spa Houses have been around since Roman times (maybe before?), that is completely true...
Ironically, Romans go to the spa, SPArtans go to the gym haha!
I enjoy the gym.
...Frugaluga, good night, and best regards to your family.
goodnight and god bless...
...It's been great talking with you too. UK people rock, a fact I've known for long..:)
I'll make sure to follow your advice..
Happy...from my experience (which is minimal, as i only know 1 egyptian) you are good people... and i have no doubts that you are the same... i guess looking through the thread that i have managed to turn the subject... but thanks for the chat and please do not post any more ads for good shoe shops!!! :0)or bags, or spa's, or anything that my wife could spend money on!!
....Thanks. Enjoy the company..:)
...Btw, you can always click on QLers' avatars to read their profile. Of course don't believe everything you read. We all claim we're wonderful heavenly gifts.
i have a really good friend from Egypt.. you people are really funny bye the way (sense of humour)... he will be over here in august to visit! i now know 2 egyptians! wow...well i now talk to two egyptians and know 1.. but so what!! :0)
...Frugaluga, Egypt.
and where is home? sorry, although ive been in Qatar over 12 months, im relatively new to QL.
...Frugaluga, that's what women are all about, to support each other and gang up against you
I buy shoes in Qatar mainly from Aldo, the rest are from back home.
I have already managed to keep the fact that Jimmy choo have a shop here, so bye posting ideas on here, you are really not helping!! :0)
...good for you, I was just going to advise her to visit Damas Jewellery in Qatar for the best unique expensive pieces, to top it all...specially if it's your treat Frugaluga ...:)
We're 3-8 so far!
im glad she's not and more glad she's not reading!! :0)
.....Frugaluga, I hope she's on QL and reading on...:)))
Please, please, please, please do not mention the bags!!!!!!!!!!! :0(
....Frugaluga, I'm very happy for the both of you. About the shoes, you're forgetting a bag to go with each pair of shoes...:P
all of my best times have been shared with my wife.. if we ever wanted to try something new eg massages..we will always do it together..and it is not always good, but by being there together we can always have a laugh after, reguardless of the outcome... but the shoe's dilema keeps going on....
....Frugaluga, this is one thing I wanted to share, going with your wife to a spa is such a great treat for both spouses. It means a lot to the wife, knowing that her husband is dedicating that time for her.
And don't get me started on the shoes, pair of shoes for each outfit.
Yeah, the spa's are unisex.. it is a very liberal country as far as things like that go.. my wife and myself were together when we had the Thai massage by the way, and as i said it was wonderful... apart from being a bit sore the next day.... no pain no gain i guess... but the lady did tell us to expect it... my wife then went for a steam bath, pedicure, manicure, shoe shop, lipstick shop and general shop! lol... :0) as posted before why so many shoe's for only 2 feet i dont know??!!?? i have one pair of trainers and one pair of shoes! if i need to replace i swear it only takes 5 mins tops!!!!!!!!! :0)
.....Goodnight happygolucky, stay happy and always lucky insha'Allah...:)
I am now feeling the after spa effect on me....time to hit the bed...see you all in the morning....Good Night...:)
.....LOL, I'm loving this Thriller comment!
.....Are Spas in Prague unisex? I've never been into mixed Spas, I wouldn't even know if men-only spas are replicas of ours or not. I hear they're cool.
i swear it was one of the best things i have ever experienced, just didnt expect her to do a rendition of "thriller" on my back.. very very professional place by the way so i think(hope) they knew what they were doing.
...Frugaluga, lesson learnt, never look up again until after the session's over...LOL
.....Frugaluga, they do professionally walk on your spine, for back message, you'd feel so freshly stretched afterwards.
But one wrong move by your masseuse, and you're on wheelchair for good, God forbid.
must admit that when i went to Prague i went for a Thai massage... it was quite funny actually because when i looked up, about 10 minutes into the massage, she was doing a Michael Jackson moonwalk on my back....very very good...and nice oils to finish! all the knots and stress taken out of the muscles...lovely!
.....LOL, happygolucky, it looks like you've just won the title of the QL Sir...:P
Happy like I have to live with the 'sir' from you....:)
.....happygolucky sir, yes, I'm more attracted to Spas in Asia. Ginger tea, relaxing music, aroma oils, and the whole ambiance is incredible. And they're reasonably priced compared to other parts of the world.
.....Frugaluga, thanks a lot..:)
I would never have tried to guess what the response would be from QL'rs! :0) some wonderful characters on here with pretty different views...good thread bye the way!
Happy Happy, I would recommend Thailand for spa.
and dont call me sir...I suddenly feel too old....:)
i dont need no sauna, am evergreen, lush and antioxidant TREE
....Frugaluga, I thought it would be 60%-70% nays. However, I thought I'd test my educated guess, specially that we have diverse communities on QL.
....lemontree, hit the sauna, you'll faint in 5 minutes, then will get back to your senses. As for me, I faint after 90 steamy seconds.
...I love you daddy, he picks on me for being a spoilt kid, he says.
what sort of ratio for and against would you have guessed?
.... shapil, 3 yes, 8 no-no.
u should tell me that...coz u were in my head trekking short cuts in jungle of small roads, between a b c d e ring roads
...LOL, lemontree, you again! I swear I mean it! a walk along Doha corniche is a blast. I do visit the spa every couple of months, for message, to release the entire work dump, then start taking it in again.
Where do you go for jungle trekking in Doha..??
some years ago i would have said Gym but now its bar.
....and 1 goes for trekking or walk on the Corniche in lovely Doha…
...Halleluiah! 3-7
...3 men visit the spa, and 7 don't on this thread so far.
happygolucky, which spa destination would you recommend? genesis said Dubai. I have an opinion too, but after you sir...:)
gym....anytime. spas, only when am on vacation.
I would hit the spa....
...Ya samir_yassir, thanks for the compliment ...:P
For the first time in my whole life I could see a person who can argue and defend so many as u can, no one should argue with u, u will go beyond the limits to prove your point its a very respectful aspect in a woman, yet sometimes very irritating for ignorant people, and being ignorant nowadays is a bless
....patrickfontdean, bathhouses existed and have been in use since medieval times, by both men and women.
gym. spas are for girls!
....jackmohan2007, tennis is an enjoyable liberating passion, and a great body exercise too.
I prefer hitting the tennis ball...on the 1st week I could play only 20 minutes...2nd week was we play about 1 and half hour nonstop!
...hahahaa, yeah, I gave up on my piano playing career for my nails! I was instructed to have to have my nails trimmed to the bones….Not in a million years...:))
Women and their nails?!!?? my wife is very much the same... if shoes and manicure/pedicures were not invented then i would be a rich man...why so many shoes for only 2 feet???
...Bluemountain, I HATE sauna too!
.........Frugaluga, it's very different for me, breaking a nail is a black day for me, I place bandage to hide the beauty
This is summer so I have Suna for everyday so I don't need spa or gym
my toe nails protect my feet from falling cases! rather like work boots steel toe caps..
.....Frugaluga, you're not afraid of the heavy "beer cases" falling on your toes, and afraid of nail clippers??
Confess, confess guys..:)
they have chainsaws to cut my toe nails then im afraid its pointless!!
.....Just what I've been thinking. Although Spas have learned how to create a gender-neutral atmosphere, yet men are thinking about it as a manicure and pedicure session.
:( go...and walk along corniche..i dont care...i shall rather sit back and relax
lifting all those cases of beer givess me the exercise i need! :0P
....lemontree, you just copied me, this is no telepathy sir, this is called trickery ...:))
genesis, Turkish hamam is an awesome experience.
happy see it for yourself...we think alike
we just sit back and relax...and are absolutely thoughtless
I'd rather go trekking or walk on the Corniche in lovely Doha…
....Spa isn't my favorite at all. It's for the oldies...:P
I'd rather go trekking or walk on the Corniche in lovely Doha…
When i have time, i rather invest it at the gym
to be honest, i'm not a fan of SPAs . Although the gym i go to has one of the best SPAs in doha,Still i never tried any of their treatments not even the sauna room and rather join an aerobic class instead
when i'm in vacation , i would try SPAs treatments. I'd go for everything facials, Turkish baths & massages.
I've been to many destinations. I think the best men SPAs with unique concepts are in Dubai.
Rather go fishing in Al Khor or somewhere far. Feel the calmness of the sea and use the so called "nothing box" im my brain...
I prefer hitting on beautiful women (singles for sure)
....LOL, didn't see that answer coming....
I prefer hitting the bar :(